require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'TableInheritance' do let(:connection) { ActiveRecord::Base.connection } context 'on migration' do mock_create_table it 'does not affect some basic forms of table creation' do sql = connection.create_table('schema_migrations', id: false) do |t| t.string :version, **connection.internal_string_options_for_primary_key end result = 'CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations"' result << ' \("version" character varying( NOT NULL)? PRIMARY KEY\)' expect(sql).to match(/#{result}/) end it 'does not affect simple table creation' do sql = connection.create_table(:activities) do |t| t.string :title t.boolean :active t.timestamps end result = 'CREATE TABLE "activities" (' result << '"id" bigserial primary key' result << ', "title" character varying' result << ', "active" boolean' result << ', "created_at" timestamp(6) NOT NULL' result << ', "updated_at" timestamp(6) NOT NULL' result << ')' expect(sql).to eql(result) end it 'does not affect temporary table creation based on a query' do query = 'SELECT * FROM "authors"' sql = connection.create_table(:test, temporary: true, as: query) result = 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE "test"' result << " AS #{query}" expect(sql).to eql(result) end it 'adds the inherits statement for a single inheritance' do sql = connection.create_table(:activity_videos, inherits: :activities) do |t| t.string :url end result = 'CREATE TABLE "activity_videos" (' result << '"url" character varying' result << ') INHERITS ( "activities" )' expect(sql).to eql(result) end it 'adds the inherits statement for a multiple inheritance' do sql = connection.create_table(:activity_tests, inherits: [:activities, :tests]) do |t| t.string :grade end result = 'CREATE TABLE "activity_tests" (' result << '"grade" character varying' result << ') INHERITS ( "activities" , "tests" )' expect(sql).to eql(result) end it 'allows empty-body create table operation' do sql = connection.create_table(:activity_posts, inherits: :activities) result = "CREATE TABLE \"activity_posts\" ()" result << ' INHERITS ( "activities" )' expect(sql).to eql(result) end end context 'on schema' do let(:dump_result) do ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper.dump(connection, (dump_result = dump_result.string end it 'dumps single inheritance with body' do parts = '"activity_books"' parts << ', id: false' parts << ', force: :cascade' parts << ', inherits: "activities"' expect(dump_result).to match(/create_table #{parts} do /) end it 'dumps single inheritance without body' do parts = '"activity_post_samples"' parts << ', id: false' parts << ', force: :cascade' parts << ', inherits: "activity_posts"' expect(dump_result).to match(/create_table #{parts}(?! do \|t\|)/) end it 'dumps multiple inheritance' do parts = '"activity_posts"' parts << ', id: false' parts << ', force: :cascade' parts << ', inherits: (\["images", "activities"\]|\["activities", "images"\])' expect(dump_result).to match(/create_table #{parts}/) end end context 'on schema cache' do subject { ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_cache } it 'correctly defines the associations' do scenario = { 'M' => %w(N), 'N' => %w(C), 'C' => %w(B), 'B' => %w(A), 'D' => %w(A), 'F' => %w(E), 'G' => %w(E H), } subject.instance_variable_set(:@inheritance_loaded, true) subject.instance_variable_set(:@inheritance_dependencies, scenario) subject.instance_variable_set(:@inheritance_associations, subject.send(:generate_associations)) expect(subject.instance_variable_get(:@inheritance_associations)).to eql({ 'A' => %w(B D C N M), 'B' => %w(C N M), 'C' => %w(N M), 'N' => %w(M), 'E' => %w(F G), 'H' => %w(G), }) end context 'on looking up models' do after(:all) do schema_cache = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_cache schema_cache.instance_variable_set(:@data_sources, {}) schema_cache.instance_variable_set(:@data_sources_model_names, {}) end it 'respect irregular names' do Torque::PostgreSQL.config.irregular_models = { 'posts' => 'ActivityPost', } subject.send(:prepare_data_sources) list = subject.instance_variable_get(:@data_sources_model_names) expect(list).to have_key('posts') expect(list['posts']).to eql(ActivityPost) end it 'does not load irregular where the data source is not defined' do Torque::PostgreSQL.config.irregular_models = { 'products' => 'Product', } subject.send(:prepare_data_sources) list = subject.instance_variable_get(:@data_sources_model_names) expect(list).to_not have_key('products') end { 'activities' => 'Activity', 'activity_posts' => 'ActivityPost', 'activity_post_samples' => 'ActivityPost::Sample', }.each do |table_name, expected_model| it "translate the table name #{table_name} to #{expected_model} model" do expect(subject.lookup_model(table_name)).to eql(expected_model.constantize) end end end end context 'on inheritance' do let(:base) { Activity } let(:child) { ActivityPost } let(:child2) { ActivityBook } let(:other) { AuthorJournalist } it 'identifies mergeable attributes' do result_base = %w(id author_id title active kind created_at updated_at description url file post_id) expect(base.inheritance_mergeable_attributes.sort).to eql(result_base.sort) end it 'has a merged version of attributes' do result_base = %w(id author_id title active kind created_at updated_at description url activated file post_id) result_child = %w(id author_id title active kind created_at updated_at file post_id url activated) result_child2 = %w(id author_id title active kind created_at updated_at description url activated) result_other = %w(id name type specialty) expect(base.inheritance_merged_attributes).to eql(result_base) expect(child.inheritance_merged_attributes).to eql(result_child) expect(child2.inheritance_merged_attributes).to eql(result_child2) expect(other.inheritance_merged_attributes).to eql(result_other) end it 'identifies physical inheritance' do expect(base.physically_inherited?).to be_falsey expect(child.physically_inherited?).to be_truthy expect(child2.physically_inherited?).to be_truthy expect(other.physically_inherited?).to be_falsey end it 'returns a list of dependent tables' do expect(base.inheritance_dependents).to eql(%w(activity_books activity_posts activity_post_samples)) expect(child.inheritance_dependents).to eql(%w(activity_post_samples)) expect(child2.inheritance_dependents).to eql(%w()) expect(other.inheritance_dependents).to eql(%w()) end it 'can check dependency' do expect(base.physically_inheritances?).to be_truthy expect(child.physically_inheritances?).to be_truthy expect(child2.physically_inheritances?).to be_falsey expect(other.physically_inheritances?).to be_falsey end it 'returns the list of models that the records can be casted to' do expect( eql(%w(ActivityBook ActivityPost ActivityPost::Sample)) expect( eql(%w(ActivityPost::Sample)) expect( eql(%w()) expect( eql(%w()) end it 'correctly generates the tables name' do expect(base.table_name).to eql('activities') expect(child.table_name).to eql('activity_posts') expect(child2.table_name).to eql('activity_books') expect(other.table_name).to eql('authors') end it 'respects the table name prefix and sufix defined on parent module' do mod = Object.const_set('Private', mod.define_singleton_method(:table_name_prefix) { 'private.' } mod.define_singleton_method(:table_name_suffix) { '_bundle' } result = 'private.activity_post_others_bundle' klass = mod.const_set('Other', allow(klass).to receive(:module_parent).and_return(child) allow(klass).to receive(:module_parents).and_return([mod]) allow(klass).to receive(:physically_inherited?).and_return(true) expect(klass.send(:compute_table_name)).to be_eql(result) end end context 'on relation' do let(:base) { Activity } let(:child) { ActivityBook } let(:other) { AuthorJournalist } it 'has operation methods' do expect(base).to respond_to(:itself_only) expect(base).to respond_to(:cast_records) expect( respond_to(:cast_record) end context 'itself only' do it 'does not mess with original queries' do expect(base.all.to_sql).to \ eql('SELECT "activities".* FROM "activities"') end it 'adds the only condition to the query' do expect(base.itself_only.to_sql).to \ eql('SELECT "activities".* FROM ONLY "activities"') end it 'returns the right ammount of entries' do base.create!(title: 'Activity only') child.create!(title: 'Activity book') expect(base.count).to eql(2) expect(base.itself_only.count).to eql(1) expect(child.count).to eql(1) end end context 'cast records' do before :each do base.create(title: 'Activity test') child.create(title: 'Activity book', url: 'bookurl1') other.create(name: 'An author name') end it 'does not mess with single table inheritance' do result = 'SELECT "authors".* FROM "authors"' result << " WHERE \"authors\".\"type\" = 'AuthorJournalist'" expect(other.all.to_sql).to eql(result) end it 'adds all statements to load all the necessary records' do result = 'SELECT "activities".*, "activities"."tableoid"::regclass AS _record_class, "i_0"."description"' result << ', COALESCE("i_0"."url", "i_1"."url", "i_2"."url") AS url, "i_0"."activated" AS activity_books__activated' result << ', "i_1"."activated" AS activity_posts__activated, "i_2"."activated" AS activity_post_samples__activated' result << ', COALESCE("i_1"."file", "i_2"."file") AS file, COALESCE("i_1"."post_id", "i_2"."post_id") AS post_id' result << ", \"activities\".\"tableoid\"::regclass::varchar IN ('activity_books', 'activity_posts', 'activity_post_samples') AS _auto_cast" result << ' FROM "activities"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_books" "i_0" ON "activities"."id" = "i_0"."id"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_posts" "i_1" ON "activities"."id" = "i_1"."id"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_post_samples" "i_2" ON "activities"."id" = "i_2"."id"' expect(base.cast_records.all.to_sql).to eql(result) end it 'can be have simplefied joins' do result = 'SELECT "activities".*, "activities"."tableoid"::regclass AS _record_class' result << ', "i_0"."description", "i_0"."url", "i_0"."activated"' result << ", \"activities\".\"tableoid\"::regclass::varchar IN ('activity_books') AS _auto_cast" result << ' FROM "activities"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_books" "i_0" ON "activities"."id" = "i_0"."id"' expect(base.cast_records(child).all.to_sql).to eql(result) end it 'can be filtered by record type' do result = 'SELECT "activities".*, "activities"."tableoid"::regclass AS _record_class' result << ', "i_0"."description", "i_0"."url", "i_0"."activated"' result << ", \"activities\".\"tableoid\"::regclass::varchar IN ('activity_books') AS _auto_cast" result << ' FROM "activities"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_books" "i_0" ON "activities"."id" = "i_0"."id"' result << " WHERE \"activities\".\"tableoid\"::regclass::varchar IN ('activity_books')" expect(base.cast_records(child, filter: true).all.to_sql).to eql(result) end it 'works with count and does not add extra columns' do result = 'SELECT COUNT(*)' result << ' FROM "activities"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_books" "i_0" ON "activities"."id" = "i_0"."id"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_posts" "i_1" ON "activities"."id" = "i_1"."id"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_post_samples" "i_2" ON "activities"."id" = "i_2"."id"' query = get_last_executed_query{ base.cast_records.all.count } expect(query).to eql(result) end it 'works with sum and does not add extra columns' do result = 'SELECT SUM("activities"."id")' result << ' FROM "activities"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_books" "i_0" ON "activities"."id" = "i_0"."id"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_posts" "i_1" ON "activities"."id" = "i_1"."id"' result << ' LEFT OUTER JOIN "activity_post_samples" "i_2" ON "activities"."id" = "i_2"."id"' query = get_last_executed_query{ base.cast_records.all.sum(:id) } expect(query).to eql(result) end it 'returns the correct model object' do ActivityPost.create(title: 'Activity post') ActivityPost::Sample.create(title: 'Activity post') records = base.cast_records.order(:id).load.to_a expect(records[0].class).to eql(Activity) expect(records[1].class).to eql(ActivityBook) expect(records[2].class).to eql(ActivityPost) expect(records[3].class).to eql(ActivityPost::Sample) end it 'does not cast unnecessary records' do ActivityPost.create(title: 'Activity post') records = base.cast_records(ActivityBook).order(:id).load.to_a expect(records[0].class).to eql(Activity) expect(records[1].class).to eql(ActivityBook) expect(records[2].class).to eql(Activity) end it 'correctly identify same name attributes' do ActivityPost.create(title: 'Activity post', url: 'posturl1') records = base.cast_records.order(:id).load.to_a expect(records[1].url).to eql('bookurl1') expect(records[2].url).to eql('posturl1') end end context 'cast record' do before :each do base.create(title: 'Activity test') child.create(title: 'Activity book') other.create(name: 'An author name') base.instance_variable_set(:@casted_dependents, nil) end it 'does not affect normal records' do expect(base.first.cast_record).to be_a(base) expect(child.first.cast_record).to be_a(child) expect(other.first.cast_record).to be_a(other) end it 'rises an error when the casted model cannot be defined' do base.instance_variable_set(:@casted_dependents, {}) expect{ base.second.cast_record }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /to type 'activity_books'/) end it 'can return the record class even when the auxiliary statement is not mentioned' do expect(base.first._record_class).to eql('activities') expect(base.second._record_class).to eql('activity_books') expect(other.first._record_class).to eql('authors') end it 'does trigger record casting when accessed through inheritance' do expect(base.second.cast_record).to eql(child.first) end context 'using uuid' do let(:base) { Question } let(:child) { QuestionSelect } before :each do base.create(title: 'Simple question') child.create(title: 'Select question') base.instance_variable_set(:@casted_dependents, nil) end it 'does not affect normal records' do expect(base.first.cast_record).to be_a(base) expect(child.first.cast_record).to be_a(child) end it 'does trigger record casting when accessed through inheritance' do expect(base.second.cast_record).to eql(child.first) end end end end end