/** * NMF: Non-Negative Matrix Factorization * * Written by Roman Shterenzon * (Slightly modified by Y.Tsunesada: just added "const" qualifiers etc.) */ #include #include #include #include /* for multiplication */ #define THRESH 0.000001 #define MAXITER 1000 #undef DEBUG #define mm(a, b) gsl_matrix_mult(a, b) gsl_matrix * gsl_matrix_mult(const gsl_matrix *a, const gsl_matrix *b) { gsl_matrix *c; c = gsl_matrix_alloc(a->size1, b->size2); gsl_blas_dgemm(CblasNoTrans, CblasNoTrans, 1.0, a, b, 0.0, c); return c; } // pretty print void pp(const gsl_matrix *m) { int r, c; for(r=0; rsize1; r++) { for(c=0; csize2; c++) { printf(" %.2f", gsl_matrix_get(m, r, c)); } printf("\n"); } } /* Returns a distance cost */ double difcost(const gsl_matrix *a, const gsl_matrix *b) { int i, j; double dif=0, d; for (i=0; i < a->size1; i++) { for (j=0; j < a->size2; j++) { d = gsl_matrix_get(a, i, j) - gsl_matrix_get(b, i, j); dif += d*d; } } return dif; } static void initmatrix(gsl_matrix *m, double min, double max) { int i,j; double val; srand(time(NULL)); for(i=0; i < m->size1; i++) { for(j=0; j < m->size2; j++) { val = min + (int) (max * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + min))); gsl_matrix_set(m, i, j, val); } } } static double update(gsl_matrix *v, gsl_matrix *w, gsl_matrix *h) { double dist = 0; gsl_matrix *wt=NULL, *ht=NULL, *wh=NULL; gsl_matrix *w_h=NULL, *wt_w=NULL; gsl_matrix *wt_v = NULL; gsl_matrix *v_ht=NULL, *wt_w_h=NULL, *w_h_ht=NULL; wt = gsl_matrix_alloc(w->size2, w->size1); gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(wt, w); ht = gsl_matrix_alloc(h->size2, h->size1); gsl_matrix_transpose_memcpy(ht, h); // wt * v wt_v = mm(wt, v); // wt * w * h wt_w = mm(wt, w); wt_w_h = mm(wt_w, h); gsl_matrix_free(wt_w); // h = h.mul_elements(wt * v).div_elements(wt * w * h) gsl_matrix_mul_elements(h, wt_v); gsl_matrix_div_elements(h, wt_w_h); gsl_matrix_free(wt_v); gsl_matrix_free(wt_w_h); // v * ht v_ht = mm(v, ht); // w * h * ht w_h = mm(w, h); w_h_ht = mm(w_h, ht); gsl_matrix_free(w_h); // w = w.mul_elements(v * ht).div_elements(w * h * ht) gsl_matrix_mul_elements(w, v_ht); gsl_matrix_div_elements(w, w_h_ht); gsl_matrix_free(v_ht); gsl_matrix_free(w_h_ht); gsl_matrix_free(wt); gsl_matrix_free(ht); wh = mm(w, h); dist = difcost(v, wh); gsl_matrix_free(wh); // w and h were modified in place return dist; } /* The main thing - compute the nmf */ int gsl_matrix_nmf(gsl_matrix *v, int cols, gsl_matrix **w, gsl_matrix **h) { double dist = 1; int iter = 1; double min, max; #ifdef DEBUG printf("\nCols: %d\nv:\n", cols); pp(v); #endif gsl_matrix_minmax(v, &min, &max); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Min: %f, Max: %f\n", min, max); #endif *w = gsl_matrix_alloc(v->size1, cols); initmatrix(*w, min, max/2); // the multiplicative rules tend to increase w *h = gsl_matrix_alloc(cols, v->size2); initmatrix(*h, min, max); while(dist >= THRESH && iter < MAXITER) { dist = update(v, *w, *h); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Iteration: %d, distance: %f\n", iter, dist); printf("\nw:\n"); pp(*w); printf("\nh:\n"); pp(*h); printf("\n"); #endif iter++; } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Ended\n"); #endif return GSL_SUCCESS; }