# typed: true # frozen_string_literal: true require "constant_resolver" module Packwerk # Get information about (partially qualified) constants without loading the application code. # Information gathered: Fully qualified name, path to file containing the definition, package, # and visibility (public/private to the package). # # The implementation makes a few assumptions about the code base: # - `Something::SomeOtherThing` is defined in a path of either `something/some_other_thing.rb` or `something.rb`, # relative to the load path. Rails' `zeitwerk` autoloader makes the same assumption. # - It is OK to not always infer the exact file defining the constant. For example, when a constant is inherited, we # have no way of inferring the file it is defined in. You could argue though that inheritance means that another # constant with the same name exists in the inheriting class, and this view is sufficient for all our use cases. class ConstantDiscovery ConstantContext = Struct.new(:name, :location, :package, :public?) # @param constant_resolver [ConstantResolver] # @param packages [Packwerk::PackageSet] def initialize(constant_resolver:, packages:) @packages = packages @resolver = constant_resolver end # Get the package that owns a given file path. # # @param path [String] the file path # # @return [Packwerk::Package] the package that contains the given file, # or nil if the path is not owned by any component def package_from_path(path) @packages.package_from_path(path) end # Analyze a constant via its name. # If the name is partially qualified, we need the current namespace path to correctly infer its full name # # @param const_name [String] The constant's name, fully or partially qualified. # @param current_namespace_path [Array] (optional) The namespace of the context in which the constant is # used, e.g. ["Apps", "Models"] for `Apps::Models`. Defaults to [] which means top level. # @return [Packwerk::ConstantDiscovery::ConstantContext] def context_for(const_name, current_namespace_path: []) begin constant = @resolver.resolve(const_name, current_namespace_path: current_namespace_path) rescue ConstantResolver::Error => e raise(ConstantResolver::Error, e.message + "\n Make sure autoload paths are added to the config file.") end return unless constant package = @packages.package_from_path(constant.location) ConstantContext.new( constant.name, constant.location, package, package&.public_path?(constant.location), ) end end end