#!/usr/bin/env ruby $:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../lib') require 'Scamp' scamp = Scamp.new(:api_key => "YOUR API KEY") Scamp.behaviour do # Match some regex limited to a channel condition based on a channel id match /^channel id (.+)$/, :conditions => {:channel => 401839} do # Reply in the current channel say "Match some regex limited to a channel condition based on a channel id" end # Limit a match to a channel condition based on a string match "channel name check", :conditions => {:channel => "Monitoring"} do say "Limit a match to a channel condition based on a string" end # Limit a match to a channel condition based on a regex match /^channel regex (.+)$/, :conditions => {:channel => /someregex/} do say "Limit a match to a channel condition based on a regex" end # Limit a match to a user condition based on a regex match /^user regex (.+)$/, :conditions => {:user => /someregex/} do say "Limit a match to a user condition based on a regex" end # Limit a match to a user condition based on a string match /^user name (.+)$/, :conditions => {:user => "Will Jessop"} do say "Limit a match to a user condition based on a string" end # Limit a match to a user condition based on a string match "user id check", :conditions => {:user => 774016} do say "Limit a match to a user condition based on an ID" end # Limit a match to a channel & user condition combined match /^something (.+)$/, :conditions => {:channel => "Monitoring", :user => "Will Jessop"} do # Reply in the current channel say "Limit a match to a channel & user condition combined" end # Match text with a regex, access the captures from the match object match /^repeat (\w+), (\w+)$/ do say "You said #{matches[0]} and #{matches[1]}" end # Match text with a regex, access the named captures as a method match /^say (?.+)$/ do say "You said #{yousaid}" end # Simple string match, interpolating the channel and user in response. match "something" do |data| # Send the response to a different channel say "#{user} said something in channel #{channel}", "Robot Army" # Send the response to a different channel, using the channel ID say "#{user} said something in channel #{channel}", 293788 # Send the response to the originating channel say "#{user} said something in channel #{channel}" end match "multi-condition match", :conditions => {:channel => [401839, "Monitoring"], :nick => ["Will Jessop", "Noah Lorang"]} do # Reply in the current channel say "multi-condition match" end end # FIXME: this does if the channel doesn't exist. Need a better error. scamp.connect!([293788, "Monitoring"])