2010-03-10 - 1.0.5 * Added cdiff example as an executable. * Disabled building of gemspec file. * Made an decolor executable, that removes colors from an io stream. * Match an additional way to clear the color in the COLORED_REGEXP for the uncolored method. 2009-07-23 - 1.0.4 * Some cleanup. * Build a gemspec file. 2007-10-05 - 1.0.3 * Better documentation + some code clean up. * Deleted autorequire from Rakefile. 2005-11-12 - 1.0.2 * Added DESTDIR in front of install path to make repackaging easier. Thanks to Tilman Sauerbeck for giving the hint. 2005-09-05 - 1.0.1 * Fixed install bug in Rakefile, reported by Martin DeMello 2004-12-23 - 1.0.0 * Added Term::ANSIColor.coloring[?=]? methods. Thanks, Thomas Husterer for the contribution. * Minor cleanup of code. * Documented visible methods in the module. 2004-09-28 - 0.0.4 * First release on Rubyforge * Supports Rubygems now 2003-10-09 - 0.0.3 * Added uncolored method as suggested by Thomas Husterer * Added attribute methods with string arguments * Deleted now unused files 2002-07-27 - 0.0.2 * Minor Code Cleanup * Added cdiff.rb 2002-06-12 - 0.0.1 * Initial Release