object template pantest; # Very simple pan test file "/long/decimal" = 123; "/long/octal" = 0755; "/long/hexadecimal" = 0xFF; "/double/simple" = 0.01; "/double/pi" = 3.14159; "/double/exponent" = 1e-8; "/double/scientific" = 1.3E10; "/string/single" = 'Faster, but escapes like \t, \n and \x3d don''t work, but '' should work.'; "/string/double" = "Slower, but escapes like \t, \n and \x3d do work"; variable TEST = 2; "/x2" = to_string(TEST); "/x2" ?= 'Default value'; "/x3" = 1 + 2 + value("/long/decimal"); "/x4" = undef; "/x5" = null; variable e ?= error("Test error message"); # include gmond config for services-monitoring include { 'site/ganglia/gmond/services-monitoring' }; "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("httpd","2.2.3-43.sl5.3",PKG_ARCH_DEFAULT); "/software/packages"=pkg_repl("php"); # Example function function show_things_view_for_stuff = { thing = ARGV[0]; foreach( i; mything; STUFF ) { if ( thing == mything ) { return( true ); } else { return SELF; }; }; false; }; variable HERE = <