/** * ASCIIDoc Language Definition * */ (function($) { var ASCIIDoc = { 'function-bold' : { search: /(^[\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g, replace: "*$1*$2" }, 'function-italic' : { search: /(^[\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g, replace: "_$1_$2" }, 'function-code' : { search: /(^[\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g, replace: "+$1+$2" }, 'function-ul' : { search: /(^[\n]+)([\n\s]*)/g, replace: "* $1$2" }, 'function-ol' : { search: /(.+)([\n]?)/g, replace: ". $1$2" }, 'function-blockquote' : { search: /(.+)([\n]?)/g, replace: "----\n$1$2\n----\n" }, 'function-link' : { exec: function( txt, selText, $field ) { var results = null; $.GollumEditor.Dialog.init({ title: 'Insert Link', fields: [ { id: 'text', name: 'Link Text', type: 'text', help: 'The text to display to the user.', defaultValue: selText }, { id: 'href', name: 'URL', type: 'text', help: 'The URL to link to.' } ], OK: function( res ) { var h = ''; if ( res['text'] && res['href'] ) { h = res['href'] + '[' + res['text'] + ']'; } $.GollumEditor.replaceSelection( h ); } }); } }, 'function-image' : { exec: function( txt, selText, $field ) { var results = null; $.GollumEditor.Dialog.init({ title: 'Insert Image', fields: [ { id: 'url', name: 'Image URL', type: 'text' }, { id: 'alt', name: 'Alt Text', type: 'text' } ], OK: function( res ) { var h = ''; if ( res['url'] && res['alt'] ) { h = 'image::' + res['url'] + '[' + res['alt'] + ']'; } $.GollumEditor.replaceSelection( h ); } }); } } }; $.GollumEditor.defineLanguage('asciidoc', ASCIIDoc); var ASCIIDocHelp = [ { menuName: 'Text Formatting', content: [ { menuName: 'Headers', data: '

ASCIIDoc headers can be written in two ways: with differing underlines or with different indentation using = (equals sign). ASCIIDoc supports headings 1-4. The editor will automatically use the = notation. To create a level one header, prefix your line with one =. Level two headers are created with == and so on.

' }, { menuName: 'Bold / Italic', data: '

To display text as bold, wrap the text in * (asterisks). To display text as italic, wrap the text in _ (underscores). To create monospace text, wrap the text in + (plus signs).' }, { menuName: 'Scripts', data: '

Superscript and subscript is created the same way as other inline formats. To create superscript text, wrap your text in ^ (carats). To create subscript text, wrap your text in ~ (tildes).

' }, { menuName: 'Special Characters', data: '

ASCIIDoc will automatically convert textual representations of commonly-used special characters. For example, (R) becomes ®, (C) becomes © and (TM) becomes ™.

' } ] }, { menuName: 'Blocks', content: [ { menuName: 'Paragraphs', data: '

ASCIIDoc allows paragraphs to have optional titles or icons to denote special sections. To make a normal paragraph, simply add a line between blocks and a new paragraph will start. If you want to title your paragraphs, adda line prefixed by . (full stop). An example paragraph with optional title is displayed below:

.Optional Title

This is my paragraph. It is two sentences long.

' }, { menuName: 'Source Blocks', data: '

To create source blocks (long blocks of code), follow the same syntax as above but with an extra line denoting the inline source and lines of four dashes (----) delimiting the source block.. An example of Python source is below:

# i just wrote a comment in python
# and maybe one more

' }, { menuName: 'Comment Blocks', data: '

Comment blocks are useful if you want to keep notes for yourself inline but do not want them displayed to the public. To create a comment block, simply wrap the paragraph in dividers with four slashes (////). An example comment block is below:

My comment block is here now

It can be multiple paragraphs. Really.

' }, { menuName: 'Quote Blocks', data: '

Quote blocks work much like comment blocks — simply create dividers using four underscores (____) around your quote. An example quote block is displayed below:
This is my quote block. Quote something nice here, otherwise there is no point in quoting.

' } ] }, { menuName: 'Macros', content: [ { menuName: 'Links', data: '

To create links to external pages, you can simply write the URI if you want the URI to link to itself. (i.e., http://github.com/ will automatically be parsed to http://github.com/. If you want different text to be displayed, simply append it to the end of the URI in between [ (brackets.) For example, http://github.com/[GitHub] will be parsed as GitHub, with the URI pointing to http://github.com.

' }, { menuName: 'Images', data: '

Images in ASCIIDoc work much like hyperlinks, but image URLs are prefixed with image:. For example, to link to an image at images/icons/home.png, write image:images/icons/home.png. Alt text can be added by appending the text to the URI in [ (brackets).

' } ] } ]; $.GollumEditor.defineHelp('asciidoc', ASCIIDocHelp); })(jQuery);