# Included into ViewScope to provide processing for attributes module AttributeScope # Take the attributes and create any bindings def process_attributes(tag_name, attributes) new_attributes = attributes.dup attributes.each_pair do |name, value| if name[0..1] == 'e-' process_event_binding(tag_name, new_attributes, name, value) else process_attribute(tag_name, new_attributes, name, value) end end return new_attributes end def process_event_binding(tag_name, attributes, name, value) id = add_id_to_attributes(attributes) event = name[2..-1] if tag_name == 'a' # For links, we need to add blank href to make it clickable. attributes['href'] ||= '' end # Remove the e- attribute attributes.delete(name) save_binding(id, "lambda { |__p, __t, __c, __id| EventBinding.new(__p, __t, __c, __id, #{event.inspect}, Proc.new {|event| #{value} })}") end def process_attribute(tag_name, attributes, attribute_name, value) parts = value.split(/(\{[^\}]+\})/).reject(&:blank?) binding_count = parts.count {|p| p[0] == '{' && p[-1] == '}'} # if this attribute has bindings if binding_count > 0 # Setup an id id = add_id_to_attributes(attributes) if parts.size > 1 # Multiple bindings add_multiple_attribute(tag_name, id, attribute_name, parts, value) elsif parts.size == 1 && binding_count == 1 # A single binding add_single_attribute(id, attribute_name, parts) end # Remove the attribute attributes.delete(attribute_name) end end # Add an attribute binding on the tag, bind directly to the getter in the binding def add_single_attribute(id, attribute_name, parts) getter = parts[0][1..-2] save_binding(id, "lambda { |__p, __t, __c, __id| AttributeBinding.new(__p, __t, __c, __id, #{attribute_name.inspect}, Proc.new { #{getter} }) }") end def add_multiple_attribute(tag_name, id, attribute_name, parts, content) case attribute_name when 'checked', 'value' if parts.size > 1 if tag_name == 'textarea' raise "The content of text area's can not be bound to multiple bindings." else # Multiple ReactiveValue's can not be passed to value or checked attributes. raise "Multiple bindings can not be passed to a #{attribute_name} binding." end end end reactive_template_path = add_reactive_template(content) save_binding(id, "lambda { |__p, __t, __c, __id| AttributeBinding.new(__p, __t, __c, __id, #{attribute_name.inspect}, Proc.new { ReactiveTemplate.new(__p, __c, #{reactive_template_path.inspect}) }) }") end def add_reactive_template(content) path = @path + "/_rv#{@binding_number}" new_handler = ViewHandler.new(path, false) @binding_number += 1 SandlebarsParser.new(content, new_handler) # Close out the last scope new_handler.scope.last.close_scope # Copy in the templates from the new handler new_handler.templates.each_pair do |key, value| @handler.templates[key] = value end return path end def add_id_to_attributes(attributes) id = attributes['id'] ||= "id#{@binding_number}" @binding_number += 1 return id.to_s end def attribute_string(attributes) attr_str = attributes.map {|v| "#{v[0]}=\"#{v[1]}\"" }.join(' ') if attr_str.size > 0 # extra space attr_str = " " + attr_str end return attr_str end end