#-- # Copyright (c) 2009-2009, John Mettraux, jmettraux@gmail.com # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # Made in Japan. #++ require 'uri' require 'rufus/lru' # gem install rufus-lru require 'rufus/jig/path' module Rufus::Jig # The classical helper method, does a full copy of the given object. # Thanks Marshal. # def self.marshal_copy (o) Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(o)) end # Keeping track of the HTTP status code and of the error message. # class HttpError < RuntimeError attr_reader :status def initialize (status, message) @status = status super(message) end end class HttpResponse attr_reader :status, :headers, :body attr_reader :original end # The base for the Rufus::Jig::Http class. # class HttpCore # mostly for debugging purposes # attr_reader :last_response # the path => [ etag, decoded_body] client cache # attr_reader :cache # the options for the http client # attr_reader :options # host and port, vanilla # attr_reader :host, :port # The class of the error that should be raised when a request is not 2xx. # attr_accessor :error_class def initialize (host, port, opts) @host = host @port = port @options = opts @cache = LruHash.new((opts[:cache_size] || 35).to_i) if pf = @options[:prefix] @options[:prefix] = "/#{pf}" if (not pf.match(/^\//)) end @error_class = opts[:error_class] || HttpError end def close # default implementation does nothing end def get (path, opts={}) request(:get, path, nil, opts) end def post (path, data, opts={}) request(:post, path, data, opts) end def put (path, data, opts={}) request(:put, path, data, opts) end def delete (path, opts={}) request(:delete, path, nil, opts) end protected def from_cache (path, opts) if et = opts[:etag] cached = @cache[path] if cached && cached.first != et # # cached version is perhaps stale # cached = nil opts.delete(:etag) end cached else nil end end def request (method, path, data, opts={}) raw = raw_expected?(opts) path = add_prefix(path, opts) path = add_params(path, opts) cached = from_cache(path, opts) opts.delete(:etag) if not cached opts = rehash_options(opts) data = repack_data(data, opts) r = send("do_#{method}", path, data, opts) @last_response = r unless raw return Rufus::Jig.marshal_copy(cached.last) if r.status == 304 return nil if method == :get && r.status == 404 return true if r.status == 409 raise @error_class.new(r.status, r.body) \ if r.status >= 400 && r.status < 600 end b = decode_body(r, opts) do_cache(method, path, r, b, opts) raw ? r : b end def raw_expected? (opts) raw = opts[:raw] raw == false ? false : raw || @options[:raw] end # Should work with GET and POST/PUT options # def rehash_options (opts) opts['Accept'] ||= (opts.delete(:accept) || 'application/json') opts['Accept'] = 'application/json' if opts['Accept'] == :json if ct = opts.delete(:content_type) opts['Content-Type'] = ct end if opts['Content-Type'] == :json opts['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' end if et = opts.delete(:etag) opts['If-None-Match'] = et end opts end def add_prefix (path, opts) uri = URI.parse( path ) if !uri.host.nil? return uri.to_s else uri.host.nil? elts = [ path ] if path.match(/^[^\/]/) && prefix = @options[:prefix] elts.unshift(prefix) end return Path.join(*elts) end end def add_params (path, opts) if params = opts[:params] return path if params.empty? params = params.inject([]) { |a, (k, v)| a << "#{k}=#{v}"; a }.join("&") return path.index('?') ? "#{path}&#{params}" : "#{path}?#{params}" end path end def repack_data (data, opts) return data if data.nil? || data.is_a?(String) return Rufus::Json.encode(data) \ if (opts['Content-Type'] || '').match(/^application\/json/) data.to_s end def do_cache (method, path, response, body, opts) if method == :delete || (opts[:cache] == false) @cache.delete(path) elsif et = response.headers['Etag'] @cache[path] = [ et, Rufus::Jig.marshal_copy(body) ] end end def decode_body (response, opts) b = response.body ct = response.headers['Content-Type'] if opts[:force_json] || (ct && ct.match(/^application\/json/)) Rufus::Json.decode(b) else b end end end end if defined?(Patron) # gem install patron class Rufus::Jig::HttpResponse def initialize (patron_res) @original = patron_res @status = patron_res.status @headers = patron_res.headers @body = patron_res.body end end class Rufus::Jig::Http < Rufus::Jig::HttpCore def initialize (host, port, opts={}) super(host, port, opts) end def close # it's not really closing, it's rather making sure the patron # session can get collected as garbage Thread.current[key] = nil end protected def key self.object_id.to_s end # One patron session per thread # def get_patron k = key patron = Thread.current[k] return patron if patron patron = Patron::Session.new patron.base_url = "#{@host}:#{@port}" patron.headers['User-Agent'] = @options[:user_agent] || [ self.class, Rufus::Jig::VERSION, Thread.current.object_id, '(patron)' ].join(' ') Thread.current[k] = patron end def do_get (path, data, opts) get_patron.get(path, opts) end def do_post (path, data, opts) get_patron.post(path, data, opts) end def do_put (path, data, opts) opts['Expect'] = '' unless @options[:expect] get_patron.put(path, data, opts) end def do_delete (path, data, opts) get_patron.delete(path, opts) end end elsif defined?( EventMachine::HttpRequest ) class Rufus::Jig::HttpResponse def initialize( em_client ) @original = [ em_client, em_client.response ] @status = em_client.response_header.status @headers = response_headers( em_client.response_header ) @body = em_client.response end protected def response_headers( hash ) hash.inject({}) do |headers, (key, value)| key = key.downcase.split('_').map { |c| c.capitalize }.join('-') headers[ key ] = value headers end end end class Rufus::Jig::Http < Rufus::Jig::HttpCore def initialize (host, port, opts={}) super(host, port, opts) @em_host = host @em_port = port @em_ua = opts[:user_agent] || "#{self.class} #{Rufus::Jig::VERSION} (em)" end protected def do_get( path, data, opts ) http = em_request( path ).get( :head => request_headers(opts) ) em_response( http ) end def do_post( path, data, opts ) http = em_request( path ).post( :body => data, :head => request_headers(opts) ) em_response( http ) end def do_delete( path, data, opts ) http = em_request( path ).delete( :head => request_headers( opts ) ) em_response( http ) end def do_put( path, data, opts ) http = em_request( path ).put( :body => data, :head => request_headers( opts ) ) em_response( http ) end def em_request( uri = '/' ) uri = URI.parse( uri ) uri = URI::HTTP.build( :host => ( uri.host || @em_host ), :port => ( uri.port || @em_port ), :path => uri.path, :query => uri.query ) EventMachine::HttpRequest.new( uri.to_s ) end def em_response( em_client ) th = Thread.current em_client.callback { th.wakeup } Thread.stop Rufus::Jig::HttpResponse.new( em_client ) end def request_headers( options ) headers = { 'user-agent' => @em_ua } %w[ Accept If-None-Match Content-Type ].each do |k| headers[k] = options[k] if options.has_key?( k ) end headers end end else require 'net/http' class Rufus::Jig::HttpResponse def initialize (nh_res) @original = nh_res @status = nh_res.code.to_i @body = nh_res.body @headers = {} nh_res.each { |k, v| @headers[k.split('-').collect { |s| s.capitalize }.join('-')] = v } end end class Rufus::Jig::Http < Rufus::Jig::HttpCore def initialize (host, port, opts={}) super(host, port, opts) @http = Net::HTTP.new(host, port) to = opts[:timeout] if to to = to.to_i @http.open_timeout = to @http.read_timeout = to end @options[:user_agent] = opts[:user_agent] || "#{self.class} #{Rufus::Jig::VERSION} (net/http)" end protected def do_get (path, data, opts) do_request(:get, path, data, opts) end def do_post (path, data, opts) do_request(:post, path, data, opts) end def do_put (path, data, opts) do_request(:put, path, data, opts) end def do_delete (path, data, opts) do_request(:delete, path, data, opts) end def do_request (method, path, data, opts) path = '/' if path == '' req = eval("Net::HTTP::#{method.to_s.capitalize}").new(path) req['User-Agent'] = options[:user_agent] opts.each { |k, v| req[k] = v if k.is_a?(String) } req.body = data ? data : '' Rufus::Jig::HttpResponse.new(@http.start { @http.request(req) }) end end end #-- # # re-opening the HTTP class to add some class methods # #++ class Rufus::Jig::Http # Makes sense of arguments and extract an array that goes like # [ http, path, payload, opts ]. # # Typical input : # # a = Rufus::Jig::Http.extract_http(false, '') # a = Rufus::Jig::Http.extract_http(false, '', 5984, '/') # a = Rufus::Jig::Http.extract_http(true, '', :payload) # def self.extract_http (payload_expected, *args) http = case args.first when Rufus::Jig::Http args.shift when /^http:\/\// u = URI.parse(args.shift) args.unshift(u.path) Rufus::Jig::Http.new(u.host, u.port) else Rufus::Jig::Http.new(args.shift, args.shift) end path = args.shift path = '/' if path == '' payload = payload_expected ? args.shift : nil opts = args.shift || {} raise( ArgumentError.new("option Hash expected, not #{opts.inspect}") ) unless opts.is_a?(Hash) [ http, path, payload, opts ] end end