import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { findModel, } from 'mobx-decorated-models'; import { readonly } from 'core-decorators'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import { isEmpty, isNil, find, extend, assign, pick, map, isArray, } from 'lodash'; import { action, observable, computed } from 'mobx'; import './date-type'; import Sync from './sync'; import Config from '../config'; import { toSentence, humanize } from '../lib/util'; import ModelCollection from './collection'; export { identifiedBy, belongsTo, hasMany, } from 'mobx-decorated-models'; export { action, autorun, } from 'mobx'; export { field, session, identifier, } from './decorators'; export { observable, computed, }; export class BaseModel { static get propType() { return PropTypes.instanceOf(this); } static findDerived(name) { return findModel(name); } static get assignableKeys() { return Array.from(this.$schema.keys()); } static get propertyOptions() { const options = {}; this.$schema.forEach((val, name) => { options[name] = val.options; }); return options; } static get syncUrl() { invariant(this.identifiedBy, 'must have an identifiedBy property in order to calulate syncUrl'); return `${Config.api_path}/${this.identifiedBy}`; } static get identifierFieldName() { const field = find(Array.from(this.$schema.values()), { type: 'identifier' }); invariant(field, 'identifierFieldName called on a model that has not designated one with `@identifier`'); return; } static get Collection() { if (!this.$collection) { this.$collection = new ModelCollection(this); } return this.$collection; } constructor(attrs) { if (!isEmpty(attrs)) { this.set(attrs); } } @readonly isModel = true; @observable syncInProgress = false; @observable lastServerMessage = ''; @observable errors = {}; @computed get errorMessage() { return this.errors ? toSentence( map(this.errors, (v, k) => ( 'base' === k ? v : `${humanize(k)} ${v}` )), ) : ''; } @computed get isValid() { return isNil(this.errors) || isEmpty(this.errors); } @computed get isNew() { return isNil(this.identifierFieldValue); } @computed get identifierFieldValue() { return this[this.constructor.identifierFieldName]; } @computed get syncUrl() { const path = this.constructor.syncUrl; return this.isNew ? path : `${path}/${this.identifierFieldValue}`; } set(attrs = {}) { assign(this, pick(attrs, this.constructor.assignableKeys)); return this; } @action reset() { this.constructor.assignableKeys.forEach((k) => { this[k] = null; }); } set syncData(data) { if (!data) { return this; } if (isArray(data) && data.length) { this.update(data[0]); } else { this.update(data); } return this; } @computed get syncData() { return this.serialize(); } fetch(options = {}) { invariant((!this.isNew || options.query), 'Unable to fetch record without it’s identifier being set or a query'); const fetchOptions = extend(options, { limit: 1, method: 'GET' }); if (!fetchOptions.query) { fetchOptions.query = { [`${this.constructor.identifierFieldName}`]: this.identifierFieldValue }; } return Sync.forModel(this, fetchOptions); } save(options = {}) { return Sync.forModel(this, options); } destroy(options = {}) { return Sync.forModel(this, extend(options, { action: 'destroy' })); } } export default BaseModel;