class UsersController < ApplicationController # Protect these actions behind an admin login before_filter :find_user, :only => [:suspend, :unsuspend, :destroy, :purge] filter_parameter_logging 'password', 'password_confirmation' layout 'admin' def new render :text => "User signup is disabled", :layout => true unless can_create_public_user end def create unless can_create_public_user render :text => "User signup is disabled", :layout => true else begin cookies.delete :auth_token # protects against session fixation attacks, wreaks havoc with # request forgery protection. # uncomment at your own risk # reset_session @user =[:user]) @selected_plugin_titles = params[:user][:plugins] || [] @user.register! if @user.valid? if @user.errors.empty? @user.plugins = @selected_plugin_titles self.current_user = @user current_user.activate! current_user.update_attribute(:superuser, true) if User.count == 1 # this is the superuser if this user is the only user. redirect_back_or_default(admin_root_url) flash[:notice] = "Welcome to Refinery, #{current_user.login}." if User.count == 1 or RefinerySetting[:site_name] == "Company Name" refinery_setting = RefinerySetting.find_by_name("site_name") flash[:notice] << "
First let's give the site a name. Go here to edit your website's name" end else render :action => 'new' end end end end def activate self.current_user = params[:activation_code].blank? ? false : User.find_by_activation_code(params[:activation_code]) if logged_in? && ! current_user.activate! flash[:notice] = "Signup complete!" end redirect_back_or_default(root_url) end def forgot if if (user = User.find_by_email(params[:user][:email])).present? user.create_reset_code begin flash[:notice] = "An email has been sent to #{} with a link to reset your password." UserMailer.deliver_reset_notification(user, request) rescue "Error: email could not be sent for user password reset for user #{} with email #{}" end else flash[:notice] = "Sorry, #{params[:user][:email]} isn't associated with any accounts. Are you sure you typed the correct email address?" end redirect_back_or_default(forgot_url) end end def reset @user = User.find_by_reset_code(params[:reset_code]) unless params[:reset_code].nil? if if @user.update_attributes(:password => params[:user][:password], :password_confirmation => params[:user][:password_confirmation]) self.current_user = @user @user.delete_reset_code flash[:notice] = "Password reset successfully for #{}" redirect_back_or_default(admin_root_url) else render :action => :reset end end end protected def take_down_for_maintenance?;end def can_create_public_user User.count == 0 end end