1.20 - Added support for using 3 spaces in addition to tabs for parameter descriptions. Added support for GNU -p, --param descriptions, for easier GNU parameter support. Fixed help description bug with [ditto] of single parameter flags. 1.13 - Fixed bug that would always match parameters in a case insensitive way, as if [nocase] had been used. This should speed the parser a tiny bit. [cluster: ...] was incorrectly being printed in help usage. 1.12 - Fixed bug with :+i, :+n, :0+i options not being cast appropiately when used in pvttypes. Added [debug] option to argument description to turn on debugging. NOTE: there is a known bug when using [] within pvttype regex definitions. Problem seems to be related to DelimScanner/strscan. 1.11 - Fixed a pretty bug that was parsing -flags inappropiately and leading to slower parsing.