module Elasticsearch module API module Actions # Efficiently iterate over a large result set. # # When using `from` and `size` to return a large result sets, performance drops as you "paginate" in the set, # and you can't guarantee the consistency when the index is being updated at the same time. # # "Scrolling" the results is frequently used with the `scan` search type. # # @example A basic example # # result = index: 'scrollindex', # scroll: '5m', # body: { query: { match: { title: 'test' } }, sort: '_id' } # # result = client.scroll scroll: '5m', scroll_id: result['_scroll_id'] # # @example Call the `scroll` API until all the documents are returned # # # Index 1,000 documents # client.indices.delete index: 'test' # 1_000.times do |i| client.index index: 'test', type: 'test', id: i+1, body: {title: "Test #{i}"} end # client.indices.refresh index: 'test' # # # Open the "view" of the index with the `scan` search_type # r = index: 'test', search_type: 'scan', scroll: '5m', size: 10 # # # Call the `scroll` API until empty results are returned # while r = client.scroll(scroll_id: r['_scroll_id'], scroll: '5m') and not r['hits']['hits'].empty? do # puts "--- BATCH #{defined?($i) ? $i += 1 : $i = 1} -------------------------------------------------" # puts r['hits']['hits'].map { |d| d['_source']['title'] }.inspect # puts # end # # @option arguments [String] :scroll_id The scroll ID # @option arguments [Hash] :body The scroll ID if not passed by URL or query parameter. # @option arguments [Duration] :scroll Specify how long a consistent view of the index # should be maintained for scrolled search # # @see # @see # @see # def scroll(arguments={}) method = HTTP_GET path = "_search/scroll" valid_params = [ :scroll, :scroll_id ] params = Utils.__validate_and_extract_params arguments, valid_params body = arguments[:body] || params.delete(:scroll_id) perform_request(method, path, params, body).body end end end end