# The methods added to this helper will be available to all templates in the application. require 'digest/sha1' module ApplicationHelper # Basic english pluralizer. # Axe? def pluralize(size, word) case size when 0 then _("no ") + word.pluralize when 1 then "1 #{word}" else "#{size} #{word.pluralize}" end end # Produce a link to the permalink_url of 'item'. def link_to_permalink(item, title, anchor=nil, style=nil) anchor = "##{anchor}" if anchor case item when Article "#{title}" else "#{title}" end end # The '5 comments' link from the bottom of articles def comments_link(article) link_to_permalink(article,pluralize(article.published_comments.size, _('comment')),'comments') end def trackbacks_link(article) link_to_permalink(article,pluralize(article.published_trackbacks.size, 'trackback'),'trackbacks') end def check_cache(aggregator, *args) hash = "#{aggregator.to_s}_#{args.collect { |arg| Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(arg) }.join('_') }".to_sym controller.cache[hash] ||= aggregator.new(*args) end def js_distance_of_time_in_words_to_now(date) time = _(date.utc.strftime(_("%%a, %%d %%b %%Y %%H:%%M:%%S GMT", date.utc))) timestamp = date.utc.to_i ; "#{time}" end def meta_tag(name, value) tag :meta, :name => name, :content => value unless value.blank? end def date(date) "" + date.utc.strftime(_("%%d. %%b", date.utc)) + "" end def render_theme(options) options[:controller]=Themes::ThemeController.active_theme_name render_component(options) end def toggle_effect(domid, true_effect, true_opts, false_effect, false_opts) "$('#{domid}').style.display == 'none' ? new #{false_effect}('#{domid}', {#{false_opts}}) : new #{true_effect}('#{domid}', {#{true_opts}}); return false;" end def markup_help_popup(markup, text) if markup and markup.commenthelp.size > 1 " '/articles', :action => 'markup_help', :id => markup.id}\" onclick=\"return popup(this, 'Typo Markup Help')\">#{text}" else '' end end # Deprecated helpers typo_deprecate :server_url_for => :url_for def config_value(name) typo_deprecated "Use this_blog.#{name} instead." this_blog.send(name) end def config typo_deprecated "Use this_blog.configname instead of config[:configname]" raise "Unimplemented" end def item_link(title, item, anchor=nil) typo_deprecated "Use link_to_permalink instead of item_link" link_to_permalink(item, title, anchor) end alias_method :article_link, :item_link alias_method :page_link, :item_link alias_method :comment_url_link, :item_link def url_of(item, only_path=true, anchor=nil) typo_deprecated "Use item.permalink_url instead" item.permalink_url end alias_method :trackback_url, :url_of alias_method :comment_url, :url_of alias_method :article_url, :url_of alias_method :page_url, :url_of def html(content, what = :all, deprecated = false) if deprecated msg = "use html(#{content.class.to_s.underscore}" + ((what == :all) ? "" : ", #{what.inspect}") + ")" typo_deprecated(msg) end content.html(what) end def article_html(article, what = :all) html(article, what, true) end def comment_html(comment) html(comment, :body, true) end def page_html(page) html(page, :body, true) end def strip_html(text) typo_deprecated "use text.strip_html" text.strip_html end def admin_tools_for(model) type = model.class.to_s.downcase tag = [] tag << content_tag("div", link_to_remote('nuke', { :url => feedback_path(model.id), :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this #{type}?" }, :class => "admintools") << link_to('edit', { :controller => "admin/#{type.pluralize}", :article_id => model.article.id, :action => "edit", :id => model }, :class => "admintools"), :id => "admin_#{type}_#{model.id}", :style => "display: none") tag.join(" | ") end def onhover_show_admin_tools(type, id = nil) tag = [] tag << %{ onmouseover="if (getCookie('is_admin') == 'yes') { Element.show('admin_#{[type, id].compact.join('_')}'); }" } tag << %{ onmouseout="Element.hide('admin_#{[type, id].compact.join('_')}');" } tag end # Generate the image tag for a commenters gravatar based on their email address # Valid options are described at http://www.gravatar.com/implement.php def gravatar_tag(email, options={}) options.update(:gravatar_id => Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email.strip)) options[:default] = CGI::escape(options[:default]) if options.include?(:default) options[:size] ||= 60 image_tag("http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?" << options.map { |key,value| "#{key}=#{value}" }.sort.join("&"), :class => "gravatar") end def feed_title return @feed_title if @feed_title return @page_title \ ? "#{this_blog.blog_name} : #{@page_title}" \ : this_blog.blog_name end def author_link(article) if this_blog.link_to_author and article.user and article.user.email.to_s.size>0 "#{h article.user.name}" elsif article.user and article.user.name.to_s.size>0 h article.user.name else h article.author end end def page_header page_header_includes = contents.collect { |c| c.whiteboard }.collect do |w| w.select {|k,v| k =~ /^page_header_/}.collect do |(k,v)| v = v.chomp # trim the same number of spaces from the beginning of each line # this way plugins can indent nicely without making ugly source output spaces = /\A[ \t]*/.match(v)[0].gsub(/\t/, " ") v.gsub!(/^#{spaces}/, ' ') # add 2 spaces to line up with the assumed position of the surrounding tags end end.flatten.uniq ( <<-HTML #{ meta_tag 'ICBM', this_blog.geourl_location unless this_blog.geourl_location.empty? } #{ stylesheet_link_tag 'typo_code.css', :media => 'all' } #{ stylesheet_link_tag 'user-styles.css', :media => 'all' } #{ javascript_include_tag "lang/" + Localization.lang.to_s } #{ javascript_include_tag "cookies" } #{ javascript_include_tag "prototype" } #{ javascript_include_tag "effects" } #{ javascript_include_tag "typo" } #{ page_header_includes.join("\n") } HTML ).chomp end end