Feature: Stub a chain of methods The stub_chain method lets you to stub a chain of methods in one statement. Method chains are considered a design smell, but it's not really the method chain that is the problem - it's the dependency chain represented by a chain of messages to different objects: foo.get_bar.get_baz This is a Law of Demeter violation if get_bar() returns an object other than foo, and get_baz() returns yet another object. Fluent interfaces look similar from a caller's perspective, but don't represent a dependency chain (the caller depends only on the object it is calling). Consider this common example from Ruby on Rails: Article.recent.by(current_user) The recent() and by() methods return the same object, so this is not a Law of Demeter violation. Scenario: stub a chain of methods Given a file named "stub_chain_spec.rb" with: """ describe "stubbing a chain of methods" do subject { Object.new } context "given symbols representing methods" do it "returns the correct value" do subject.stub_chain(:one, :two, :three).and_return(:four) subject.one.two.three.should eq(:four) end end context "given a string of methods separated by dots" do it "returns the correct value" do subject.stub_chain("one.two.three").and_return(:four) subject.one.two.three.should eq(:four) end end end """ When I run "rspec stub_chain_spec.rb" Then the output should contain "2 examples, 0 failures"