# encoding: utf-8 require "simplecov" require "tmpdir" require "fileutils" require "minitest/autorun" require "shoulda" require "timeout" require "logger" require "date" # require gem files require "roo" require "minitest/reporters" if ENV["USE_REPORTERS"] Minitest::Reporters.use!( [ Minitest::Reporters::DefaultReporter.new, Minitest::Reporters::SpecReporter.new ] ) end TESTDIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "files") ROO_FORMATS = [ :excelx, :excelxm, :openoffice, :libreoffice ] require "helpers/test_accessing_files" require "helpers/test_comments" require "helpers/test_formulas" require "helpers/test_labels" require "helpers/test_sheets" require "helpers/test_styles" # very simple diff implementation # output is an empty string if the files are equal # otherwise differences a printen (not compatible to # the diff command) def file_diff(fn1,fn2) result = "" File.open(fn1) do |f1| File.open(fn2) do |f2| while f1.eof? == false and f2.eof? == false line1 = f1.gets.chomp line2 = f2.gets.chomp result << "<#{line1}\n>#{line2}\n" if line1 != line2 end if f1.eof? == false while f1.eof? == false line1 = f1.gets result << "<#{line1}\n" end end if f2.eof? == false while f2.eof? == false line2 = f2.gets result << ">#{line2}\n" end end end end result end class File def File.delete_if_exist(filename) if File.exist?(filename) File.delete(filename) end end end def local_server(port) raise ArgumentError unless port.to_i > 0 "{port}" end def start_local_server(filename, port = nil) require "rack" content_type = filename.split(".").last port ||= TEST_RACK_PORT web_server = Proc.new do |env| [ "200", { "Content-Type" => content_type }, [File.read("#{TESTDIR}/#{filename}")] ] end t = Thread.new { Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run web_server, Host: "", Port: port , Logger: WEBrick::BasicLog.new(nil,1) } # give the app a chance to startup sleep(0.2) yield ensure t.kill end # call a block of code for each spreadsheet type # and yield a reference to the roo object def with_each_spreadsheet(options) if options[:format] formats = Array(options[:format]) invalid_formats = formats - ROO_FORMATS unless invalid_formats.empty? raise "invalid spreadsheet types: #{invalid_formats.join(', ')}" end else formats = ROO_FORMATS end formats.each do |format| begin yield Roo::Spreadsheet.open(File.join(TESTDIR, fixture_filename(options[:name], format))) rescue => e raise e, "#{e.message} for #{format}", e.backtrace unless options[:ignore_errors] end end end def get_extension(oo) case oo when Roo::OpenOffice ".ods" when Roo::Excelx ".xlsx" end end def fixture_filename(name, format) case format when :excelx "#{name}.xlsx" when :excelxm "#{name}.xlsm" when :openoffice, :libreoffice "#{name}.ods" else raise ArgumentError, "unexpected format #{format}" end end def skip_long_test msg = "This is very slow, test use `LONG_RUN=true bundle exec rake` to run it" skip(msg) unless ENV["LONG_RUN"] end def skip_jruby_incompatible_test msg = "This test uses a feature incompatible with JRuby" skip(msg) if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) end def with_timezone(new_tz) if new_tz begin prev_tz, ENV['TZ'] = ENV['TZ'], new_tz yield ensure ENV['TZ'] = prev_tz end else yield end end