require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe TestRunner do context "valid build tools" do it "should support maven" do TestRunner.valid_tools.include?("mvn").should be_true end it "should support gradle" do TestRunner.valid_tools.include?("gradle").should be_true end end context "all tests" do before(:all) do @test_runner = @message = "java autotest is awesome!" end it "should notify user when build fail" do @test_runner.should_receive(:system).and_return false @test_runner.should_receive(:notify).with("Build Broken") @test_runner.run_all_tests end it "should notify user when all build pass" do @test_runner.stub!(:system).and_return true @test_runner.should_receive(:notify).with("Build Success") @test_runner.run_all_tests end it "should run all tests to maven" do @test_runner.should_receive(:system).with("mvn test").and_return true @test_runner.stub!(:notify) @test_runner.run_all_tests end it "should run all tests to gradle" do File.stub(:exists?).with("build.gradle").and_return true test_runner = test_runner.stub!(:notify) test_runner.should_receive(:system).with("gradle test").and_return true test_runner.run_all_tests end end context "single test" do before(:each) do @test_class = "ImplTest" @test_runner = end it "should notify user when test fail" do @test_runner.should_receive(:system).and_return false @test_runner.should_receive(:notify).with("Test Failure: #{@test_class}") @test_runner.run_test(@test_class).should be_false end it "cannot notify user when test pass" do @test_runner.should_receive(:system).and_return true @test_runner.should_not_receive(:notify) @test_runner.run_test(@test_class).should be_true end it "should run single test to maven" do command = "mvn -Dtest=#{@test_class} test" @test_runner.should_receive(:system).with(command).and_return true @test_runner.run_test(@test_class).should be_true end it "should run gradle single test" do File.stub(:exists?).with("build.gradle").and_return true test_runner = command = "gradle -Dtest.single=#{@test_class} test" test_runner.should_receive(:system).with(command).and_return true test_runner.run_test(@test_class).should be_true end end context "notify user" do before(:all) do @test_runner = @current_platform = RUBY_PLATFORM @message = "java autotest is awesome!" end after(:all) do RUBY_PLATFORM = @current_platform end it "should be able to notify on linux OS" do RUBY_PLATFORM = "linux" command = "notify-send '#{TestRunner::Title}' '#{@message}' --icon #{TestRunner::ICON}" @test_runner.should_receive(:system).with(command) @test_runner.notify(@message) end it "should be able to notify on Mac OS X" do RUBY_PLATFORM = "darwin" command = "growlnotify -t '#{TestRunner::Title}' -m '#{@message}' --image #{TestRunner::ICON}" @test_runner.should_receive(:system).with(command) @test_runner.notify(@message) end end end