# Keeps track of options and calls phantoimjs to run the render script. # TODO: make debug mode continually dump stderr to parent stderr, plus add debugging to render script # TODO: add a header and footer to the page, printheaderfooter.coffee # TODO: support for injectjs? http://phantomjs.org/tips-and-tricks.html # and maybe page.evaluate(function() { document.body.bgColor = 'white'; }); # TODO: fix syntax of non-background mode, make retrieving data easier # TODO: allow constructor to accept multiple hashes, add merge method to merge options hashes # TODO: add ability to specify max number of processes in process_monitor # TODO: add onResourceTimeout: https://github.com/onlyurei/phantomjs/commit/fa5a3504070f86a99f11469a3b7eb17a0b005ef7 # TODO: add cookiefile support? # TODO: should block if user tries to launch too man phantom processes? Like SizedQueue. # TODO: wow --config=file sucks. maybe add a way to specify cmdline args again? # either that or fix phantomjs... https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/12265 https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/issues/11775 # TODO: test that page.customHeaders appear in the network requests (how....?) # maybe: # TODO: support casperjs? # TODO: fill in both "can read partial" tests # TODO: include lots of info about page load in logfile # TODO: documentation! probably using sdoc or yard? # TODO: possible to test margins? printmargins.coffee # TODO: bl.ocks.org/mbostock: page renders before it's done downloading. able to add arbitrary delay or js function to wait before rendering? require 'hashie/mash' require 'shrimple/phantom' require 'shrimple/default_config' class Shrimple attr_accessor :options # allows setting config options directly on this object: s.timeout = 10 def method_missing name, *args, &block options.send(name, *args, &block) end def initialize opts={} @options = Hashie::Mash.new(Shrimple::DefaultConfig) @options.deep_merge!(opts) self.executable ||= self.class.default_executable self.renderer ||= self.class.default_renderer end # might be time to allow method_missing to handle these helpers... def render_pdf src, *opts render src, {render: {format: 'pdf'}}, *opts end def render_png src, *opts render src, {render: {format: 'png'}}, *opts end def render_jpeg src, *opts render src, {render: {format: 'jpeg'}}, *opts end def render_gif src, *opts render src, {render: {format: 'gif'}}, *opts end def render_html src, *opts render src, {render: {format: 'html'}}, *opts end def render_text src, *opts render src, {render: {format: 'text'}}, *opts end def render src={}, *opts full_opts = get_full_options(src, *opts) phantom = Shrimple::Phantom.new(full_opts) phantom.wait unless full_opts[:background] phantom end def get_full_options src, *inopts exopts = options.dup # can't deep_dup procs so remove them and add them back onSuccess = exopts.delete(:onSuccess) onError = exopts.delete(:onError) full_opts = Shrimple.deep_dup(exopts) full_opts.merge!(onSuccess: onSuccess, onError: onError) full_opts.deep_merge!(src) if src && src.kind_of?(Hash) inopts.each { |opt| full_opts.deep_merge!(opt) } full_opts.merge!(input: src) if src && !src.kind_of?(Hash) full_opts.merge!(output: full_opts.delete(:to)) if full_opts[:to] self.class.compact!(full_opts) full_opts end # how are these not a part of Hash? def self.compact! hash hash.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? or (v.is_a?(Hash) && compact!(v).empty?) or (v.respond_to?('empty?') && v.empty?) } end def self.deep_dup hash Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(hash)) end def self.processes @processes ||= Shrimple::ProcessMonitor.new end def self.default_renderer File.expand_path('../render.js', __FILE__) end def self.default_executable (defined?(Bundler::GemfileError) ? `bundle exec which phantomjs` : `which phantomjs`).chomp end end