# # Author:: Christo De Lange () # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2013 DLDInternet, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'chef/exceptions' require 'chef/knife/chop_base' require 'chef/knife/chop_translate' # Because knife chop upload --action translate ... class Chef class Knife class ChopUpload < Knife include ChopBase banner "knife chop upload (options)" # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def run $stdout.sync = true watch_for_break @config[:parts].each{ |p| @config[:actions].each{ |a| actor = @actors[a] raise ChopInternalError.new("Actor for action '#{a.to_s}' cannot be nil!") unless actor method = %(#{a.to_s}_#{p.to_s}) raise ChopError.new "Internal error: Method '#{method}' is not implemented in actor #{actor.class.name}!" unless actor.respond_to?(method,true) actor.send(method) } } end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def uploadSet(set,args={}) raise ChopInternalError.new "Incorrect use of uploadSet method from #{Kernel.caller[0].ai}" unless args.is_a?(Hash) raise ChopError.new "Must specify the :resource type" unless args[:resource] unless set.size > 0 @logger.warn("The upload set is empty!") return end rsrc = args[:resource] verb = args[:verb] || "from file" xtra = args[:extra] || '' cmdp = args[:command] || lambda{|rsrc,verb,xtra| %(knife #{rsrc} #{verb} #{xtra}) } filp = args[:fileproc] || lambda{|cmd,name,file| # name not used/needed %(#{cmd} #{file}) } cmd = callCmdProc(cmdp, rsrc,verb,xtra) if @use_knife_api argv = "#{rsrc} #{verb}".split(%r(\s+)) klass= Chef::Knife.subcommand_class_from(argv) subc = klass.new() subc.config = @config.dup subc.config[:cookbook_path] = @config[:cookbook_path].map{|p| p.match(%r(^/)) ? p : "#{@config[:repo_path]}/#{p}" } #.join(::File::PATH_SEPARATOR) subc.ui = ::Chef::Knife::ChopUI.new(@logger,@config) end if args[:aggregate] and @use_knife_api subc.name_args << xtra if xtra != '' subc.name_args << set.map{ |name,file| file } subc.name_args.flatten! #cmd = callCmdProc(filp, cmd, set.map{|name,file| name}.to_s, set.map{|name,file| file}.join(' ')) @logger.info "#{cmd} #{set.map{|name,file| file}.ai} ... " unless @config[:dry_run] begin subc.run rescue => e @logger.error "#{e.class.name} #{e.message} #{e.response.body if e.respond_to?('response')}" raise e end end else set.each{ |name,file| cmd = callCmdProc(filp, cmd, name, file) fLog = false if rsrc == 'cookbook' fLog = @logger.info "#{args[:environment]}:#{File.basename(file)} (Dependencies: #{@config[:depends]})" else fLog = @logger.info File.basename(file) end @logger.debug "... #{cmd}" if fLog if @use_knife_api unless @config[:dry_run] subc.name_args = rsrc == 'cookbook' ? [ name ] : [ file ] subc.run end else unless @config[:dry_run] execute cmd,"#{File.basename(file)} ... " end end } end end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def upload_environments logStep "Upload environments" uploadSet(environments, :resource => 'environment', :aggregate => true ) end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def upload_roles logStep "Upload roles" uploadSet(roles, :resource => 'role', :aggregate => true) end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def upload_databags logStep "Upload data bags" want = Hash.new @config[:databags].each{ |b| match = b.match(%r/^(.*):(.*)$/) if match want[match[1]] = parseOptionString(match[2],'[:;]') end } @logger.debug want.ai databags={} Dir.glob(File.expand_path(@config[:repo_path])+'/data_bags/*').each{ |d| if File.directory?(d) name = File.basename(d) regex = "^(#{want.keys.join('|')})" match = matches(name,regex) if match and want.has_key?(name) databags[name] = getPathSet(want[name], "data_bags/#{name}") @logger.debug "Data bags: (#{name}) #{databags[name].ai}" end end } @logger.info "Data bag list: (#{@config[:databags]}) #{databags.ai}" databags.each{ |bag,files| uploadSet(files, :resource => 'data bag', :extra => bag, :aggregate => true) } end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def cookbooks unless @cookbooks @cookbooks = {} @config[:cookbook_path].each{|p| # .split(%r/[,:]/) path=File.basename(p) @logger.debug "cookbook path: #{p} ==> #{path}" @cookbooks.merge! getPathSet(@config[:cookbooks], path, []) @logger.debug "Cookbook list: #{@cookbooks.ai} (dependencies: #{@config[:depends].yesno})" } end @cookbooks end # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def upload_cookbooks logStep "Upload cookbooks" @logger.info "Cookbook list: #{cookbooks.ai} (dependencies: #{@config[:depends].yesno})" cbpaths = @config[:cookbook_path].dup.map!{|p| if p.match(%r(^/)) p else File.expand_path("#{@config[:repo_path]}/#{p}") end } cmdp = lambda{ |resource,verb,xtra| "#{resource} #{verb} #{xtra} --cookbook-path #{cbpaths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)}" } environments.each{ |name,file| @logger.info "Environment: #{name}" filp = lambda{ |cbcmd,cbname,cbfile| s = "#{cbcmd} -E #{name} #{@config[:depends] ? '--include-dependencies' : ''} #{cbname}" s } uploadSet(cookbooks, :resource => 'cookbook', :verb => 'upload', :command => cmdp, :fileproc => filp, :environment => name) } end end end end