# Available options: # # rake test - Runs all test cases. # rake package - Runs test cases and builds packages for distribution. # rake rdoc - Builds API documentation in doc dir. # rake build_tz_modules - Builds Timezone modules and the Country index. # Expects to find source data in ../data. # rake build_tz_module zone=Zone/Name - Builds a single Timezone module. # Expects to find source data in ../data. # rake build_countries - Builds the Country index. # Expects to find source data in ../data. require 'rake' require 'rake/testtask' require 'rake/rdoctask' require 'rake/gempackagetask' require 'fileutils' PKG_VERSION = "0.3.11" PKG_FILES = FileList[ 'CHANGES', 'LICENSE', 'Rakefile', 'README', 'bin/**/*', 'lib/**/*', 'test/**/*' ] RDOC_OPTIONS = %w[--exclude definitions --exclude indexes] RDOC_EXTRA_FILES = %w[README CHANGES] BUILD_TZ_CLASSES_DIR = 'lib/tzinfo.build_tz_classes' SPEC = Gem::Specification.new do |s| s.name = "tzinfo" s.version = PKG_VERSION s.author = "Philip Ross" s.email = "phil.ross@gmail.com" s.homepage = "http://tzinfo.rubyforge.org/" s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.summary = "Daylight-savings aware timezone library" s.files = PKG_FILES.delete_if do |item| item.include?(".svn") end s.require_path = "lib" s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = RDOC_EXTRA_FILES s.rdoc_options = RDOC_OPTIONS s.rubyforge_project = "tzinfo" end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(SPEC) do |pkg| pkg.need_zip = true pkg.need_tar_gz = true end Rake::TestTask.new('test') do |t| # Force a particular timezone to be local (helps find issues when local # timezone isn't GMT). This won't work on Windows. ENV['TZ'] = 'America/Los_Angeles' t.libs << 'test' t.pattern = 'test/tc_*.rb' t.verbose = true end Rake::RDocTask.new do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'doc' rdoc.title = "TZInfo" rdoc.options << '--inline-source' rdoc.options.concat RDOC_OPTIONS rdoc.rdoc_files.include(*RDOC_EXTRA_FILES) rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib') end task :build_tz_modules do require 'lib/tzinfo/tzdataparser' FileUtils.mkdir_p(BUILD_TZ_CLASSES_DIR) begin p = TZInfo::TZDataParser.new('../data', BUILD_TZ_CLASSES_DIR) p.execute ['indexes', 'definitions'].each {|dir| sync_svn("#{BUILD_TZ_CLASSES_DIR}/#{dir}", "lib/tzinfo/#{dir}") } ensure FileUtils.rm_rf(BUILD_TZ_CLASSES_DIR) end end def sync_svn(source_dir, target_dir) puts "SVN Sync from #{source_dir} to #{target_dir}" # Assumes a directory will never turn into a file and vice-versa # (files will all end in .rb, directories won't). # SVN wouldn't allow the change in a single commit anyway. source_entries, target_entries = [source_dir, target_dir].collect {|dir| Dir.entries(dir).delete_if {|entry| entry =~ /^\.(\.?|svn)$/}.sort } until source_entries.empty? || target_entries.empty? if source_entries.last == target_entries.last source_file = "#{source_dir}/#{source_entries.last}" target_file = "#{target_dir}/#{target_entries.last}" if File.directory?(source_file) sync_svn(source_file, target_file) else FileUtils.cp(source_file, target_file) end source_entries.pop target_entries.pop elsif source_entries.last < target_entries.last sync_svn_only_in_target(target_dir, target_entries) else sync_svn_only_in_source(source_dir, target_dir, source_entries) end end until target_entries.empty? sync_svn_only_in_target(target_dir, target_entries) end until source_entries.empty? sync_svn_only_in_source(source_dir, target_dir, source_entries) end end def sync_svn_only_in_target(target_dir, target_entries) target_file = "#{target_dir}/#{target_entries.last}" exec_svn "delete \"#{target_file}\"" target_entries.pop end def sync_svn_only_in_source(source_dir, target_dir, source_entries) source_file = "#{source_dir}/#{source_entries.last}" target_file = "#{target_dir}/#{source_entries.last}" if File.directory?(source_file) Dir.mkdir(target_file) exec_svn "add \"#{target_file}\"" sync_svn(source_file, target_file) else FileUtils.cp(source_file, target_file) exec_svn "add \"#{target_file}\"" end source_entries.pop end def exec_svn(params) puts "svn #{params}" `svn #{params}` raise "SVN exited with status #$?" if $? != 0 end task :build_tz_module do require 'lib/tzinfo/tzdataparser' p = TZInfo::TZDataParser.new('../data', 'lib/tzinfo') p.generate_countries = false p.only_zones = [ENV['zone']] p.execute end task :build_countries do require 'lib/tzinfo/tzdataparser' p = TZInfo::TZDataParser.new('../data', 'lib/tzinfo') p.generate_countries = true p.generate_zones = false p.execute end