# frozen_string_literal: true require 'bolt/error' require 'json' # Runs a command on the given set of targets and returns the result from each command execution. # This function does nothing if the list of targets is empty. # # > **Note:** Not available in apply block Puppet::Functions.create_function(:run_command) do # Run a command. # @param command A command to run on target. # @param targets A pattern identifying zero or more targets. See {get_targets} for accepted patterns. # @param options A hash of additional options. # @option options [Boolean] _catch_errors Whether to catch raised errors. # @option options [String] _run_as User to run as using privilege escalation. # @option options [Hash[String, Any]] _env_vars Map of environment variables to set # @return A list of results, one entry per target. # @example Run a command on targets # run_command('hostname', $targets, '_catch_errors' => true) dispatch :run_command do param 'String[1]', :command param 'Boltlib::TargetSpec', :targets optional_param 'Hash[String[1], Any]', :options return_type 'ResultSet' end # Run a command, logging the provided description. # @param command A command to run on target. # @param targets A pattern identifying zero or more targets. See {get_targets} for accepted patterns. # @param description A description to be output when calling this function. # @param options A hash of additional options. # @option options [Boolean] _catch_errors Whether to catch raised errors. # @option options [String] _run_as User to run as using privilege escalation. # @option options [Hash[String, Any]] _env_vars Map of environment variables to set # @return A list of results, one entry per target. # @example Run a command on targets # run_command('hostname', $targets, 'Get hostname') dispatch :run_command_with_description do param 'String[1]', :command param 'Boltlib::TargetSpec', :targets param 'String', :description optional_param 'Hash[String[1], Any]', :options return_type 'ResultSet' end def run_command(command, targets, options = {}) run_command_with_description(command, targets, nil, options) end def run_command_with_description(command, targets, description = nil, options = {}) unless Puppet[:tasks] raise Puppet::ParseErrorWithIssue .from_issue_and_stack(Bolt::PAL::Issues::PLAN_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED_WHEN_COMPILING, action: 'run_command') end options = options.transform_keys { |k| k.sub(/^_/, '').to_sym } options[:description] = description if description # Ensure env_vars is a hash and that each hash value is transformed to JSON # so we don't accidentally pass Ruby-style data to the target. if options[:env_vars] unless options[:env_vars].is_a?(Hash) raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Option 'env_vars' must be a hash" end if (bad_keys = options[:env_vars].keys.reject { |k| k.is_a?(String) }).any? raise Bolt::ValidationError, "Keys for option 'env_vars' must be strings: #{bad_keys.map(&:inspect).join(', ')}" end options[:env_vars] = options[:env_vars].transform_values do |val| [Array, Hash].include?(val.class) ? val.to_json : val end end executor = Puppet.lookup(:bolt_executor) inventory = Puppet.lookup(:bolt_inventory) # Send Analytics Report executor.report_function_call(self.class.name) # Ensure that given targets are all Target instances targets = inventory.get_targets(targets) if targets.empty? call_function('debug', "Simulating run_command('#{command}') - no targets given - no action taken") Bolt::ResultSet.new([]) else r = if executor.in_parallel require 'concurrent' require 'fiber' future = Concurrent::Future.execute do executor.run_command(targets, command, options, Puppet::Pops::PuppetStack.top_of_stack) end Fiber.yield('unfinished') while future.incomplete? future.value || future.reason else executor.run_command(targets, command, options, Puppet::Pops::PuppetStack.top_of_stack) end if !r.ok && !options[:catch_errors] raise Bolt::RunFailure.new(r, 'run_command', command) end r end end end