require 'json' require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'socket' require 'timeout' module Calabash module Android module Operations def log(message) $stdout.puts "#{"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} - #{message}" if (ARGV.include? "-v" or ARGV.include? "--verbose") end def take_screenshot path = ENV["SCREENSHOT_PATH_PREFIX"] || "results" FileUtils.mkdir_p path unless File.exist? path filename_prefix = FeatureNameMemory.feature_name.gsub(/\s+/, '_').downcase begin Timeout.timeout(30) do file_name = "#{path}/#{filename_prefix}_#{StepCounter.step_line}.png" log "Taking screenshoot to #{file_name} from device: #{ENV['ADB_DEVICE_ARG']}" system("java -jar #{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/lib/screenShotTaker.jar #{file_name} #{ENV['ADB_DEVICE_ARG']}") log "Screenshot stored in: #{file_name}" end rescue Timeout::Error raise Exception, "take_screenshot timed out" end end def macro(txt) if self.respond_to?:step step(txt) else Then(txt) end end def performAction(action, *arguments) log "Action: #{action} - Params: #{arguments.join(', ')}" action = {"command" => action, "arguments" => arguments} Timeout.timeout(300) do begin @@client.send(action.to_json + "\n", 0) #force_encoding('UTF-8') seems to be missing from JRuby result = @@client.readline rescue Exception => e log "Error communicating with test server: #{e}" raise e end log "Result:'" + result.strip + "'" raise "Empty result from TestServer" if result.chomp.empty? result = JSON.parse(result) if not result["success"] then take_screenshot raise result["message"].to_s end return result end rescue Timeout::Error raise Exception, "Step timed out" end def wait_for(timeout, &block) begin Timeout::timeout(timeout) do until sleep 0.3 end end rescue Exception => e take_screenshot raise e end end def query(uiquery, *args) raise "Currently queries are only supported for webviews" unless uiquery.start_with? "webView" uiquery.slice!(0, "webView".length) if uiquery =~ /(css|xpath):\s*(.*)/ r = performAction("query", $1, $2) JSON.parse(r["message"]) else raise "Invalid query #{uiquery}" end end def ni raise "Not yet implemented." end ##adb def adb_command if is_windows? %Q("#{ENV["ANDROID_HOME"]}\\platform-tools\\adb.exe" #{ENV["ADB_DEVICE_ARG"]}) else %Q(#{ENV["ANDROID_HOME"]}/platform-tools/adb #{ENV["ADB_DEVICE_ARG"]}) end end def is_windows? ENV["OS"] == "Windows_NT" end ### ### app life cycle def connect_to_test_server log `#{adb_command} forward tcp:#{ENV["TEST_SERVER_PORT"]} tcp:7101` end_time = + 60 begin Timeout.timeout(10) do @@client ='',ENV["TEST_SERVER_PORT"]) @@client.send("Ping!\n",0) log "Got '#{@@client.readline.strip}' from testserver" end rescue Exception => e log "Got exception:#{e}. Retrying!" sleep(1) retry unless > end_time end end def disconnect_from_test_server log "Closing connection to test" @@client.close end ##location def set_gps_coordinates_from_location(location) require 'geocoder' results = raise Exception, "Got no results for #{location}" if results.empty? best_result = results.first set_gps_coordinates(best_result.latitude, best_result.longitude) end def set_gps_coordinates(latitude, longitude) performAction('set_gps_coordinates', latitude, longitude) end def label(uiquery) ni end def screenshot_and_raise(msg) take_screenshot sleep 5 raise(msg) end def touch(uiquery,options={}) ni end def html(q) query(q).map {|e| e['html']} end def set_text(uiquery, txt) raise "Currently queries are only supported for webviews" unless uiquery.start_with? "webView" uiquery.slice!(0, "webView".length) if uiquery =~ /(css|xpath):\s*(.*)/ r = performAction("set_text", $1, $2, txt) JSON.parse(r["message"]) else raise "Invalid query #{uiquery}" end end def swipe(dir,options={}) ni end def cell_swipe(options={}) ni end def done ni end def scroll(uiquery,direction) ni end def scroll_to_row(uiquery,number) ni end def pinch(in_out,options={}) ni end def rotate(dir) ni end def background(secs) ni end def element_exists(uiquery) !query(uiquery).empty? end def view_with_mark_exists(expected_mark) element_exists( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" ) end def check_element_exists( query ) if not element_exists( query ) screenshot_and_raise "No element found for query: #{query}" end end def check_element_does_not_exist( query ) if element_exists( query ) screenshot_and_raise "Expected no elements to match query: #{query}" end end def check_view_with_mark_exists(expected_mark) check_element_exists( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" ) end # a better name would be element_exists_and_is_not_hidden def element_is_not_hidden(uiquery) ni end def load_playback_data(recording,options={}) ni end def playback(recording, options={}) ni end def interpolate(recording, options={}) ni end def record_begin ni end def record_end(file_name) ni end def backdoor(sel, arg) ni end def screenshot ni end def map( query, method_name, *method_args ) ni end def http(options, data=nil) ni end def url_for( verb ) ni end def make_http_request( url, req ) ni end end end end