require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper')) class TwilioContactableContactableTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase Success = => :success) Error = => :error) context "configuration" do TwilioContactable::Contactable::Attributes.each do |attr| context "attribute: #{attr}" do should "begin with appropriate default for #{attr}_column" do klass = klass.send :include, TwilioContactable::Contactable assert_equal attr, klass.twilio_contactable.send("#{attr}_column") end should "allow overwriting the default" do klass = klass.send :include, TwilioContactable::Contactable klass.twilio_contactable do |config| config.send("#{attr}_column=", :custom_column) end assert_equal :custom_column, klass.twilio_contactable.send("#{attr}_column") end end end end context "contactable instance" do setup { User.delete_all @user = User.create! :phone_number => '(555) 123-4567' } should "normalize phone number" do assert_equal '+15551234567', @user.formatted_phone_number end context "when phone number is blank" do setup { @user._TC_phone_number = nil} context "confirming phone number" do setup { @user.send_sms_confirmation! } should_not_change "any attributes" do @user.attributes.inspect end end context "sending message" do setup { TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:perform).returns(Success) @worked = @user.send_sms!('message') } should "not work" do assert !@worked end should_not_change "any attributes" do @user.attributes.inspect end end end context "when phone number exists" do setup { @user._TC_phone_number = "206-555-5555"} context "confirming phone number" do context "via sms" do setup { TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:deliver).returns(Success) @worked = @user.send_sms_confirmation! } should "work" do assert @worked end should "save confirmation number in proper attribute" do assert @user._TC_sms_confirmation_code end should "set confirmation attempted time" do assert @user._TC_sms_confirmation_attempted > 3.minutes.ago end should_change "stored code" do @user._TC_sms_confirmation_code end should "not have number confirmed yet" do assert !@user.sms_confirmed? end context "calling sms_confirm_with(right_code)" do setup { @user.sms_confirm_with(@user._TC_sms_confirmation_code) } should "work" do assert @worked end should "save the phone number into the confirmed attribute" do assert_equal @user._TC_formatted_phone_number, @user._TC_sms_confirmed_phone_number, @user.reload.inspect end should_change "confirmed phone number attribute" do @user._TC_sms_confirmed_phone_number end context "and then attempting to confirm another number" do setup { @user._TC_phone_number = "206-555-8990" TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:deliver).returns(Success).once @user.send_sms_confirmation! } should "eliminate the previous confirmed phone number" do assert @user._TC_sms_confirmed_phone_number.blank? end should "un-confirm the record" do assert !@user.sms_confirmed? end end end context "calling sms_confirm_with(wrong_code)" do setup { @worked = @user.sms_confirm_with('wrong_code') } should "not work" do assert !@worked end should "not save the phone number into the confirmed attribute" do assert_not_equal @user._TC_sms_confirmed_phone_number, @user._TC_formatted_phone_number end should_not_change "confirmed phone number attribute" do @user.reload._TC_sms_confirmed_phone_number end end end context "confirming phone number with a custom short code" do context "with expectations" do setup { message = "long message blah blah MYCODE blah" TwilioContactable.expects(:generate_confirmation_code).returns('MYCODE').once TwilioContactable.expects(:confirmation_message).returns(message).once TwilioContactable::Gateway.expects(:deliver).with(message, @user._TC_formatted_phone_number).once @user.send_sms_confirmation! } end context "(normal)" do setup { TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:deliver).returns(Success) @worked = @user.send_sms_confirmation! } should "work" do assert @worked end end end context "confirming phone number when the confirmation fails for some reason" do setup { TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:deliver).returns(Error) @worked = @user.send_sms_confirmation! } should "not work" do assert !@worked end should "not save confirmation number" do assert @user._TC_sms_confirmation_code.blank? end should_not_change "stored code" do @user._TC_sms_confirmation_code end end context "via voice" do setup { TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:deliver).returns(Success) # To start any voice call we'll need to first initialize # this model in a controller class TestController < ActionController::Base include TwilioContactable::Controller twilio_contactable User self end @worked = @user.send_voice_confirmation! } should "work" do assert @worked end should "save confirmation number in proper attribute" do assert @user._TC_voice_confirmation_code end should "set confirmation attempted time" do assert @user._TC_voice_confirmation_attempted > 3.minutes.ago end should_change "stored code" do @user._TC_voice_confirmation_code end should "not have number confirmed yet" do assert !@user.voice_confirmed? end context "calling voice_confirm_with(right_code)" do setup { @user.voice_confirm_with(@user._TC_voice_confirmation_code) } should "work" do assert @worked end should "save the phone number into the confirmed attribute" do assert_equal @user._TC_formatted_phone_number, @user._TC_voice_confirmed_phone_number, @user.reload.inspect end should_change "confirmed phone number attribute" do @user._TC_voice_confirmed_phone_number end context "and then attempting to confirm another number" do setup { @user._TC_phone_number = "206-555-8990" TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:deliver).returns(Success).once @user.send_voice_confirmation! } should "eliminate the previous confirmed phone number" do assert @user._TC_voice_confirmed_phone_number.blank? end should "un-confirm the record" do assert !@user.voice_confirmed? end end end context "calling voice_confirm_with(wrong_code)" do setup { @worked = @user.voice_confirm_with('wrong_code') } should "not work" do assert !@worked end should "not save the phone number into the confirmed attribute" do assert_not_equal @user._TC_voice_confirmed_phone_number, @user._TC_formatted_phone_number end should_not_change "confirmed phone number attribute" do @user.reload._TC_voice_confirmed_phone_number end end end end end context "when the number is not confirmed" do context "sending a message" do setup { TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:deliver).returns(Success) @result = @user.send_sms!('message') } should "send send no messages" do assert_equal false, @result end end end context "when the number is blocked" do setup { @user._TC_sms_blocked = true! } context "sending a message" do setup { @result = @user.send_sms!('message') } should "send nothing" do assert_equal false, @result end end end context "when the number is confirmed" do setup { TwilioContactable::Gateway.stubs(:deliver).returns(Success) @user.stubs(:sms_confirmed?).returns(true) } context "sending a message" do setup { @result = @user.send_sms!('message') } should "send send exactly one message" do assert_equal [7], @result end end context "sending a blank message" do setup { @result = @user.send_sms!('') } should "send send zero messages" do assert_equal false, @result end end context "sending a huge message" do context "without the allow_multiple flag" do should "raise an error" do assert_raises ArgumentError do @user.send_sms!("A"*200) end end end context "with the allow_multiple flag" do setup { @result = @user.send_sms!("A"*200, true) } should "send multiple messages" do assert_equal [160, 40], @result end end end end end end