ref_macro[ @n[add] @desc[Adds two or more integers together.] @example[=add[2\|5\|7]=] ] ref_macro[ @n[alias] @desc[Creates a macro alias.] @params[ -p[0|The name of the alias.] -p[1|The name of an existing macro.] ] @example[=alias[s\|section]=] ] ref_macro[ @n[and] @desc[Conditional code[and] operator, to be used with the %>[condition].] @params[&[bin_params]] @example[=?[and[true\|false]\|This is never displayed.]=] ] ref_macro[ @n[attribute] @desc[Returns the value of the specified attribute. ##[see_let|For a more complete example, see the %>[let]].] @aliases[@] @example[=@[title]=] @params[-p[0|The name of the attribute to retrieve.]] ] ref_macro[ @n[attribute:] @desc[Sets the value of the specified attribute. <=[see_let].] @aliases[@:] @example[=@:[title\|Test Title]=] @params[ -p[0|The name of the attribute to set.] -p[1|The value of the attribute.] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[comment] @desc[ Evaluates to nothing. Used to add comments in a Glyph document that will not be displayed in output files. ] @aliases[--] @params[-p[0|The contents to comment out]] @example[=--[\/=>[#link\|This link will not be evaluated]]=] @remarks[Macros are not expanded within comments.] ] ref_macro[ @n[condition] @desc[ Tests a conditional expression. For more information, see =>[#cond_macros]. ] @aliases[?] @params[ -p[0|The condition to test] -p[1|The contents to expand if the condition is satisfied.] ] @remarks[ For examples see any of the following: * %>[and] * %>[or] * %>[not] * %>[match] * %>[eq] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[config] @desc[Returns the value of a configuration setting.] @aliases[$] @example[=$[]=] @params[ -p[0|The full name of a configuration setting.] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[config:] @desc[Sets the value of a configuration setting.] @aliases[$:] @example[=$:[document.draft\|true]=] @remarks[&[unsafe]] @params[ -p[0|The full name of a configuration setting.] -p[1|The new value of the configuration setting] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[eq] @desc[Conditional equality operator, to be used with the %>[condition].] @example[=?[eq[$[document.draft]\|true]\|This is displayed only in draft documents.]=] @params[&[bin_params]] ] ref_macro[ @n[escape] @desc[Evaluates to its value. Commonly used with the escaping delimiters code[\[\=] and code[\=\]].] @aliases[.] @example[=.\[=Macros are escaped here =>[#test].=\]=] @params[-p[0|The contents to escape.]] ] ref_macro[ @n[fragment] @desc[Delimits a fragment of text that can be embedded using the %>[embed].] @aliases[##] @example[=##\[test_fragment\|This is an embeddable fragment\]=] @params[ -p[0|The ID of the fragment.] -p[1|The contents of the fragment.] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[embed] @desc[Embeds text previously-delimited using the %>[fragment].] @aliases[&=] @example[=&=\[test_fragment\]=] @params[-p[0|The ID of the fragment.]] ] def:[comp_macro| ref_macro[ @n[{{0}}] @desc[Returns em[true] if the first parameter is {{0}} the second one.] @example[={{1}}\[5\|2\]=] @params[ -p[0|The first integer to compare.] -p[1|The second integer to compare.] ] ] ] comp_macro[gt|greater than] comp_macro[gte|greater than or equal to] ref_macro[ @n[include] @desc[ Evaluates to the contents of a text file stored in the @text/@ directory referenced by its relative path. If &[filter_by_ext], filters the contents of the file using the =>[#f_macros|filter macro] corresponding to the file extension. ] @aliases[@] @example[=include[frontmatter/introduction]=] @params[-p[0|The file to include.]] @remarks[ ul[ li[&[unsafe]] li[@.glyph@ is assumed if no file extension is specified.] li[ This macro can also be used to include @.rb@ ruby files within the @lib@ directory. File contents are evaluated in the context of the =>[&[rubydoc]/Glyph|Glyph] module. ] ] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[let] @desc[Used to bind one or more attributes via the %>[attribute]. Actually, you can use %>[attribute] inside any other macro, but it looks tidier in this way.] @block_example[= let[ @:[a\|2] @:[b\|3] section[ @title[Testing] @[title]: @[a] * @[b] = multiply[@[a]\|@[b]] --[Outputs: Testing: 2 * 3 = 6] ] ] =] @params[-p[0|Any content.]] ] ref_macro[ @n[load] @desc[Embeds the contents of a file.] @params[ -p[0|The file to embed, relative to the Glyph project folder.] ] @example[=load[my_samples.rb]=] ] comp_macro[lt|less than] comp_macro[lte|less than or equal to] ref_macro[ @n[match] @desc[ Checks a string against a regular expression. ] @params[ -p[0|The string to check.] -p[1|The regular expression to match against the string.] -p[2|The contents to expand if the string matches.] ] @remarks[This macro must be used with the %>[condition].] @example[=?[match[Hello!\|/^hell/i]\|This is always displayed]=] ] ref_macro[ @n[macro:] @desc[Defines a macro.] @remarks[ ul[ li[&[unsafe]] li[The new macro &[only_after_declaration].] ] ] @aliases[%:] @example[=%:[test\|"test: #{value}"]=] @params[ -p[0|The name of the new macro.] -p[1|The macro definition (Ruby code).] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[multiply] @desc[Multiplies two or more integers together.] @example[=add[3\|5\|9]=] ] ref_macro[ @n[not] @desc[Conditional @not@ operator, to be used with the %>[condition].] @example[=?[not[false]\|This is always displayed.]=] @params[-p[0|The expression to negate]] ] ref_macro[ @n[output?] @desc[Evaluates to true if Glyph is generating output in the specified format(s).] @example[=?[output?[web\|web5]\|This text is printed only when generating web or web5 output.]=] @params[ -p[0, ...|a valid output target.] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[or] @desc[Conditional @or@ operator, to be used with the %>[condition].] @example[=?[or[true\|false]\|This is always displayed.]=] @params[&[bin_params]] ] ref_macro[ @n[define:] @desc[Defines a new macro in Glyph code (for more information, see =>[#rewriting])] @aliases[def:] @params[ -p[0|The name of the new macro.] -p[0|The macro definition (Glyph code).] ] @block_example[= def:[factorial\| ?[ eq[{{0}}\|0]\|1\| multiply[ {{0}} \| factorial[subtract[{{0}}\|1]] ] ] ] factorial[5] =] @remarks[ ul[ li[The new macro &[only_after_declaration].] li[&[unsafe]] ] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[ruby] @desc[Evaluates its value as Ruby code within the context of the =>[&[rubydoc]/Glyph|Glyph] module.] @aliases[%] @examples[= %[] %[Glyph::VERSION] =] @params[-p[0|The Ruby code to evaluate.]] @remarks[&[unsafe]] ] ref_macro[ @n[s] @desc[Can be used to dispatch almost any instance method of the ruby =>[|String] class.] @examples[= s/match[This is a test string\|/test/] s/sub[This is a test string\|/a test/\|another test] =] ] ref_macro[ @n[snippet] @desc[Returns the value of a snippet.] @aliases[&] @example[=&[glang]=] @params[-p[0|The ID of the snippet to retrieve.]] ] ref_macro[ @n[snippet:] @desc[Defines a snippet.] @remarks[The new snippet &[only_after_declaration].] @aliases[&:] @example[=&:[test\|This is a test]=] @params[ -p[0|The ID of the new snippet.] -p[1|The contents of the new snippet.] ] ] ref_macro[ @n[subtract] @desc[Subtracts two or more integers together.] @example[=add[10\|5\|2]=] ] ref_macro[ @n[xml] @desc[When used composed with another macro, it can be used to render arbitrary raw XML tags.] @example[=xml/img[@src[test.png]@alt[A Test image]]=] ] ref_macro[ @n[while] @desc[Keeps evaluating the second parameter while a condition is satisfied.] @block_example[= let[ @count[5] @text[-] while[gt[@[count]\|0]\| @:[text\|s/concat[@[text]\|@[count]-]] @:[count\|subtract[@[count]\|1]] ] @[text] --[Outputs: -5-4-3-2-1-] ] =] @params[ -p[0|The condition to check.] -p[1|The code to evaluate while the condition is satisfied.] ] ]