require 'spec_helper' describe Index::Category do before(:each) do @type = stub :type, :name => :some_type @partial = stub :partial @weights = stub :weights @similarity = stub :similarity @category = :some_name, @type, :partial => @partial, :weights => @weights, :similarity => @similarity, :qualifiers => [:q, :qualifier] @exact = stub :exact, :dump => nil @category.stub! :exact => @exact @partial = stub :partial, :dump => nil @category.stub! :partial => @partial @category.stub! :exclaim end describe 'weight' do before(:each) do @token = stub :token, :text => :some_text end context 'partial bundle' do before(:each) do @category.stub! :bundle_for => @partial end it 'should receive weight with the token text' do @partial.should_receive(:weight).once.with :some_text @category.weight @token end end context 'exact bundle' do before(:each) do @category.stub! :bundle_for => @exact end it 'should receive weight with the token text' do @exact.should_receive(:weight).once.with :some_text @category.weight @token end end end describe 'ids' do before(:each) do @token = stub :token, :text => :some_text end context 'partial bundle' do before(:each) do @category.stub! :bundle_for => @partial end it 'should receive ids with the token text' do @partial.should_receive(:ids).once.with :some_text @category.ids @token end end context 'exact bundle' do before(:each) do @category.stub! :bundle_for => @exact end it 'should receive ids with the token text' do @exact.should_receive(:ids).once.with :some_text @category.ids @token end end end describe 'combination_for' do context 'no weight for token' do before(:each) do @category.stub! :weight => nil end it 'should return nil' do @category.combination_for(:anything).should == nil end end context 'weight for token' do before(:each) do @token = stub :token, :text => :some_text @category.stub! :weight => :some_weight, :bundle_for => :bundle end it 'should return a new combination' do @category.combination_for(@token).should be_kind_of(::Query::Combination) end it 'should create the combination correctly' do ::Query::Combination.should_receive(:new).once.with @token, @category @category.combination_for @token end end end describe 'bundle_for' do it 'should return the right bundle' do token = stub :token, :partial? => false @category.bundle_for(token).should == @exact end it 'should return the right bundle' do token = stub :token, :partial? => true @category.bundle_for(token).should == @partial end end describe 'load_from_cache' do it 'should call two methods' do @exact.should_receive(:load).once @partial.should_receive(:load).once @category.load_from_cache end end end