module Streamworker module Workers class Worker include Enumerable QUERIES_PER_BLOCK = 500 TIME_PER_BLOCK = 300 TIMEOUT_MARGIN = 5 attr_accessor :view_context, :opts attr_accessor :repeats attr_accessor :line_num # subclasses responsible for setting this as appropriate attr_accessor :title attr_accessor :num_records, :num_success, :num_errors attr_accessor :footer_messages def initialize(view_context, opts={}) @opts = opts.with_indifferent_access @view_context = view_context @title = "Working..." @repeats = opts[:repeats] || 1 @repeats = @repeats.to_i @fragment = false @started_at = if defined?(AppConfig) @opts[:unicorn_timeout] ||= AppConfig.unicorn_timeout end @opts[:unicorn_timeout] ||= ENV['UNICORN_TIMEOUT'] @opts[:unicorn_timeout] ||= 30 @opts[:unicorn_timeout] = @opts[:unicorn_timeout].to_i @num_records = opts[:num_records].to_i || 1 @num_success = 0 @num_errors = 0 @footer_messages = [] end def queries_per_record 1 end def projected_queries (self.num_records * self.queries_per_record).to_f end def num_queries (self.num_success + self.num_errors) .to_f * self.queries_per_record end def calculate_times actual_time_used = - @started_at work_time_remaining = opts[:unicorn_timeout] - actual_time_used theoretical_total_time = (projected_queries / QUERIES_PER_BLOCK) * TIME_PER_BLOCK theoretical_time_used = (num_queries / QUERIES_PER_BLOCK) * TIME_PER_BLOCK factor = actual_time_used.to_f / theoretical_time_used factor = [factor, 1].max if projected_queries > QUERIES_PER_BLOCK total_time = theoretical_total_time * factor # puts "--------- calculate_times ---------" # puts " #{}" # puts "@started_at: #{@started_at.inspect}" # puts "QUERIES_PER_BLOCK: #{QUERIES_PER_BLOCK.inspect}" # puts "TIME_PER_BLOCK: #{TIME_PER_BLOCK.inspect}" # puts "(self.num_records * self.queries_per_record): #{(self.num_records * self.queries_per_record).inspect}" # puts "opts[:unicorn_timeout] : #{opts[:unicorn_timeout] .inspect}" # puts "actual_time_used: #{actual_time_used.inspect}" # puts "work_time_remaining: #{work_time_remaining.inspect}" # puts "theoretical_total_time: #{theoretical_total_time.inspect}" # puts "theoretical_time_used: #{theoretical_time_used.inspect}" # puts "factor: #{factor.inspect}" # puts "total_time: #{total_time.inspect}" # puts "(total_time - actual_time_used): #{(total_time - actual_time_used).inspect}" # puts { work_time: opts[:unicorn_timeout] .to_i, work_time_remaining: work_time_remaining, time_used: actual_time_used, time_remaining: (total_time - actual_time_used), total_time: total_time } end def imminent_timeout? # puts "--------- imminent_timeout ---------" # puts "work_time_remaining: #{calculate_times[:work_time_remaining].inspect}" # puts "TIMEOUT_MARGIN: #{TIMEOUT_MARGIN.inspect}" calculate_times[:work_time_remaining] < TIMEOUT_MARGIN end def report_timeout_footer(msg={}) msg[:work_desc] ||= "#{num_success} records" msg[:how_to_finish] ||= "resubmit the last #{num_records - num_success} records." times = calculate_times %Q{

Server Timeout!

Unfortunately, the backend processing time is limited to #{times[:work_time]} seconds, so we have to stop processing this job after #{msg[:work_desc]}.

To finish processing, please #{msg[:how_to_finish]}.
#{scroll} #{self.foot} } end def set_headers(response) response.headers['Last-Modified'] = response.headers.delete('Content-Length') response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache' response.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked' end def header repeats = "" repeats = %Q{

Repeating #{@repeats} times

} if @repeats > 1 header = <<-EOHTML #{self.head}
EOHTML # Safari waits until it gets the first 1024 bytes to start displaying Rails.logger.debug header header + (" " * [0, (1025 - header.length)].max) end def head(scroll=true) scroll = scroll ? "" : %Q{ style="overflow: hidden;"} %Q{ #{view_context.stylesheet_link_tag('application')} #{view_context.javascript_include_tag('application')} #{view_context.javascript_include_tag('scroller')} #{self.title} } end def push_footer_message(msg) @footer_messages << msg end def footer(msg=nil) @footer_messages << msg unless msg.blank? message = @footer_messages.empty? ? "" : "

" message << @footer_messages.join('

') message += "

" unless message.blank? <<-EOHTML
#{message} #{scroll}
#{self.foot} EOHTML end def foot %Q{ } end def scroll %Q{ } end def open_report_line(str) report_line(str, close: false) end def fragment? @fragment end def report_fragment(str) fragment? ? str : open_report_line(str) end def close_report_line fragment? ? report_line("", close: true) : "" end def report_line(str, opts={}) #"report_line str: #{str.inspect} opts: #{opts.inspect} fragment?: #{fragment?.inspect}") opts = {close: true}.merge(opts) p_class = ["report-line", opts[:class]].compact.join(" ") start = fragment? ? "" : %Q{

} @fragment = ! opts[:close] close = "" if opts[:close] close = %Q{

#{scroll} } end out = %Q{#{start}#{str}#{close}} #" out: #{out.inspect}") out end def report_error(str, list=[]) err = %Q{ #{error_line_num}


} err << %Q{\n} unless list.empty? err << %Q{
} err end def success_line_num %Q{#{line_num}} end def error_line_num %Q{#{line_num}} end def each raise "Worker subclasses must implement each to yield their output" end end end end