# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # require 'log4r' module SaltedRails class Config attr_accessor :box attr_accessor :ca_path attr_accessor :copy_from_home attr_accessor :admin_password attr_accessor :web_password attr_accessor :databases attr_accessor :domain attr_accessor :files attr_accessor :forward_agent attr_accessor :gems attr_accessor :hostname attr_accessor :logger attr_accessor :machine attr_accessor :machines attr_accessor :memory attr_accessor :mirror attr_accessor :packages attr_accessor :ports attr_accessor :mapped_ports attr_accessor :private_key_path attr_accessor :rails_root attr_accessor :region attr_accessor :roles attr_accessor :salt_root attr_accessor :sync_vagrant attr_accessor :versions def sanitize_dns_name(name) dns_name = name.downcase.gsub(/[^-0-9a-z]+/,'-').sub(/^-+/, '').sub(/-+$/, '') end # pass vm.ui for the logger if you want debugging info def initialize(rails_root, machine = 'default') @logger = Log4r::Logger.new("vagrant::salted-rails") @machine = machine @rails_root = rails_root @rails_root += '/' unless @rails_root =~ /\/$/ @salt_root = nil # see salt/vagrant/top.sls for other roles @roles = %w{ app web db } @domain = nil @admin_password = nil @web_password = nil @private_key_path = nil @mirror = nil @memory = nil @ports = [ 80, 443, 880, 3000 ] @mapped_ports = { } @sync_vagrant = nil @box = nil @ca_path = nil @region = nil @forward_agent = true @files = [ '.ruby-version', '.java-version', '.php-version', 'config/database.yml', 'Gemfile', 'Gemfile.lock' ].select{ |f| File.exist?(@rails_root + f) } @packages = nil @copy_from_home = [ ] ENV['REMOTE_MACHINE'] = 'true' database_file = @rails_root + 'config/database.yml' @databases = YAML.load(ERB.new(IO.read(database_file)).result) rescue { } ENV['REMOTE_MACHINE'] = nil @gems = { } if File.exists? @rails_root + 'Gemfile' File.foreach(@rails_root + 'Gemfile') do |line| if line =~ /^\s*gem\s*['"]([^'"]+)['"][,\s]*(['"]([^'"]+)['"])?/ gem = $1 version = $3.to_s version = true if version == '' or version !~ /\d/ @gems[gem] = version end end end @databases.each do |key, details| @gems[details['adapter']] ||= true end @roles << 'mysql' if @gems.include?('mysql') or @gems.include?('mysql2') @versions= { } @machines = [ ] @hostname = nil end def gui? @roles.include? 'gui' end def normalize @versions['mysql'] ||= '5.5' if @roles.include?('mysql') @versions['teamcity'] ||= '8.0.4' if @roles.include?('teamcity') @versions['rubymine'] ||= '5.4.3' if @roles.include?('rubymine') @roles << 'gui' if @roles.include?('rubymine') and not @roles.include?('gui') %w{ ruby php java }.each do |lang| version = File.open(@rails_root + ".#{lang}-version", 'r') do |f_in| f_in.gets.gsub(/\s/,'') end rescue nil @versions[lang] ||= version if version end unless @versions.include?('ruby') File.open(@rails_root + '.rvmrc', 'r') do |f_in| while (line = f_in.gets) and not @versions.include('ruby') @versions['ruby'] = $1 if line =~ /^\s*environment_id=['"]([^"'@]+)/ end end rescue nil end if @memory.nil? @memory = 512 { 'gui' => 1536, 'teamcity' => 1536, 'cruisecontrolrb' => 512 }.each do |role, extra| @memory += extra if @roles.include?(role) end end if @domain.nil? if @hostname @domain = @hostname.sub(/^[^.]*\.?/, '') else @domain = sanitize_dns_name(File.basename(File.expand_path(@rails_root).sub(/\/$/, '').sub(/\/(app|site|web|www|website)\d*$/, ''))) + '.test' @domain = 'railsapp.test' if @domain == '.test' end end if @hostname.nil? or @hostname == '' if @machine == 'default' @hostname = @domain else @hostname = sanitize_dns_name(@machine.to_s) if @hostname == '' @hostname = @domain else @hostname <<= '.' + @domain end end end @private_key_path ||= '~/.ssh/id_rsa' @mirror ||= 'auto' @salt_root ||= File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../' @ca_path ||= '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt' @box ||= 'preciseCloud32' @ca_path = nil unless File.exist?(@ca_path) @region ||= 'San Francisco 1' { 'teamcity' => 8111, 'cruisecontrolrb' => 3333 }.each do |role, port| @ports << port if @roles.include?(role) and not @ports.include?(port) end @sync_vagrant = true if @sync_vagrant.nil? @machines.each {|m| m.normalize} end def define(machine, &block) obj = self.clone obj.machine = machine obj.machines = [ ] obj.logger = @logger @machines << obj yield(obj) if block_given? end # Clone def clone obj = self.dup obj.roles = @roles.dup obj.ports = @ports.dup obj.files = @files.dup obj.copy_from_home = @copy_from_home.dup obj.databases = @databases.dup obj.gems = @gems.dup obj end def to_hash { 'admin_password' => @admin_password, 'databases' => @databases, 'disable_vagrant_sync' => @disable_vagrant_sync, 'domain' => @domain, 'files' => @files, 'forward_agent' => @forward_agent, 'gems' => @gems, 'hostname' => @hostname, 'machine' => @machine, 'mapped_ports' => @mapped_ports, 'memory' => @memory, 'mirror' => @mirror, 'ports' => @ports, 'region' => @region, 'roles' => @roles, 'user_password' => @user_password, 'versions' => @versions } end def to_yaml normalize self.to_hash.to_yaml end def configure_vagrant(config) require 'salted-rails/vagrant_helper' normalize helper = SaltedRails::VagrantHelper.new(self) helper.configure_vagrant(config) end end end