module Asciidoctor module NIST class Converter < Standoc::Converter def cleanup(xmldoc) sourcecode_cleanup(xmldoc) super end def sourcecode_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//sourcecode").each do |x| x.traverse do |n| next unless n.text? n.replace(, nistvariable_insert(n))) end end end # skip annex/terms/terms, which is empty node def termdef_subclause_cleanup(xmldoc) xmldoc.xpath("//terms[terms]").each do |t| next if == "terms" t.children.each { |n| n.parent = t.parent } t.remove end end def sections_cleanup(x) super x.xpath("//*[@inline-header]").each do |h| h.delete("inline-header") end end def move_clauses_into_preface(x, preface) x.xpath("//clause[@preface]").each do |c| c.delete("preface") title = c&.at("./title")&.text.downcase = "reviewernote" if title == "note to reviewers" = "executivesummary" if title == "executive summary" preface.add_child c.remove end x.xpath("//clause[@executivesummary]").each do |c| c.delete("executivesummary") title = c&.at("./title")&.text.downcase = "executivesummary" preface.add_child c.remove end end def move_authority_before_preface(x, preface) if"//boilerplate") boilerplate ="//boilerplate") preface.previous = boilerplate.remove else preface.previous = boilerplate(x) end end def move_sections_into_preface(x, preface) move_authority_before_preface(x, preface) abstract ="//abstract") and preface.add_child abstract.remove foreword ="//foreword") and preface.add_child foreword.remove intro ="//introduction") and preface.add_child intro.remove move_clauses_into_preface(x, preface) callforpatentclaims(x, preface) end def callforpatentclaims(x, preface) if @callforpatentclaims docemail = x&.at("//uri[@type = 'email']")&.text || "???" docnumber = x&.at("//docnumber")&.text || "???" status = x&.at("//bibdata/status/stage")&.text published = status.nil? || /^final/.match(status) preface.add_child patent_text(published, docemail, docnumber) end end def patent_text(published, docemail, docnumber) patent = (!published ? CALL_FOR_PATENT_CLAIMS : (@commitmenttolicence ? PATENT_DISCLOSURE_NOTICE1 : PATENT_DISCLOSURE_NOTICE2)).clone patent.gsub(/ITL-POINT-OF_CONTACT/, published ? (@patentcontact || docemail) : (@patentcontact || "#{docemail}, with the Subject: #{docnumber} "\ "Call for Patent Claims")) end def make_preface(x, s) preface = s.add_previous_sibling("").first move_sections_into_preface(x, preface) summ ="//executivesummary") and preface.add_child summ.remove #end end # handle NIST references separately # doc identifier format, NIST: NIST SP 800-87-1 {Vol./Volume 8}| # {Rev./Revision 8}|(Month YYYY) def reference_names(docxml) super ret = get_all_nist_refs(docxml) tallies = ret.inject( do |memo, (k, v)| memo[v[:trunc]] += 1 memo end ret.each do |k, v| tallies[v[:trunc]] == 1 and @anchors[k][:xref] = v[:trunc] @anchors[k][:xref].sub!(/^NIST /, "") end end def truncate_nist_ref(text) #text.sub(/\s\((January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August| # September|October|November|December)\s\d\d\d\d\).*$/x, "") text end def get_all_nist_refs(docxml) ret = {} docxml.xpath("//bibitem[not(ancestor::bibitem)]").each do |ref| #next unless"./docidentifier[@type = 'NIST']") ret[ref["id"]] = {} ret[ref["id"]][:xref] = ref&.at("./docidentifier[not(@type = 'DOI')]")&.text or next ret[ref["id"]][:trunc] = truncate_nist_ref(ret[ref["id"]][:xref]) end ret end end end end