Feature: Page In order to use multiple repositories As a browser I want to see the home page Scenario: When I open '/' Then I should see "Ginatra" And I should see "View My Git Repositories" And I should see "test" And I should see "description file for this repository and set the description for it." Scenario: When I open '/test' Then I should see "Ginatra" And I should see "test" And I should see "description file for this repository and set the description for it." And I should see "Commits" And I should see "(author)" Scenario: When I open '/test/commit/eefb4c3' Then I should see "Ginatra" And I should see "test" And I should see "description file for this repository and set the description for it." And I should see "Commit: eefb4c3" And I should see "doh, thanks lenary for reminding me of the files i'd forgotten" Scenario: When I open '/test/tree/24f701fd' Then I should see "Ginatra" And I should see "test" And I should see "description file for this repository and set the description for it." And I should see "Tree: 24f701fd" And I should see "README.md" And I should see ".gitignore"