open Core.Std open Parser open Model open Utils open Codegen open Special_cases open Template type content = string let find_nested_files (name: string) (base: string): (string * content) list = Sys.ls_dir base |> List.filter ~f:(fun slug -> Sys.is_directory_exn (base ^ "/" ^ slug)) |> List.filter ~f:(fun slug -> Sys.file_exists_exn (base ^ "/" ^ slug ^ "/" ^ name)) |> ~f:(fun slug -> (slug, In_channel.read_all (base ^ "/" ^ slug ^ "/" ^ name))) let find_template_files = find_nested_files "" let find_canonical_data_files = find_nested_files "canonical-data.json" let combine_files (template_files: (string * content) list) (canonical_data_files: (string * content) list): (string * content * content) list = List.filter_map template_files ~f:(fun (n,t) -> (List.Assoc.find canonical_data_files ~equal:String.equal n |> ~f:(fun c -> (n,t,c)))) let generate_code ~(slug: string) ~(template_file: content) ~(canonical_data_file: content): (content, content) Result.t = let template = find_template template_file in let edit_expected = edit_expected ~stringify:parameter_to_string ~slug in let edit_parameters = edit_parameters ~slug in let fill_in_template = fill_in_template edit_expected edit_parameters in let open Result.Monad_infix in Result.of_option template ("cannot recognize file for " ^ slug ^ " as a template") >>= fun template -> parse_json_text canonical_data_file (expected_key_name slug) |> Result.map_error ~f:show_error >>= (function | Single cases -> fill_in_template template.template slug cases |> fill_tests template |> Result.return | Suite tests -> tests ~f:(fun {name;cases} -> (name, fill_in_template template.template name cases)) |> fill_suite template |> Result.return ) let output_tests (files: (string * content * content) list) (output_folder: string): unit = let output_filepath name = output_folder ^ "/" ^ name ^ "/" in let output1 (slug,t,c) = match generate_code slug t c with | Ok code -> Out_channel.write_all (output_filepath slug) code | Error e -> print_endline ("Failed when generating " ^ slug ^ ", error: " ^ e) in List.iter files ~f:output1 let run ~(templates_folder: string) ~(canonical_data_folder: string) ~(output_folder: string) = let template_files = find_template_files templates_folder in let canonical_data_files = find_canonical_data_files canonical_data_folder in let combined = combine_files template_files canonical_data_files in output_tests combined output_folder let check_canonical_data canonical_data_folder = let ok_count = ref 0 in let canonical_data_files = find_canonical_data_files canonical_data_folder in let canonical_data_files = List.sort canonical_data_files ~cmp:(fun (s1, _) (s2, _) -> s1 s2) in let total_count = List.length canonical_data_files in List.iter canonical_data_files ~f:(fun (slug, text) -> match parse_json_text text (expected_key_name slug) with | Error e -> print_endline @@ slug ^ ": " ^ (show_error e) | _ -> ok_count := !ok_count + 1 ); print_endline @@ "There are " ^ (Int.to_string total_count) ^ " exercises with canonical data, " ^ (Int.to_string !ok_count) ^ " can be parsed."