# # = ImageVoodoo # == Description # # ImageVoodoo is an ImageScience-API-compatible image manipulation library for # JRuby. # # == Examples # # === Simple block-based examples # # ImageVoodoo.with_image(ARGV[0]) do |img| # img.cropped_thumbnail(100) { |img2| img2.save "CTH.jpg" } # img.with_crop(100, 200, 400, 600) { |img2| img2.save "CR.jpg" } # img.thumbnail(50) { |img2| img2.save "TH.jpg" } # img.resize(100, 150) do |img2| # img2.save "HEH.jpg" # img2.save "HEH.png" # end # end # # === Non-block return (not image_science compatible) # # img = ImageVoodoo.with_image(ARGV[0]) # negative_img = img.negative # class ImageVoodoo include Java import java.awt.RenderingHints import java.awt.color.ColorSpace import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform import java.awt.image.ByteLookupTable import java.awt.image.ColorConvertOp import java.awt.image.LookupOp import java.awt.image.RescaleOp import java.awt.image.BufferedImage JFile = java.io.File import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream import javax.imageio.ImageIO import javax.swing.JFrame NEGATIVE_OP = LookupOp.new(ByteLookupTable.new(0, (0...254).to_a.reverse.to_java(:byte)), nil) GREY_OP = ColorConvertOp.new(ColorSpace.getInstance(ColorSpace::CS_GRAY), nil) def initialize(src) @src = src end # # Add a border to the image and yield/return a new image. The following # options are supported: # - width: How thick is the border (default: 3) # - color: Which color is the border (in rrggbb hex value) # - style: etched, raised, plain (default: plain) # def add_border(options = {}) border_width = options[:width].to_i || 2 color = hex_to_color(options[:color]) || hex_to_color("000000") style = options[:style] style = nil if style.to_sym == :plain new_width, new_height = width + 2*border_width, height + 2*border_width target = BufferedImage.new(new_width, new_height, color_type) graphics = target.graphics graphics.color = color if style raised = style.to_sym == :raised ? true : false graphics.fill3DRect(0, 0, new_width, new_height, raised) else graphics.fill_rect(0, 0, new_width, new_height) end graphics.draw_image(@src, nil, border_width, border_width) graphics.dispose target = ImageVoodoo.new target block_given? ? yield(target) : target end # # Adjusts the brightness of each pixel in image by the following formula: # new_pixel = pixel * scale + offset # def adjust_brightness(scale, offset) image = ImageVoodoo.new internal_transform(RescaleOp.new(scale, offset, nil)) block_given? ? yield(image) : image end # # Converts rgb hex color value to an alpha value an yields/returns the new # image. # def alpha(rgb) color = hex_to_color(rgb) target = BufferedImage.new(width, height, BufferedImage::TYPE_INT_ARGB) graphics = target.graphics graphics.set_composite(java.awt.AlphaComposite::Src) graphics.draw_image(@src, nil, 0, 0) graphics.dispose 0.upto(height-1) do |i| 0.upto(width-1) do |j| target.setRGB(j, i, 0x8F1C1C) if target.getRGB(j, i) == color.getRGB end end target = ImageVoodoo.new target block_given? ? yield(target) : target end # # Write current image out as a stream of bytes using provided format. # def bytes(format) out = ByteArrayOutputStream.new ImageIO.write(@src, format, out) String.from_java_bytes(out.to_byte_array) end # # Creates a square thumbnail of the image cropping the longest edge to # match the shortest edge, resizes to size, and yields/returns the new image. # def cropped_thumbnail(size) l, t, r, b, half = 0, 0, width, height, (width - height).abs / 2 l, r = half, half + height if width > height t, b = half, half + width if height > width with_crop(l, t, r, b) do |image| image.thumbnail(size) do |thumb| target = ImageVoodoo.new target block_given? ? yield(target) : target end end end # # Flips the image horizontally and yields/returns the new image. # def flip_horizontally target = BufferedImage.new(width, height, color_type) graphics = target.graphics graphics.draw_image(@src, 0, 0, width, height, width, 0, 0, height, nil) graphics.dispose target = ImageVoodoo.new target block_given? ? yield(target) : target end # # Flips the image vertically and yields/returns the new image. # def flip_vertically target = BufferedImage.new(width, height, color_type) graphics = target.graphics graphics.draw_image(@src, 0, 0, width, height, 0, height, width, 0, nil) graphics.dispose target = ImageVoodoo.new target block_given? ? yield(target) : target end # # Creates a grayscale version of image and yields/returns the new image. # def greyscale image = ImageVoodoo.new internal_transform(GREY_OP) block_given? ? yield(image) : image end alias_method :grayscale, :greyscale # # Creates a negative and yields/returns the new image. # def negative image = ImageVoodoo.new internal_transform(NEGATIVE_OP) block_given? ? yield(image) : image end # # Resizes the image to width and height using bicubic interpolation and # yields/returns the new image. # def resize(width, height) target = BufferedImage.new(width, height, color_type) graphics = target.graphics graphics.set_rendering_hint(RenderingHints::KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints::VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC) w_scale = width.to_f / @src.width h_scale = height.to_f / @src.height transform = AffineTransform.get_scale_instance w_scale, h_scale graphics.draw_rendered_image @src, transform graphics.dispose target = ImageVoodoo.new target block_given? ? yield(target) : target rescue NativeException => ne raise ArgumentError, ne.message end # # Saves the image out to path. Changing the file extension will convert # the file type to the appropriate format. # def save(file) format = File.extname(file) return false if format == "" format = format[1..-1].downcase ImageIO.write(@src, format, JFile.new(file)) true end # # Resize (scale) the current image by the provided ratio and yield/return # the new image. # def scale(ratio) new_width, new_height = (width * ratio).to_i, (height * ratio).to_i resize(new_width, new_height) do |image| target = ImageVoodoo.new image block_given? ? yield(target) : target end end # # Creates a proportional thumbnail of the image scaled so its longest # edge is resized to size and yields/returns the new image. # def thumbnail(size) scale(size.to_f / (width > height ? width : height)) end # # Crops an image to left, top, right, and bottom and then yields/returns the # new image. # def with_crop(left, top, right, bottom) image = ImageVoodoo.new @src.get_subimage(left, top, right-left, bottom-top) block_given? ? yield(image) : image end # # A simple swing wrapper around an image voodoo object. # class JImagePanel < javax.swing.JPanel def initialize(image, x=0, y=0) super() @image, @x, @y = image, x, y end def image=(image) @image = image invalidate end def getPreferredSize java.awt.Dimension.new(@image.width, @image.height) end def paintComponent(graphics) graphics.drawImage(@image.to_java, @x, @y, nil) end end # Internal class for closing preview window class WindowClosed def initialize(block = nil) @block = block || proc { java.lang.System.exit(0) } end def method_missing(meth,*args); end def windowClosing(event); @block.call; end end # # Creates a viewable frame displaying current image within it. # def preview(&block) frame = JFrame.new("Preview") frame.add_window_listener WindowClosed.new(block) frame.set_bounds 0, 0, width + 20, height + 40 frame.add JImagePanel.new(self, 10, 10) frame.visible = true end # # TODO: Figure out how to determine whether source has alpha or not # Experimental: Read an image from the url source and yield/return that # image. # def self.from_url(source) url = java.net.URL.new(source) image = java.awt.Toolkit.default_toolkit.create_image(url) tracker = java.awt.MediaTracker.new(java.awt.Label.new("")) tracker.addImage(image, 0); tracker.waitForID(0) target = BufferedImage.new(image.getWidth, image.getHeight, BufferedImage::TYPE_INT_RGB) graphics = target.graphics graphics.drawImage(image, 0, 0, nil) graphics.dispose target = ImageVoodoo.new target block_given? ? yield(target) : target rescue java.io.IOException, java.net.MalformedURLException raise ArgumentError.new "Trouble retrieving image: #{$!.message}" end # # A top-level image loader opens path and then yields/returns the image. # def self.with_image(file) readers = ImageIO.getImageReadersBySuffix(File.extname(file)[1..-1]) raise TypeError, "unrecognized format for #{file}" unless readers.hasNext image = ImageVoodoo.new ImageIO.read(JFile.new(file)) block_given? ? yield(image) : image rescue NativeException => ne nil end # # A top-level image loader reads bytes and then yields/returns the image. # def self.with_bytes(bytes) bytes = bytes.to_java_bytes if String === bytes image = ImageVoodoo.new ImageIO.read(ByteArrayInputStream.new(bytes)) block_given? ? yield(image) : image end # # Returns the height of the image, in pixels. # def height @src.height end # # Returns the width of the image, in pixels. # def width @src.width end # # Returns the underlying Java BufferedImage associated with this object. # def to_java @src end private # # Converts a RGB hex value into a java.awt.Color object or dies trying # with an ArgumentError. # def hex_to_color(rgb) raise ArgumentError.new "hex rrggbb needed" if rgb !~ /[[:xdigit:]]{6,6}/ java.awt.Color.new(rgb[0,2].to_i(16), rgb[2,2].to_i(16), rgb[4,2].to_i(16)) end # # Determines the best colorspace for a new image based on whether the # existing image contains an alpha channel or not. # def color_type return BufferedImage::TYPE_INT_ARGB if @src.color_model.has_alpha BufferedImage::TYPE_INT_RGB end # # Do simple AWT operation transformation to target. # def internal_transform(operation, target=BufferedImage.new(width, height, color_type)) graphics = target.graphics graphics.drawImage(@src, 0, 0, nil) graphics.drawImage(operation.filter(target, nil), 0, 0, nil) graphics.dispose target end end