# The link between two {Actor actors} # # Each {Contact} has many {Tie ties}, which determine the kind of the link through {Relation relations} # # = {Contact Contacts} and {Activity activities} # Each {Activity} is attached to a {Contact}. When _Alice_ post in _Bob_'s wall, # the {Activity} is attached to the {Contact} from _Alice_ to _Bob_ # # * The sender of the {Contact} is the author of the {Activity}. # It is the user that uploads a resource to the website or the social entity that # originates the {Activity} (for example: add as contact). # # * The receiver {Actor} of the {Contact} is the receiver of the {Activity}. # The {Activity} will appear in the wall of the receiver, depending on the permissions # class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base # Send a message when this contact is created or updated attr_accessor :message belongs_to :inverse, :class_name => "Contact" belongs_to :sender, :class_name => "Actor" belongs_to :receiver, :class_name => "Actor" has_many :ties, :dependent => :destroy has_many :relations, :through => :ties has_many :activities, :dependent => :destroy scope :sent_by, lambda { |a| where(:sender_id => Actor.normalize_id(a)) } scope :received_by, lambda { |a| where(:receiver_id => Actor.normalize_id(a)) } scope :sent_or_received_by, lambda { |a| where(arel_table[:sender_id].eq(Actor.normalize_id(a)). or(arel_table[:receiver_id].eq(Actor.normalize_id(a)))) } scope :recent, order("contacts.created_at DESC") scope :active, where(arel_table[:ties_count].gt(0)) scope :not_reflexive, where(arel_table[:sender_id].not_eq(arel_table[:receiver_id])) scope :pending, active. not_reflexive. joins("LEFT JOIN contacts AS inverse_contacts ON inverse_contacts.id = contacts.inverse_id"). where(arel_table[:inverse_id].eq(nil).or(arel_table.alias("inverse_contacts")[:ties_count].eq(0))) scope :related_by_param, lambda { |p| if p.present? joins(:ties).merge(Tie.where(:relation_id => p)) end } validates_presence_of :sender_id, :receiver_id validates_presence_of :relation_ids, :on => :update validates_uniqueness_of :sender_id, :scope => :receiver_id validates_uniqueness_of :receiver_id, :scope => :sender_id after_create :set_inverse after_save :send_message def sender_subject sender.subject end def receiver_subject receiver.subject end # Does this {Contact} have the same sender and receiver? def reflexive? sender_id == receiver_id end # Find or create the inverse {Contact} def inverse! inverse || receiver.contact_to!(sender) end # Has this {Contact} any {Tie}? def established? ties_count > 0 end # The {Contact} in the other way is established def replied? inverse_id.present? && inverse.ties_count > 0 end # The {ActivityVerb} corresponding to this {Contact}. If this contact is pending, # the other one was establised already, so this is going to "make-friend". # If it is not pending, the contact in the other way was not established, so this # is following def verb replied? ? "make-friend" : "follow" end # has_many collection=objects method does not trigger destroy callbacks, # so follower_count will not be updated # # We need to update that status here def relation_ids=(ids) remove_follower(ids) association(:relations).ids_writer(ids) end # Is this {Contact} +new+ or +edit+ for {SocialStream::Models::Subject subject} ? # # action is +new+ when, despite of being created, it has not {Tie ties} or it has a {Tie} with a # {Relation::Reject reject relation}. # # The contact's action is +edit+ when it has any {Tie} with a {Relation::Custom custom relation} or # a {Relation::Public public relation} # def action if ties_count > 0 && relations.where(:type => ['Relation::Custom', 'Relation::Public']).any? 'edit' else replied? ? 'reply' : 'new' end end def status case action when 'edit' ties.includes(:relation).map(&:relation_name).join(", ") else I18n.t("contact.#{ action }.link") end end private def remove_follower(ids) # There was no follower return if relation_ids.blank? ids = ids.map(&:to_i) return if ids.sort == relation_ids.sort following = Relation. where(:id => relation_ids). joins(:permissions). merge(Permission.follow). any? if following will_follow = Relation. where(:id => ids). joins(:permissions). merge(Permission.follow). any? if !will_follow receiver.decrement!(:follower_count) end end end # Send a message to the contact receiver def send_message return if message.blank? sender.send_message(receiver, message, I18n.t("activity.verb.#{ verb }.#{ receiver.subject_type }.message", :name => sender.name)) end def set_inverse inverse = self.class.sent_by(receiver_id).received_by(sender_id).first return if inverse.blank? update_attribute :inverse_id, inverse.id inverse.update_attribute :inverse_id, id end end