# == Synopsis # Media encapsulates information about a single media file # # Usage: # controller = FanartController.new(media) # controller.update # or # FanartController.update(media) class FanartController attr_reader :media_path, :image_files, :year, :media_subdirs, :title, :title_with_year def self.update(media) FanartController.new(media).update end def initialize(media) @media = media end # update the meta-data and thumbnails def update result = true unless @media.imdb_id.blank? if @media.fanart_files.empty? fetch_fanart(@media.imdb_id) link_fanart(@media.path_to(:fanart)) end end result end def link_fanart(dest_filespec) ['original', 'mid', 'cover', 'thumb'].each do |size| files = Dir.glob("#{dest_filespec}.#{size}.*") unless files.blank? filespec = files.sort.first extension = File.extname(filespec) link_filespec = dest_filespec + extension unless File.exist?(link_filespec) File.link(filespec, link_filespec) end break end end end protected def fetch_fanart(imdb_id) profile = TmdbProfile.new(imdb_id, TMDB_API_KEY, @media.path_to(:tmdb_xml)) indexes = {} unless profile.nil? || profile.movie.blank? movie = profile.movie unless movie['fanarts'].blank? fanarts = movie['fanarts'] fanarts.each do |fanart| AppConfig[:logger].debug { "#{fanart.inspect}" } src_url = fanart['content'] unless src_url.blank? dest_filespec = FanartController.get_destination_filespec(@media.media_path, fanart, indexes) unless File.exist?(dest_filespec) AppConfig[:logger].info { "src_url => #{src_url}" } AppConfig[:logger].info { "dest_fanart_filespec => #{dest_filespec}" } copy_fanart(src_url, dest_filespec) end end end end end end def FanartController.get_destination_filespec(media_path, fanart, indexes) extension = File.extname(fanart['content']) size = fanart['size'] unless size.blank? indexes[size] ||= -1 indexes[size] += 1 extension = ".#{size}.#{indexes[size]}#{extension}" end fanart_filename = DvdProfiler2Xbmc.generate_filespec(media_path, :fanart, :extension => extension) end # download the fanart def copy_fanart(src_url, dest_filespec) begin data = open(src_url).read File.open(dest_filespec, 'w') do |file| file.print(data) end rescue Exception => e AppConfig[:logger].error { "Error fetching fanart.\n src_url => #{src_url},\n dest_filespec => #{dest_filespec}\n #{e.to_s}" } end end end