# This is the main graphing class used for generating svg graphs. # # :author: Christopher Giroir require 'color' class Lilygraph # Default options for the initializer DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { :height => '100%', :width => '100%', :indent => 2, :padding => 14, :bar_text => true, :viewbox => { :width => 800, :height => 600 }, :margin => { :top => 50, :left => 50, :right => 50, :bottom => 100 } } # An array of labels to use on the y axis. Make sure you have the right number # of labels. The size of this array should = the size of the data array. attr_accessor :labels # This is the data for the graph. It should be an array where every item is # either a number or an array of numbers. # # Examples: # For a simple bar graph: data=[1,2,3] # For a grouped bar graph: data=[[1,10],[2,20],[3,30]] attr_accessor :data # Returns a new graph creator with some default options and other options that you pass. # # The options has includes: # :height - String to use as height parameter on the svg tag. Default is '100%'. # :width - String to use as width parameter on the svg tag. Default is '100%'. # :indent - Indent option to the XmlMarkup object. Defaults to 2. # :padding - Number of svg units in between two bars. # :viewbox - Hash of :height and :width keys to use for the viewbox parameter of the svg tag. Defaults to { :height => 600, :width => 800 }. # :margin - Hash of margins to use for graph (in svg units). Defaults to { :top => 50, :left => 50, :right => 50, :bottom => 100 }. def initialize(options = {}) @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @data = [] @labels = [] end # Updates the graph options with items from the passed in hash def update_options(options = {}) @options = @options.merge(options) end # This returns a string of the graph as an svg. You can pass in a block in # order to add your own items to the graph. Your block is passed the XmlMarkup # object to use as well as the options hash in case you need to use some of # that data. def render output = "" xml = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target => output, :indent => @options[:indent]) # Output headers unless we specified otherwise xml.instruct! xml.declare! :DOCTYPE, :svg, :PUBLIC, "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN", "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd" xml.svg(:viewBox => "0 0 #{@options[:viewbox][:width]} #{@options[:viewbox][:height]}", :width => @options[:width], :height => @options[:height], :xmlns => 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', :version => '1.1') do |xml| xml.g(:fill => 'black', :stroke => 'black', 'stroke-width' => '2', 'font-family' => 'Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', 'font-size' => '10px', 'font-weight' => 'medium') do |xml| # Outline xml.rect(:x => @options[:margin][:left], :y => @options[:margin][:top], :width => graph_width, :height => graph_height, :fill => 'lightgray') xml.g 'stroke-width' => '1' do |xml| # Title xml.text(@options[:title], 'font-size' => '24px', :x => (@options[:viewbox][:width] / 2.0).round, :y => (@options[:subtitle] ? 24 : 32), 'text-anchor' => 'middle') if @options[:title] xml.text(@options[:subtitle], 'font-size' => '18px', :x => (@options[:viewbox][:width] / 2.0).round, :y => 34, 'text-anchor' => 'middle') if @options[:subtitle] # Lines xml.g 'font-size' => '10px' do |xml| line_x1 = @options[:margin][:left] + 1 line_x2 = @options[:viewbox][:width] - @options[:margin][:right] - 1 text_x = @options[:margin][:left] - 25 xml.text 0, :x => text_x, :y => (@options[:viewbox][:height] - @options[:margin][:bottom] + 4), 'stroke-width' => 0.5 1.upto((max / 10) - 1) do |line_number| y = (@options[:margin][:top] + (line_number * dy)).round xml.line :x1 => line_x1, :y1 => y, :x2 => line_x2, :y2 => y, :stroke => '#666666' xml.text max - line_number * 10, :x => text_x, :y => y + 4, 'stroke-width' => 0.5 # Smaller Line xml.line(:x1 => line_x1, :y1 => y + (0.5 * dy), :x2 => line_x2, :y2 => y + (0.5 * dy), :stroke => '#999999') if max < 55 end xml.text max, :x => text_x, :y => @options[:margin][:top] + 4, 'stroke-width' => 0.5 # Smaller Line xml.line(:x1 => line_x1, :y1 => @options[:margin][:top] + (0.5 * dy), :x2 => line_x2, :y2 => @options[:margin][:top] + (0.5 * dy), :stroke => '#999999') if max < 55 end # Labels xml.g 'text-anchor' => 'end', 'font-size' => '12px', 'stroke-width' => 0.3 do |xml| @labels.each_with_index do |label, index| x = (@options[:margin][:left] + (dx * index) + (dx / 2.0)).round y = @options[:viewbox][:height] - @options[:margin][:bottom] + 15 xml.text label, :x => x, :y => y, :transform => "rotate(-45 #{x} #{y})" end end # Bars xml.g 'font-size' => '8px', 'stroke-width' => 0.3 do |xml| @data.each_with_index do |data, data_index| data = Array(data) width = dx - @options[:padding] bar_width = (width / Float(data.size)).round x = (@options[:margin][:left] + (dx * data_index)).round # Rectangles data.each_with_index do |number, number_index| color = Color::HSL.from_fraction(data_index * (1.0 / @data.size),1.0, 0.4 + (number_index * 0.2)).to_rgb height = ((dy / 10.0) * number).round bar_x = (x + ((dx - width) / 2.0) + (number_index * bar_width)).round bar_y = @options[:viewbox][:height] - @options[:margin][:bottom] - height xml.rect :fill => color.html, :stroke => color.html, 'stroke-width' => 0, :x => bar_x, :width => bar_width, :y => bar_y, :height => height - 1 end # Text if @options[:bar_text] data.each_with_index do |number, number_index| height = ((dy / 10.0) * number).round bar_x = (x + ((dx - width) / 2.0) + (number_index * bar_width)).round text_x = (bar_x + (bar_width / 2.0)).round bar_y = @options[:viewbox][:height] - @options[:margin][:bottom] - height text_y = bar_y - 3 xml.text number, :x => text_x, :y => text_y, 'text-anchor' => 'middle' end end end end # Yield in case they want to do some custom drawing and have a block ready yield xml, @options if block_given? end end end output end private def max ((((@data.map do |num| num.respond_to?(:max) ? num.max : num end.max || 0) + 5) / 10.0).ceil * 10).round end def graph_height @options[:viewbox][:height] - (@options[:margin][:top] + @options[:margin][:bottom]) end def graph_width @options[:viewbox][:width] - (@options[:margin][:left] + @options[:margin][:right]) end def number_of_slots @data.size end def dx graph_width / Float(number_of_slots) end def dy (graph_height * 10.0) / Float(max) end end