module Fastlane # Use the RubyGems API to get all fastlane plugins class PluginFetcher require 'fastlane_core' require 'fastlane/plugins/plugin_manager' # Returns an array of FastlanePlugin objects def self.fetch_gems(search_query: nil) require 'json' page = 1 plugins = [] loop do url = "{PluginManager.plugin_prefix}&page=#{page}" FastlaneCore::UI.verbose("RubyGems API Request: #{url}") results = JSON.parse(FastlaneCore::Helper.open_uri(url).read) break if results.count == 0 plugins += results.collect do |current| end page += 1 end return plugins if search_query.to_s.length == 0 plugins.keep_if do |current| current.full_name.include?(search_query) or end return plugins end end class FastlanePlugin attr_accessor :full_name attr_accessor :name attr_accessor :downloads attr_accessor :info attr_accessor :homepage def initialize(hash) self.full_name = hash["name"] = self.full_name.gsub(PluginManager.plugin_prefix, '') self.downloads = hash["downloads"] = hash["info"] self.homepage = hash["homepage_uri"] end def linked_title return "`#{name}`" if homepage.to_s.length == 0 return "[#{name}](#{homepage})" end end end