require 'snp-search' require 'snp_db_connection.rb' require 'snp_db_models.rb' require 'snp_db_schema.rb' require 'output_information_methods.rb' require 'activerecord-import' require 'slop' opts = Slop.parse do banner "\nruby snp-search [-create] [-output] [-n ] [options]*" separator '' on :C, :create, 'Create database' on :O, :output, 'Output a process' # separator '' # # separator 'README file:' # # separator 'The following command must be used when using -create, or -query or -out_file' # on :n, :name=, 'Name of database, Required' separator '' separator '-create [options]' on :d, :database_reference_file=, 'Reference genome file, in gbk or embl file format, Required', true on :v, :vcf_file=, 'variant call format (vcf) file, Required', true on :n, :name=, 'Name of database, Required' on :A, :cuttoff_ad=, 'AD ratio cutoff (default 0.9)', :as => :int, :default => 0.9 separator '' separator '-output -snps_from_feature -n db_name [options] [-fasta] [-tabular]' on :F, :fasta, 'output fasta file format' on :T, :tabular, 'output tabular file format' on :c, :cuttoff_snp_qual=, 'SNP quality cutoff, (default = 90)', :as => :int, :default => 90 on :g, :cuttoff_genotype=, 'Genotype quality cutoff (default = 30)', :as => :int, :default => 30 on :S, :snps_from_feature, 'SNPs from specified features in the database (if you do not want to ignore any SNPs, just use this option with -n -F/T -o)' on :r, :remove_non_informative_snps, 'Only output informative SNPs. Only used with -e option' on :e, :ignore_snps_in_range=, 'A list of position ranges to ignore e.g 10..500,2000..2500. Only used with -e option' on :R, :ignore_strains=, 'A list of strains to ignore (seperate by comma e.g. S1,S4,S8 ). Only used with -e option' on :I, :ignore_snps_on_annotation=, 'The name of the feature to ignore.' on :o, :out=, 'Name of output file, Required' on :t, :tree, 'Generate SNP phylogeny (only used with -fasta option)' on :p, :fasttree_path=, 'Full path to the FastTree tool (e.g. /usr/local/bin/FastTree. only used with -tree option)' separator '' separator '-output -unique_snps -n db_name [-fasta] [-tabular] [options]' on :c, :cuttoff_snp_qual=, 'SNP quality cutoff, (default = 90)', :as => :int, :default => 90 on :g, :cuttoff_genotype=, 'Genotype quality cutoff (default = 30)', :as => :int, :default => 30 on :u, :unique_snps, 'Query for unique snps in the database' on :s, :strain=, 'The strains/samples you like to query (only used with -unique_snps flag)' on :o, :out=, 'Name of output file, Required' separator '' separator '-output -info -n db_name [-fasta] [-tabular] [options]' on :i, :info, 'Output various information about SNPs' on :c, :cuttoff_snp_qual=, 'SNP quality cutoff, (default = 90)', :as => :int, :default => 90 on :g, :cuttoff_genotype=, 'Genotype quality cutoff (default = 30)', :as => :int, :default => 30 on :t, :tree, 'Generate SNP phylogeny (only used with -fasta option)' on :w, :nwk_out=, 'Name of output tree in Newick format (only used with -tree option)' on :o, :out=, 'Name of output file, Required' end ########################################################### # CREATING A DATABASE if opts[:create] # puts opts[:cuttoff_snp_qual].to_i error_msg = "" error_msg += "-n: \t Name of your database\n" unless opts[:name] error_msg += "-d: \t Reference genome file, in gbk or embl file format\n" unless opts[:database_reference_file] error_msg += "-v: \t .vcf file\n" unless opts[:vcf_file] error_msg_optional = "" error_msg_optional += "-c: \tSNP quality cutoff, (default = 90)\n" error_msg_optional += "-g: \tGenotype quality cutoff (default = 30)\n" unless error_msg == "" puts "Please provide the following required fields:" puts error_msg puts "Optional fields:" puts error_msg_optional puts unless opts.empty? exit end abort "#{opts[:database_reference_file]} file does not exist!" unless File.exist?(opts[:database_reference_file]) abort "#{opts[:vcf_file]} file does not exist!" unless File.exist?(opts[:vcf_file]) # Name of your database establish_connection(opts[:name]) # Schema will run here db_schema ref = opts[:database_reference_file] sequence_format = guess_sequence_format(ref) case sequence_format when :genbank sequence_flatfile =,opts[:database_reference_file]).next_entry when :embl sequence_flatfile =,opts[:database_reference_file]).next_entry else puts "All sequence files should be in genbank or embl format" exit end # The populate_features_and_annotations method populates the features and annotations. It uses the embl/gbk file. populate_features_and_annotations(sequence_flatfile) #The populate_snps_alleles_genotypes method populates the snps, alleles and genotypes. It uses the vcf file, and if specified, the SNP quality cutoff and genotype quality cutoff populate_snps_alleles_genotypes(opts[:vcf_file], opts[:cuttoff_ad]) ########################################################### # QUERYING THE DATABASE elsif opts[:output] error_msg = "" error_msg += "-S: \t SNPs from specified features in the database OR\n-u: \t Query for unique snps in the database OR\n-i: \t Information on all SNPs\n" unless opts[:snps_from_feature] || opts[:unique_snps] || opts[:info] unless error_msg == "" puts "Please provide the following required fields:" puts error_msg puts unless opts.empty? exit end if opts[:snps_from_feature] error_msg = "" error_msg += "-n: \t Name of your database\n" unless opts[:name] error_msg += "-o: \t name of your output file\n" unless opts[:out] error_msg += "-F: \t Fasta output OR\n-T: \t Tabular output" unless opts[:fasta] || opts[:tabular] error_msg_optional = "" error_msg_optional += "-I,\t --ignore_snps_on_annotation: ignore SNPs from specified features in the database\n" unless opts[:ignore_snps_on_annotation] error_msg_optional += "-R,\t --ignore_strains: A list of strains to ignore\n" unless opts[:ignore_strains] error_msg_optional += "-i,\t --ignore_snps_in_range: A list of position ranges to ignore e.g 10..500,2000..2500\n" unless opts[:ignore_snps_in_range] error_msg_optional += "-c,\t --cuttoff_snp_qual: cuttoff for SNP Quality\n" unless opts[:cuttoff_snp_qual] error_msg_optional += "-g,\t --cuttoff_genotype: cuttoff for Genotype Quality\n" unless opts[:cuttoff_genotype] error_msg_optional += "-r,\t --remove_non_informative_snps: Only output informative SNPs\n" unless opts[:remove_non_informative_snps] error_msg_optional += "-t,\t --tree: Construct tree from output\n" unless opts[:tree] error_msg_optional += "-w,\t --nwk_out: Name of Newick output file(use only when-tree option used)\n" unless opts[:nwk_out] unless error_msg == "" puts "Please provide the following required fields:" puts error_msg puts "Optional fields:" puts error_msg_optional # Added this here as it wont appear here in error_msg_optional as its set as default. puts "-c,\t --cuttoff_snp_qual: cuttoff for SNP Quality (default 90)\n" puts "-g,\t --cuttoff_genotype: cuttoff for Genotype Quality (default 30)\n" puts unless opts.empty? exit end abort "#{opts[:name]} database does not exist!" unless File.exist?(opts[:name]) establish_connection(opts[:name]) get_snps(opts[:out], opts[:ignore_snps_on_annotation], opts[:ignore_snps_in_range], opts[:ignore_strains], opts[:remove_non_informative_snps], opts[:fasta], opts[:tabular], opts[:cuttoff_genotype], opts[:cuttoff_snp_qual], opts[:tree], opts[:fasttree_path]) end #################################################################################################### #FIND UNIQUE SNPS if opts[:unique_snps] error_msg = "" error_msg += "-n: \t Name of your database\n" unless opts[:name] error_msg += "-s: \t List of strains you like to query\n" unless opts[:strain] error_msg += "-o: \t Name of the output file\n" unless opts[:out] unless error_msg == "" puts "Please provide the following required fields:" puts error_msg puts "Optional fields:" # Added this here as it wont appear here in error_msg_optional as its set as default. puts "-c,\t --cuttoff_snp_qual: cuttoff for SNP Quality (default 90)\n" puts "-g,\t --cuttoff_genotype: cuttoff for Genotype Quality (default 30)\n" puts unless opts.empty? exit end abort "#{opts[:name]} database does not exist!" unless File.exist?(opts[:name]) abort "#{opts[:strain]} file does not exist!" unless File.exist?(opts[:strain]) establish_connection(opts[:name]) strains = [][:strain]).each_line do |line| strains << line.chop end # find_unique_snps defined in bin/snp-search.rb find_unqiue_snps(strains, opts[:out], opts[:cuttoff_genotype], opts[:cuttoff_snp_qual]) end ############################################################## if opts[:info] error_msg = "" error_msg += "-n: \t the name of your database\n" unless opts[:name] error_msg += "-o: \t name of your output file (in tab-delimited format)\n" unless opts[:out] unless error_msg == "" puts "Please provide the following required fields:" puts error_msg puts "Optional fields:" # Added this here as it wont appear here in error_msg_optional as its set as default. puts "-c,\t --cuttoff_snp_qual: cuttoff for SNP Quality (default 90)\n" puts "-g,\t --cuttoff_genotype: cuttoff for Genotype Quality (default 30)\n" puts unless opts.empty? exit end abort "#{opts[:name]} database does not exist!" unless File.exist?(opts[:name]) establish_connection(opts[:name]) #information defined in bin/snp-search.rb information(opts[:out], opts[:cuttoff_genotype], opts[:cuttoff_snp_qual]) end else puts end