// Remove last element gutter @mixin omega($query: block, $direction: default) { $table: if(belongs-to(table, $query), true, false); $auto: if(belongs-to(auto, $query), true, false); @if $direction != default { @include -neat-warn("The omega mixin will no longer take a $direction argument. To change the layout direction, use the direction(){...} mixin."); } @else { $direction: get-direction($layout-direction, $default-layout-direction); } @if $table { @include -neat-warn("The omega mixin no longer removes padding in table layouts."); } @if length($query) == 1 { @if $auto { &:last-child { margin-#{$direction}: 0; } } @else if contains-display-value($query) and $table == false { margin-#{$direction}: 0; } @else { @include nth-child($query, $direction); } } @else if length($query) == 2 { @if $auto { &:last-child { margin-#{$direction}: 0; } } @else { @include nth-child(nth($query, 1), $direction); } } @else { @include -neat-warn("Too many arguments passed to the omega() mixin."); } } @mixin nth-child($query, $direction) { $opposite-direction: get-opposite-direction($direction); &:nth-child(#{$query}) { margin-#{$direction}: 0; } @if type-of($query) == number { &:nth-child(#{$query}+1) { clear: $opposite-direction; } } }