require_relative 'controller_spec_utility' shared_examples_for :notifications_controller do include ActivityNotification::ControllerSpec::RequestUtility let(:target_params) { { target_type: target_type }.merge(extra_params || {}) } describe "GET #index" do context "with target_type and target_id parameters" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ target_id: test_target, typed_target_param => 'dummy' }), valid_session end it "returns 200 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "assigns notification index as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications)).to eq([@notification]) end it "renders the :index template" do expect(response).to render_template :index end end context "with target_type and (typed_target)_id parameters" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 200 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "assigns notification index as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications)).to eq([@notification]) end it "renders the :index template" do expect(response).to render_template :index end end context "without target_type parameters" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) get_with_compatibility :index, { typed_target_param => test_target }, valid_session end it "returns 400 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(400) end end context "with not found (typed_target)_id parameter" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) end it "raises ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound" do if ENV['AN_TEST_DB'] == 'mongodb' expect { get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => 0 }), valid_session }.to raise_error(Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound) else expect { get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => 0 }), valid_session }.to raise_error(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) end end end context "with filter parameter" do context "with unopened as filter" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, filter: 'unopened' }), valid_session end it "assigns unopened notification index as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications)).to eq([@notification]) end end context "with opened as filter" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, filter: 'opened' }), valid_session end it "assigns unopened notification index as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications)).to eq([]) end end end context "with limit parameter" do before do create(:notification, target: test_target) create(:notification, target: test_target) end context "with 2 as limit" do before do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, limit: 2 }), valid_session end it "assigns notification index of size 2 as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(2) end end context "with 1 as limit" do before do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, limit: 1 }), valid_session end it "assigns notification index of size 1 as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(1) end end end context "with reload parameter" do context "with false as reload" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, reload: false }), valid_session end it "returns 200 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "does not assign notification index as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications)).to be_nil end it "renders the :index template" do expect(response).to render_template :index end end end context "with reverse parameter" do before do @notifiable = create(:article) @group = create(:article) @key = 'test.key.1' @notification2 = create(:notification, target: test_target, notifiable: @notifiable) @notification1 = create(:notification, target: test_target, notifiable: create(:comment), group: @group, created_at: @notification2.created_at + 10.second) @notification3 = create(:notification, target: test_target, notifiable: create(:article), key: @key, created_at: @notification2.created_at + 20.second)! end context "as default" do before do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns the latest order" do expect(assigns(:notifications)[0]).to eq(@notification1) expect(assigns(:notifications)[1]).to eq(@notification2) expect(assigns(:notifications)[2]).to eq(@notification3) expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(3) end end context "with true as reverse" do before do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, reverse: true }), valid_session end it "returns the earliest order" do expect(assigns(:notifications)[0]).to eq(@notification2) expect(assigns(:notifications)[1]).to eq(@notification1) expect(assigns(:notifications)[2]).to eq(@notification3) expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(3) end end end context "with options filter parameters" do before do @notifiable = create(:article) @group = create(:article) @key = 'test.key.1' @notification2 = create(:notification, target: test_target, notifiable: @notifiable) @notification1 = create(:notification, target: test_target, notifiable: create(:comment), group: @group, created_at: @notification2.created_at + 10.second) @notification3 = create(:notification, target: test_target, notifiable: create(:article), key: @key, created_at: @notification2.created_at + 20.second)! end context 'with filtered_by_type parameter' do it "returns filtered notifications only" do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, filtered_by_type: 'Article' }), valid_session expect(assigns(:notifications)[0]).to eq(@notification2) expect(assigns(:notifications)[1]).to eq(@notification3) expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(2) end end context 'with filtered_by_group_type and filtered_by_group_id parameters' do it "returns filtered notifications only" do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, filtered_by_group_type: 'Article', filtered_by_group_id: }), valid_session expect(assigns(:notifications)[0]).to eq(@notification1) expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(1) end end context 'with filtered_by_key parameter' do it "returns filtered notifications only" do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, filtered_by_key: @key }), valid_session expect(assigns(:notifications)[0]).to eq(@notification3) expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(1) end end context 'with later_than parameter' do it "returns filtered notifications only" do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, later_than: (@notification1.created_at.in_time_zone + 0.001).iso8601(3) }), valid_session expect(assigns(:notifications)[0]).to eq(@notification3) expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(1) end end context 'with earlier_than parameter' do it "returns filtered notifications only" do get_with_compatibility :index, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, earlier_than: @notification1.created_at.iso8601(3) }), valid_session expect(assigns(:notifications)[0]).to eq(@notification2) expect(assigns(:notifications).size).to eq(1) end end end end describe "POST #open_all" do context "http direct POST request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) expect(@notification.opened?).to be_falsey post_with_compatibility :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "opens all notifications of the target" do expect(@notification.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end it "redirects to :index" do expect(response).to redirect_to action: :index end end context "http POST request from root_path" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) expect(@notification.opened?).to be_falsey request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = root_path post_with_compatibility :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "opens all notifications of the target" do expect(@notification.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end it "redirects to root_path as request.referer" do expect(response).to redirect_to root_path end end context "Ajax POST request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) expect(@notification.opened?).to be_falsey xhr_with_compatibility :post, :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 200 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "assigns notification index as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications)).to eq([@notification]) end it "opens all notifications of the target" do expect(assigns(:notifications).first.opened?).to be_truthy end it "renders the :open_all template as format js" do expect(response).to render_template :open_all, format: :js end end context "with filter request parameters" do before do @target_1, @notifiable_1, @group_1, @key_1 = create(:confirmed_user), create(:article), nil, "key.1" @target_2, @notifiable_2, @group_2, @key_2 = create(:confirmed_user), create(:comment), @notifiable_1, "key.2" @notification_1 = create(:notification, target: test_target, notifiable: @notifiable_1, group: @group_1, key: @key_1) @notification_2 = create(:notification, target: test_target, notifiable: @notifiable_2, group: @group_2, key: @key_2, created_at: @notification_1.created_at + 10.second) expect(@notification_1.opened?).to be_falsey expect(@notification_2.opened?).to be_falsey end context "with filtered_by_type request parameters" do it "opens filtered notifications only" do post_with_compatibility :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, 'filtered_by_type' => @notifiable_2.to_class_name }), valid_session expect(@notification_1.reload.opened?).to be_falsey expect(@notification_2.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end end context 'with filtered_by_group_type and :filtered_by_group_id request parameters' do it "opens filtered notifications only" do post_with_compatibility :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, 'filtered_by_group_type' => 'Article', 'filtered_by_group_id' => }), valid_session expect(@notification_1.reload.opened?).to be_falsey expect(@notification_2.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end end context 'with filtered_by_key request parameters' do it "opens filtered notifications only" do post_with_compatibility :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, 'filtered_by_key' => 'key.2' }), valid_session expect(@notification_1.reload.opened?).to be_falsey expect(@notification_2.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end end context 'with later_than parameter' do it "opens filtered notifications only" do post_with_compatibility :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, later_than: (@notification_1.created_at.in_time_zone + 0.001).iso8601(3) }), valid_session expect(@notification_1.reload.opened?).to be_falsey expect(@notification_2.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end end context 'with earlier_than parameter' do it "opens filtered notifications only" do post_with_compatibility :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target, earlier_than: @notification_2.created_at.iso8601(3) }), valid_session expect(@notification_1.reload.opened?).to be_truthy expect(@notification_2.reload.opened?).to be_falsey end end context "with no filter request parameters" do it "opens all notifications of the target" do post_with_compatibility :open_all, target_params.merge({ typed_target_param => test_target}), valid_session expect(@notification_1.reload.opened?).to be_truthy expect(@notification_2.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end end end end describe "GET #show" do context "with id, target_type and (typed_target)_id parameters" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) get_with_compatibility :show, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 200 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "assigns the requested notification as @notification" do expect(assigns(:notification)).to eq(@notification) end it "renders the :index template" do expect(response).to render_template :show end end context "with wrong id and (typed_target)_id parameters" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: create(:user)) get_with_compatibility :show, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 403 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(403) end end end describe "DELETE #destroy" do context "http direct DELETE request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) delete_with_compatibility :destroy, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "deletes the notification" do expect(test_target.notifications.where(id: be_falsey end it "redirects to :index" do expect(response).to redirect_to action: :index end end context "http DELETE request from root_path" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = root_path delete_with_compatibility :destroy, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "deletes the notification" do expect(assigns(test_target.notifications.where(id: be_falsey end it "redirects to root_path as request.referer" do expect(response).to redirect_to root_path end end context "Ajax DELETE request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) xhr_with_compatibility :delete, :destroy, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 200 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "assigns notification index as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications)).to eq([]) end it "deletes the notification" do expect(assigns(test_target.notifications.where(id: be_falsey end it "renders the :destroy template as format js" do expect(response).to render_template :destroy, format: :js end end end describe "PUT #open" do context "without move parameter" do context "http direct PUT request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) expect(@notification.opened?).to be_falsey put_with_compatibility :open, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "opens the notification" do expect(@notification.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end it "redirects to :index" do expect(response).to redirect_to action: :index end end context "http PUT request from root_path" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) expect(@notification.opened?).to be_falsey request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = root_path put_with_compatibility :open, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "opens the notification" do expect(@notification.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end it "redirects to root_path as request.referer" do expect(response).to redirect_to root_path end end context "Ajax PUT request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) expect(@notification.opened?).to be_falsey request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] = root_path xhr_with_compatibility :put, :open, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 200 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(200) end it "assigns notification index as @notifications" do expect(assigns(:notifications)).to eq([@notification]) end it "opens the notification" do expect(@notification.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end it "renders the :open template as format js" do expect(response).to render_template :open, format: :js end end end context "with true as move parameter" do context "http direct PUT request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) expect(@notification.opened?).to be_falsey put_with_compatibility :open, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target, move: true }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "opens the notification" do expect(@notification.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end it "redirects to notifiable_path" do expect(response).to redirect_to @notification.notifiable_path end end end end describe "GET #move" do context "without open parameter" do context "http direct GET request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) get_with_compatibility :move, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "redirects to notifiable_path" do expect(response).to redirect_to @notification.notifiable_path end end end context "with true as open parameter" do context "http direct GET request" do before do @notification = create(:notification, target: test_target) expect(@notification.opened?).to be_falsey get_with_compatibility :move, target_params.merge({ id: @notification, typed_target_param => test_target, open: true }), valid_session end it "returns 302 as http status code" do expect(response.status).to eq(302) end it "opens the notification" do expect(@notification.reload.opened?).to be_truthy end it "redirects to notifiable_path" do expect(response).to redirect_to @notification.notifiable_path end end end end end