require 'fileutils' require 'unix_utils' class RemoteTable # @private class LocalCopy class << self def decompress(input, compression) output = case compression when :zip, :exe ::UnixUtils.unzip input when :bz2 ::UnixUtils.bunzip2 input when :gz ::UnixUtils.gunzip input else raise ::ArgumentError, "Unrecognized compression #{compression}" end ::FileUtils.rm_f input output end def unpack(input, packing) output = case packing when :tar ::UnixUtils.untar input else raise ::ArgumentError, "Unrecognized packing #{packing}" end ::FileUtils.rm_f input output end def pick(input, options = {}) options = options.symbolize_keys if (options[:filename] or options[:glob]) and not raise ::RuntimeError, "Expecting #{input} to be a directory" end if filename = options[:filename] src = ::File.join input, filename raise(::RuntimeError, "Expecting #{src} to be a file") unless ::File.file?(src) output = ::UnixUtils.tmp_path src src, output ::FileUtils.rm_rf input if ::File.dirname(input).start_with?(::Dir.tmpdir) elsif glob = options[:glob] src = ::Dir[input+glob].first raise(::RuntimeError, "Expecting #{glob} to find a file in #{input}") unless src and ::File.file?(src) output = ::UnixUtils.tmp_path src src, output ::FileUtils.rm_rf input if ::File.dirname(input).start_with?(::Dir.tmpdir) else output = ::UnixUtils.tmp_path input input, output end output end end attr_reader :t def initialize(t) @t = t @encoded_io_mutex = @generate_mutex = end def in_place(*args) bin = args.shift tmp_path = ::UnixUtils.send(*([bin,path]+args)) tmp_path, path end def path generate unless @generated @path end def encoded_io @encoded_io || @encoded_io_mutex.synchronize do @encoded_io ||= if ::RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9' path, 'rb', :internal_encoding => t.encoding, :external_encoding => RemoteTable::EXTERNAL_ENCODING else path, 'rb' end end end def cleanup if @encoded_io.respond_to?(:closed?) and !@encoded_io.closed? @encoded_io.close end @encoded_io = nil if @path and ::File.exist?(@path) ::FileUtils.rm_f @path end @path = nil @generated = nil end private def generate return if @generated @generate_mutex.synchronize do return if @generated @generated = true # sabshere 7/20/11 make web requests move more slowly so you don't get accused of DOS if ::ENV.has_key?('REMOTE_TABLE_DELAY_BETWEEN_REQUESTS') ::Kernel.sleep ::ENV['REMOTE_TABLE_DELAY_BETWEEN_REQUESTS'].to_i end tmp_path = ::UnixUtils.curl t.url, t.form_data if compression = t.compression tmp_path = LocalCopy.decompress tmp_path, compression end if packing = t.packing tmp_path = LocalCopy.unpack tmp_path, packing end @path = LocalCopy.pick tmp_path, :filename => t.filename, :glob => t.glob end end end end