# First Class Methods
# I think the best solution would be using the notation
# ::ameth. This would require some minor changes
# to Ruby, but with few backward incompatabilites if
# parantheticals revert back to the actual method invocation.
# Although this later stipulation means capitalized methods
# would not be accessible in this way b/c they would intefere with
# constant lookup. It's a trade off.
# Current Proposed Alternate
# ----------------- ------------------ -------------------
# Foo.Bar() method call method call method call
# Foo.Bar method call method call method call
# Foo.bar() method call method call method call
# Foo.bar method call method call method call
# Foo::Bar() method call method call 1st class method
# Foo::Bar constant lookup constant lookup constant lookup
# Foo::bar() method call method call 1st class method
# Foo::bar method call 1st class method 1st class method
# Then again this dosen't address bound versus unbound.
# Which do you prefer?
class Object
# Easy access to method as objects, and they retain state!
# def hello
# puts "Hello World!"
# end
# p method!(:hello) #=>
def method!(s)
( @__methods__ ||= {} )[s] ||= method(s)
# not needed
#class Module
# def instance_method!(s)
# ( @__instance_methods__ ||= {} )[s] ||= instance_method(s)
# end
# _____ _
# |_ _|__ ___| |_
# | |/ _ \/ __| __|
# | | __/\__ \ |_
# |_|\___||___/\__|
=begin test
require 'test/unit'
class TC_METHOD < Test::Unit::TestCase
class TestWith
def foo ; end
def test_method!
t = TestWith.new
assert_equal( t.method!(:foo).__id__, t.method!(:foo).__id__ )
assert_not_equal( t.method(:foo).__id__, t.method(:foo).__id__ )