require "omnigroupcontacts/http_utils" require "json" # This module represents an OAuth 2.0 client. # # Classes including the module must implement # the following methods: # * auth_host -> the host of the authorization server # * authorize_path -> the path on the authorization server the redirect the use to # * client_id -> the registered client id of the client # * client_secret -> the registered client secret of the client # * redirect_path -> the path the authorization server has to redirect the user back after authorization # * auth_token_path -> the path to query once the user has granted permission to the application # * scope -> the scope necessary to acquire the contacts list. module OmniGroupContacts module Authorization module OAuth2 include HTTPUtils # Calculates the URL the user has to be redirected to in order to authorize # the application to access his contacts list. def authorization_url "https://" + auth_host + authorize_path + "?" + authorize_url_params end private def authorize_url_params to_query_string({ :client_id => client_id, :scope => encode(scope), :response_type => "code", :access_type => "online", :approval_prompt => "auto", :redirect_uri => encode(redirect_uri) }) end public # Fetches the access token from the authorization server using the given authorization code. def fetch_access_token code access_token_from_response https_post(auth_host, auth_token_path, token_req_params(code)) end private def token_req_params code { :client_id => client_id, :client_secret => client_secret, :code => code, :redirect_uri => encode(redirect_uri), :grant_type => "authorization_code" } end def access_token_from_response response if auth_host == "" response = query_string_to_map(response).to_json end json = JSON.parse(response) raise json["error"] if json["error"] [json["access_token"], json["token_type"], json["refresh_token"]] end public # Refreshes the access token using the provided refresh_token. def refresh_access_token refresh_token access_token_from_response https_post(auth_host, auth_token_path, refresh_token_req_params(refresh_token)) end private def refresh_token_req_params refresh_token { :client_id => client_id, :client_secret => client_secret, :refresh_token => refresh_token, :grant_type => "refresh_token" } end end end end