# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- $:.push File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) require 'listen/version' Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = 'listen' s.version = Listen::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ['Thibaud Guillaume-Gentil', 'Maher Sallam'] s.email = ['thibaud@thibaud.me', 'maher@sallam.me'] s.homepage = 'https://github.com/guard/listen' s.license = 'MIT' s.summary = 'Listen to file modifications' s.description = 'The Listen gem listens to file modifications and notifies you about the changes. Works everywhere!' s.required_rubygems_version = '>= 1.3.6' s.rubyforge_project = 'listen' s.add_dependency 'rb-fsevent', '>= 0.9.3' s.add_dependency 'rb-inotify', '>= 0.9' s.add_dependency 'rb-kqueue', '>= 0.2' s.add_development_dependency 'bundler' s.add_development_dependency 'rspec' s.files = Dir.glob('{lib}/**/*') + %w[CHANGELOG.md LICENSE README.md] s.require_path = 'lib' end