# JTRailsToolbox [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/jt-rails-toolbox.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/jt-rails-toolbox) JTRailsToolbox contains a list of common libs used for Ruby On Rails development. ## Installation JTRailsToolbox is distributed as a gem, which is how it should be used in your app. Include the gem in your Gemfile: gem 'jt-rails-toolbox', '~> 2.0' Create a `jt-toolbox.yml` file: rails g jt:toolbox A simple configuration of `jt-toolbox.yml` file: ```yml production: exception: slack: webhook_url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXXXXXXX email_prefix: '[ERROR]' sender_address: "Your website " exception_recipients: - my_email_for_errors@example.com files: folder: upload mail: from: "Your website " delivery_method: smtp smtp_settings: address: smtp.gmail.com port: 587 domain: example.com user_name: username password: password authentication: plain enable_starttls_auto: true hosts: host: https://www.example.com asset_host: https://asset.example.com cdn_host: https://cdn.example.com sidekiq: redis_url: redis://localhost:6379/my_app ``` ## What's in it? - [http_accept_language](https://github.com/iain/http_accept_language), helps you detect the users preferred language, as sent by the "Accept-Language" HTTP header - [dotenv](https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv), load environment variables from .env file - [Exception Notification](https://github.com/smartinez87/exception_notification), send notifications when errors occur (email, slack) - [paperclip](https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip), manage file upload - [sidekiq](https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq), manage background jobs - [validates_email_format_of](https://github.com/validates-email-format-of/validates_email_format_of), who doesn't need to validate email format? - [validates_phone_format_of](https://github.com/jonathantribouharet/validates_phone_format_of), validate phone against E.164 format - [rails-i18n](https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n) Default locale data - [jt-rails-meta](https://github.com/jonathantribouharet/jt-rails-meta) Manage HTML meta tags - [jt-rails-generator-user](https://github.com/jonathantribouharet/jt-rails-generator-user) Generate a scaffold for user authentication - [jt-rails-tokenizable](https://github.com/jonathantribouharet/jt-rails-tokenizable) Generate tokens for ActiveRecord models - [jt-rails-address](https://github.com/jonathantribouharet/jt-rails-address) Helpers for addresses / geolocation management - [jt-rails-enum](https://github.com/jonathantribouharet/jt-rails-enum) Enum in models - [validates_timeliness](https://github.com/adzap/validates_timeliness) Date and time validation plugin for ActiveModel - simplified configuration of hostnames and `ActionMailer` with a YAML file - some helper methods ### http_accept_language To install `http_accept_language` you just have to add a line in your `ApplicationController` ```ruby class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include HttpAcceptLanguage::AutoLocale end ``` ### Dotenv It's a good practice to not include credentials for third party services in your code. You can defined it in a `.env` file which I recommend to not include in your git repository. ### Exception Notification If `exception` is not set in `jt-toolbox.yml` file, Exception Notification is disabled. In addition to the default ignored exceptions, the following exceptions are also muted: - `ActionController::InvalidCrossOriginRequest` - `ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken` ### Paperclip - `convert_options` is set to `-strip`, which means all metadata of images are removed, this is used for reduced the weight of images. - `use_timestamp` is et to `false`, it's a good practice to have unique url for image and url without parameters, instead of using the timestamp we use the fingerprint of the image. [More informations here.](https://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip#md5-checksum--fingerprint) - the default fodler of images is `upload` (in public folder) ### Sidekiq - configured for `ActiveJob` - configured to send notification error with Exception Notification - redis url is by default `redis://localhost:6379/0` and the namespace is `#{name of your application}` for production and `#{name of your application}-{environment}` for others. #### Warning Don't forget to install redis server and to launch sidekiq with: ``` bundle exec sidekiq -e $RAILS_ENV -q default -q mailers -d -L log/sidekiq.log -P tmp/pids/sidekiq.pid ``` ### Hostname - `host` is the hostname of your website, it's used for setting the host when you email - `asset_host` is the hostname of the assets server. By default equal to `host`. - `cdn_host` is the hostname for serving uploaded files with paperclip. By default equal to `asset_host`. It's a good practice to have a different domains for your web server and your file server (search "Cookieless Domain" on google for more informations). ### ActionMailer ActionMailer can be configured easily just with `jt-toolbox.yml` file. ### Helper methods ### google_anaytics_tag It will add automatically in production environment the javascript code for Google Analytics. You just have add at the end of your `app/views/layouts/application.html.erb` file: ``` <%= google_anaytics_tag 'UA-XXXXXXX-X' %> ``` ## Author - [Jonathan Tribouharet](https://github.com/jonathantribouharet) ([@johntribouharet](https://twitter.com/johntribouharet)) ## License JTRailsToolbox is released under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.