module ForemanTasks class TasksController < ::ApplicationController include Foreman::Controller::AutoCompleteSearch include Foreman::Controller::CsvResponder before_action :restrict_dangerous_actions, :only => [:unlock, :force_unlock] def show @task = resource_base.find(params[:id]) render :layout => !request.xhr? end def index params[:order] ||= 'started_at DESC' respond_with_tasks resource_base end def summary render json:, params[:recent_timeframe].to_i).summary end def sub_tasks # @task is used when rendering breadcrumbs @task = resource_base.find(params[:id]) respond_with_tasks @task.sub_tasks end def cancel_step task = find_dynflow_task flash[:notice] = _('Trying to cancel step %s') % params[:step_id], params[:step_id].to_i, ::Dynflow::Action::Cancellable::Cancel).wait redirect_to foreman_tasks_task_path(task) end def cancel task = find_dynflow_task if task.cancel flash[:notice] = _('Trying to cancel the task') else flash[:warning] = _('The task cannot be cancelled at the moment.') end redirect_back(:fallback_location => foreman_tasks_task_path(task)) end def abort task = find_dynflow_task if task.abort flash[:notice] = _('Trying to abort the task') else flash[:warning] = _('The task cannot be aborted at the moment.') end redirect_back(:fallback_location => foreman_tasks_task_path(task)) end def resume task = find_dynflow_task if task.resumable? flash[:notice] = _('The execution was resumed.') else flash[:warning] = _('The execution has to be resumable.') end redirect_back(:fallback_location => foreman_tasks_task_path(task)) end def unlock task = find_dynflow_task if task.paused? task.state = :stopped! flash[:notice] = _('The task resources were unlocked.') else flash[:warning] = _('The execution has to be paused.') end redirect_back(:fallback_location => foreman_tasks_task_path(task)) end def force_unlock task = find_dynflow_task task.state = :stopped! flash[:notice] = _('The task resources were unlocked with force.') redirect_back(:fallback_location => foreman_tasks_task_path(task)) end # we need do this to make the Foreman helpers working properly def controller_name 'foreman_tasks_tasks' end def resource_class ForemanTasks::Task end private def respond_with_tasks(scope) respond_to do |format| format.html do @tasks = filter(scope) render :index, layout: !request.xhr? end format.csv do @tasks = filter(scope, paginate: false) csv_response(@tasks, [:id, :action, :state, :result, 'started_at.in_time_zone', 'ended_at.in_time_zone', :username], ['Id', 'Action', 'State', 'Result', 'Started At', 'Ended At', 'User']) end end end def restrict_dangerous_actions render_403 unless Setting['dynflow_allow_dangerous_actions'] end def controller_permission 'foreman_tasks' end def action_permission case params[:action] when 'sub_tasks', 'summary' :view when 'resume', 'unlock', 'force_unlock', 'cancel_step', 'cancel', 'abort' :edit else super end end def resource_scope(_options = {}) @resource_scope ||= ForemanTasks::Task.authorized("#{action_permission}_foreman_tasks") end def find_dynflow_task resource_scope.where(:type => 'ForemanTasks::Task::DynflowTask').find(params[:id]) end def filter(scope, paginate: true) search = current_taxonomy_search search = [search, params[:search]].select(&:present?).join(' AND ') scope =, params).scope scope = scope.search_for(search, :order => params[:order]) scope = scope.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => params[:per_page]) if paginate scope.distinct end def current_taxonomy_search conditions = [] conditions << "organization_id = #{}" if Organization.current conditions << "location_id = #{}" if Location.current conditions.empty? ? '' : "(#{conditions.join(' AND ')})" end end end