require 'pathname' require 'rbconfig' require "sprockets" module Middleman::CoreExtensions::Sprockets class << self def registered(app) app.set :js_compressor, false # Cut off every extension after .js (which sprockets eats up) app.build_reroute do |destination, request_path| if !request_path.match(/\.js\./i) false else [ destination.gsub(/\.js(\..*)$/, ".js"), request_path.gsub(/\.js(\..*)$/, ".js") ] end end app.after_configuration do js_env = js_dir = File.join("vendor", "assets", "javascripts") gems_with_js = do |spec| ::Middleman.spec_has_file?(spec, js_dir) end.each do |spec| js_env.append_path File.join(spec.full_gem_path, js_dir) end # add paths to js_env (vendor/assets/javascripts) "/#{app.js_dir}" do run js_env end end app.after_compass_config do css_env = css_dir = File.join("vendor", "assets", "stylesheets") gems_with_css = do |spec| ::Middleman.spec_has_file?(spec, css_dir) end.each do |spec| css_env.append_path File.join(spec.full_gem_path, css_dir) end "/#{app.css_dir}" do run css_env end end end alias :included :registered end class MiddlemanEnvironment < ::Sprockets::Environment def initialize(app) full_path = app.views full_path = File.join(app.root, app.views) unless app.views.include?(app.root) super File.expand_path(full_path) # Make the app context available to Sprockets context_class.send(:define_method, :app) { app } context_class.class_eval do def method_missing(name) if app.respond_to?(name) app.send(name) else super end end end end end class JavascriptEnvironment < MiddlemanEnvironment def initialize(app) super # Disable css unregister_processor "text/css", ::Sprockets::DirectiveProcessor self.js_compressor = app.settings.js_compressor # configure search paths append_path app.js_dir end def javascript_exception_response(exception) expire_index! super(exception) end end class StylesheetEnvironment < MiddlemanEnvironment def initialize(app) super # Disable js unregister_processor "application/javascript", ::Sprockets::DirectiveProcessor # configure search paths append_path app.css_dir end def css_exception_response(exception) expire_index! super(exception) end end end