Map( bgm: AudioFile( volume: 100, name: "Sonder", pitch: 100, ), events: { 16: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(5), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(22), Integer(22), Integer(0), Integer(6), Integer(-1), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 121, parameters: [ Integer(22), Integer(22), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 111, parameters: [ Integer(1), Integer(22), Integer(0), Integer(27), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 202, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(27), Integer(20), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(5), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 41, parameters: [ String("red_rue"), Integer(0), Integer(6), Integer(0), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 3, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 27, parameters: [ Integer(22), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 41, parameters: [ String("red_rue"), Integer(0), Integer(6), Integer(0), ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 3, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 27, parameters: [ Integer(22), ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 411, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 202, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(28), Integer(20), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(5), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 41, parameters: [ String("red_rue"), Integer(0), Integer(4), Integer(0), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 2, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 27, parameters: [ Integer(22), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 41, parameters: [ String("red_rue"), Integer(0), Integer(4), Integer(0), ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 2, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 27, parameters: [ Integer(22), ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 412, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 203, parameters: [ Integer(8), Integer(4), Integer(3), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 129, parameters: [ Integer(3), Integer(1), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(40), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh You know... \\.\\.This is the tallest building in the refuge."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue It's...\\.\\. my favorite place in this world."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue I liked to look at the far-off buildings and imagine...\\.\\.what kind of lives that might be behind each of the windows."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko_upset ..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(5), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 16, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 16, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 203, parameters: [ Integer(2), Integer(4), Integer(3), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(30), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk ...Can you...\\.\\. lift me onto the banister?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue I want to get a better look."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(-1), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(26), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(5), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 37, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 10, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 37, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 10, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 231, parameters: [ Integer(1), String("black"), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(100), Integer(100), Integer(0), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 232, parameters: [ Integer(1), Integer(20), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(100), Integer(100), Integer(255), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(50), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 231, parameters: [ Integer(2), String("sol_rue"), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(200), Integer(200), Integer(0), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 232, parameters: [ Integer(2), Integer(20), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(200), Integer(200), Integer(255), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(120), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad It was hard for me at first too, you know..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue Knowing that all of this is...\\.\\. well..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko_upset2 ...fake?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh Fake is a little harsh..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue But yes, it was difficult dealing with the "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("knowledge that is all simulated."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko_eyeclosed ..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko3 ...Cedric... told me about what happened to your old world."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk Did he?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko_eyeclosed I'm... really sorry about that... \\> \\@niko_upset I can't imagine...\\.\\.how you must feel..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad The feeling of never being able to go home again...?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue That's... \\.\\.probably not all that different from your plight, is it?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad ..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad really IS ironic."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue You are prevented from going home by the same...\\.\\.individual...\\.\\. who never wanted to bring you here."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko3 ...Huh?\\> Who would that be?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue The World Machine."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk You... might know it as the Entity."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko2 Oh..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko_eyeclosed \"The Entity\"... DOES sound familiar."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko2 I think I heard it from the dice lady, from another time."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko3 Was it... the spirit of the world?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_smile Yes!"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...But... thing is...\\>\\n\\@rue_sigh The World Machine was only built to run on the mental abilities of someone else."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk It was never meant to develop a mind of its own."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko4 ..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh It was an oversight."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad My creator specialized in artificial intelligence for so long... \\>\\nIt was simply ingrained in his work."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh ...sigh."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue And... all machines are built with a fundamental law. \"Never let a living being come to harm\"."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue From the World Machine's perspective, it has to violate its deepest, most foundational instinct."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh It has to put a living person in danger."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh It has to bring a real person into a dying world that isn't even real."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko3 ..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...Of course, the simulation never contained any real danger."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk The eventual, intended ending was meant to be a happy one."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...but the World Machine doesn't know that."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko3 ...really?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad Unfortunately..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_speak When you misplace a bracket in artificial "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("intelligence, it doesn't throw an error."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue It keeps working."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh And here... A similar thing has happened."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue Working with sentient code more often than not "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("creates conflicts without very careful tuning."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh My creator would have taken precautions "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("if he had known..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad This central conflict triggered a self- destructive downward spiral."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh You can see physical manifestations of that everywhere, now..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko4 The squares..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue That's the World Machine corrupting its own code."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk ...My creator says it's largely an involuntary process, induced by stress and the desire to self- terminate."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko3 Your creator knows?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko4 Sounds like this has been going on since the beginning, then..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh Yeah."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk The disruption was an issue during test runs, even."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue At first, my creator thought the instability was due to the sheer scope of the project."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue He spent most of his remaining time testing it over and over again, scaling down the story, reiterating the narrative..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad the time he realized the actual root of the problem, our home world's remaining lifespan was measured in mere days."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue We are currently experiencing first hand what "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("happens when The World Machine spirals like it once "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("did."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad It's quite...\\>\\@rue_sigh depressing."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko4 ...Oh."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko3 there....\\.\\. any way for us to..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk ...fix the World Machine? \\>\\n\\@rue_sad "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("We tried in the past."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad The World Machine doesn't believe any of the world's residents are real."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...myself included."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh Even if we did try now, I doubt it'd listen "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("to any of us."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad It might listen to you but it's likely it'd push "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("you away."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad The odds are against us... we have no chance of taming it."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko2 Taming?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko_eyeclosed I have heard that word SO many times!"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko5 I only know it's complicated \\.\\.\\n\\@niko6 ...and that it has to do with robots, but..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko2 ...for once, I want to know what it really means."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_smile ...that's what I'm here for."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue Do you...\\.\\. know what a robot is?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko Yeah?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue No, I mean. \\>\\nDo you KNOW what a robot is?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko2"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue A robot is not a real person, is it?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko2 ...right."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue It's a being whose entire existence is code."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk Inflexible programming, with thoughts dictated by someone else's design."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue They can be copied, they can be mass produced, then can be assigned all sorts of jobs."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...And most importantly... they will never confuse themselves with the living."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue They will always be bound by their code, the knowledge that they are a robot."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...but this was more of a limitation than anything else."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko_eyeclosed Ah, that makes sense."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko2 You can't... really build a robot to not follow its own code, can you?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue You can try."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh People have tried, but it's a recipe for disaster."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue Silver was an attempt at a robot that didn't "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("follow its code."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh If you know what happened to her you'll "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("understand what I mean."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue In a way, that's what happened to The World Machine."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko The... code conflicts thing?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh Yeah."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue But, while you can't BUILD a robot to not follow its code..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk You can establish a special bond with it."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue If the strength of that bond is strong enough..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...the robot's mental capacity will start to develop outside of its programming."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_smile In a way, it's starting to believe itself as a \"real\", valid individual."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko ..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue It's a complete suspension of disbelief on your end, though."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk You have to fully embrace the robot as a genuine, living person, even knowing they are not..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue You need to spend a lot time with it... treat it like a good friend..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue Devoting your heart to the robot until it is able to return your feelings."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_smile ...haha... I make it sound so easy, don't I?"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue But you and \\p know better than anyone that it's not."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad Right now, the World Machine is probably really, really scared."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad This content update... involved some pretty deep codework."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue The whole fabric of this world feels different."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue Almost... modified."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_talk My creator was able to access some of the source code, you know..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue He did what he could and established new connections between maps."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_smile Those links enabled you to meet the other two."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad But as it turns out, the new code confused the World Machine to such an extent that it's breaking down altogether."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue Even though the World Machine always had self-destructive tendencies, it usually restrains itself when you are in the world."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad It doesn't want to take you along with it."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh It's so...\\. so\\. far gone, it can't stop itself "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("at this point..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad This whole... collapse is worse than "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("anything we had seen."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sigh Almost like something is pushing it "), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 401, parameters: [ String("further..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@niko3 ..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 232, parameters: [ Integer(2), Integer(20), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(200), Integer(200), Integer(0), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 235, parameters: [ Integer(2), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 232, parameters: [ Integer(1), Integer(20), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(100), Integer(100), Integer(0), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 235, parameters: [ Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 111, parameters: [ Integer(1), Integer(22), Integer(0), Integer(27), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(5), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 3, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 25, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 3, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 25, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 411, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(5), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 2, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 25, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 2, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 25, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 412, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(7), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad ...All my creator wanted was to write a happy ending."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue Right now, the only hope of saving you is to take you through that ending."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad But now the other two are gone....\\>\\nI don't even know HOW we're gonna get you there."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad ..."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 121, parameters: [ Integer(298), Integer(298), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 250, parameters: [ AudioFile(AudioFile( volume: 80, name: "glitch3", pitch: 95, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(5), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 26, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 26, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(12), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 121, parameters: [ Integer(299), Integer(299), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(-1), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 18, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 18, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(12), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 121, parameters: [ Integer(300), Integer(300), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue ...we should go."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 101, parameters: [ String("@rue_sad Even this place is no longer safe."), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 121, parameters: [ Integer(22), Integer(22), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(5), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 10, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 41, parameters: [ String(""), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(0), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 27, parameters: [ Integer(22), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 10, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 41, parameters: [ String(""), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(0), ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 27, parameters: [ Integer(22), ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(10), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 129, parameters: [ Integer(3), Integer(0), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 121, parameters: [ Integer(301), Integer(301), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 355, parameters: [ String("disable_travel"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(4), Integer(4), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 1, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 4, variable_valid: true, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 3, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), ], name: "Map Events", y: 24, x: 34, id: 16, ), 5: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), ], name: "rue", y: 21, x: 30, id: 5, ), 22: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 300, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 1, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV022", y: 17, x: 38, id: 22, ), 11: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 298, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 1, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV011", y: 18, x: 33, id: 11, ), 17: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 299, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 1, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV017", y: 17, x: 21, id: 17, ), 6: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 355, parameters: [ String("unlock_map :red, :obsdeck, :up"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 116, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 4, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: true, ), Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 355, parameters: [ String("disable_travel"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 116, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 296, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 4, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: true, ), ], name: "FAST TRAVEL", y: 22, x: 28, id: 6, ), 12: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 322, parameters: [ Integer(1), String("niko_bulb"), Integer(0), String(""), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 116, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 4, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), ], name: "outdoor graphic", y: 25, x: 20, id: 12, ), 1: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(4), Integer(4), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 296, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 1, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: true, ), Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 301, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: true, ), ], name: "EV001", y: 19, x: 27, id: 1, ), 23: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 111, parameters: [ Integer(0), Integer(297), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 241, parameters: [ AudioFile(AudioFile( volume: 100, name: "SonderExtendedGuitar", pitch: 100, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 411, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 241, parameters: [ AudioFile(AudioFile( volume: 100, name: "Sonder", pitch: 100, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 412, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 116, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 4, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), ], name: "EV023", y: 24, x: 35, id: 23, ), 18: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 300, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV018", y: 19, x: 22, id: 18, ), 7: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 300, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV007", y: 19, x: 25, id: 7, ), 24: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), ], name: "EV024", y: 17, x: 79, id: 24, ), 2: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 355, parameters: [ String("check_exit 27, 28, y: 26"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 111, parameters: [ Integer(0), Integer(22), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 117, parameters: [ Integer(10), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(6), Integer(6), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(221), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(9), Integer(9), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(15), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(8), Integer(8), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(34), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 117, parameters: [ Integer(6), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 412, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 4, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), ], name: "south exit", y: 26, x: 26, id: 2, ), 13: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 300, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 1, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV013", y: 19, x: 32, id: 13, ), 19: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 299, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV019", y: 17, x: 33, id: 19, ), 8: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 299, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 1, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV008", y: 17, x: 25, id: 8, ), 3: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 355, parameters: [ String("pan_offset_y -64"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 655, parameters: [ String("wrap_map"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 116, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 4, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), ], name: "init", y: 22, x: 24, id: 3, ), 14: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 111, parameters: [ Integer(12), String("activate_balcony? 17"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 123, parameters: [ String("A"), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 411, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 111, parameters: [ Integer(0), Integer(47), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 2, code: 121, parameters: [ Integer(47), Integer(47), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 2, code: 123, parameters: [ String("B"), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 2, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 412, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 412, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 4, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(-1), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 37, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 29, parameters: [ Integer(2), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 37, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 29, parameters: [ Integer(2), ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 210, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 203, parameters: [ Integer(8), Integer(5), Integer(3), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(40), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 105, parameters: [ Integer(22), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 203, parameters: [ Integer(2), Integer(5), Integer(3), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 106, parameters: [ Integer(40), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(-1), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 1, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 38, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 29, parameters: [ Integer(3), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 1, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 38, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 29, parameters: [ Integer(3), ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 210, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 123, parameters: [ String("A"), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: true, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 3, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 112, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 111, parameters: [ Integer(12), String("$game_player.y == 17"), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 2, code: 113, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 2, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 412, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 209, parameters: [ Integer(-1), MoveRoute(MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: false, )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 509, parameters: [ MoveCommand(MoveCommand( code: 4, parameters: [ ], )), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 210, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 1, code: 0, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 413, parameters: [], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 123, parameters: [ String("A"), Integer(0), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 123, parameters: [ String("B"), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "B", switch1_id: 1, switch1_valid: false, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: true, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 3, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: false, ), ], name: "balcony", y: 11, x: 25, id: 14, ), 20: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 298, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 1, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV020", y: 19, x: 35, id: 20, ), 9: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 298, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV009", y: 18, x: 20, id: 9, ), 15: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 298, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV015", y: 18, x: 24, id: 15, ), 4: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(4), Integer(4), Integer(0), Integer(0), Integer(1), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 296, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 1, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: true, ), Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 0, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 301, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 3, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 3, through: true, ), ], name: "EV004", y: 19, x: 28, id: 4, ), 21: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 300, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 1, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV021", y: 18, x: 34, id: 21, ), 10: Event( pages: [ Page( list: [ EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 122, parameters: [ Integer(5), Integer(5), Integer(0), Integer(2), Integer(18), Integer(20), ], ), EventCommand( indent: 0, code: 0, parameters: [], ), ], move_type: 3, direction_fix: false, condition: Condition( switch2_valid: false, self_switch_ch: "A", switch1_id: 299, switch1_valid: true, variable_value: 0, self_switch_valid: false, variable_id: 1, variable_valid: false, switch2_id: 1, ), move_route: MoveRoute( list: [ MoveCommand( code: 20, parameters: [ ], ), MoveCommand( code: 15, parameters: [ Integer(4), ], ), MoveCommand( code: 0, parameters: [ ], ), ], skippable: false, repeat: true, ), trigger: 0, step_anime: false, move_frequency: 6, always_on_top: false, graphic: Graphic( opacity: 255, character_name: "red_glitch", pattern: 0, tile_id: 0, direction: 2, blend_type: 0, character_hue: 0, ), walk_anime: true, move_speed: 5, through: false, ), ], name: "EV010", y: 17, x: 31, id: 10, ), }, tileset_id: 15, bgs: AudioFile( volume: 80, name: "", pitch: 100, ), autoplay_bgm: false, data: Array( v: 1, dim: (3, 36, 140), 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