# # This file is part of the ballast gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun <shogun@cowtech.it>. # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit. # require "spec_helper" describe Ballast::Middlewares::DefaultHost do describe "#initialize" do it "should save the app and load default hosts" do expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).with("PATH").and_return({"production" => "HOST"}) subject = Ballast::Middlewares::DefaultHost.new("APP", "PATH") expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@app)).to eq("APP") expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@hosts)).to eq({"production" => "HOST"}) end end describe "#call" do before(:example) do expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).with("PATH").and_return({"production" => "HOST"}) end subject { Ballast::Middlewares::DefaultHost.new(Proc.new { |env| env }, "PATH") } it "should correctly replace the IP if the environment is found" do ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "production" expect(subject.call({"SERVER_NAME" => "", "HTTP_HOST" => ""})).to eq({"SERVER_NAME" => "HOST", "HTTP_HOST" => "HOST", "ORIG_SERVER_NAME" => "", "ORIG_HTTP_HOST" => ""}) end it "should not replace the IP if the environment is not found" do ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "staging" expect(subject.call({"SERVER_NAME" => "", "HTTP_HOST" => ""})).to eq({"SERVER_NAME" => "", "HTTP_HOST" => ""}) end it "should not replace a non IP host" do expect(subject.call({"SERVER_NAME" => "abc", "HTTP_HOST" => "cde"})).to eq({"SERVER_NAME" => "abc", "HTTP_HOST" => "cde"}) end end end