# This test verifies that we can load a custom fact using the environment variable FACTERLIB test_name "C14779: custom facts are loaded from the environment variable FACTERLIB path" do tag 'risk:medium' require 'facter/acceptance/user_fact_utils' extend Facter::Acceptance::UserFactUtils content = <<EOM Facter.add('custom_fact') do setcode do "facterlib" end end EOM agents.each do |agent| step "Agent #{agent}: create custom directory and fact" do custom_dir = agent.tmpdir('facter_lib_dir') custom_fact = File.join(custom_dir, 'custom_fact.rb') create_remote_file(agent, custom_fact, content) teardown do on(agent, "rm -rf '#{custom_dir}'") end step "Agent #{agent}: facter should resolve a fact from the directory specified by the environment variable FACTERLIB" do on(agent, facter('custom_fact', :environment => { 'FACTERLIB' => custom_dir })) do |facter_output| assert_equal("facterlib", facter_output.stdout.chomp, "Incorrect custom fact value for fact in FACTERLIB") end end end end end