# frozen_string_literal: true require "cgi" require "oga" require "pakyow/support/inflector" require "pakyow/support/silenceable" # String-based XML document optimized for fast manipulation and rendering. # # In Pakyow, we rarely care about every node in a document. Instead, only significant nodes and # immediate children are available for manipulation. StringDoc provides "just enough" for our # purposes. A StringDoc is represented as a multi- dimensional array of strings, making # rendering essentially a +flatten.join+. # # Because less work is performed during render, StringDoc is consistently faster than rendering # a document using Nokigiri or Oga. One obvious tradeoff is that parsing is much slower (we use # Oga to parse the XML, then convert it into a StringDoc). This is an acceptable tradeoff # because we only pay the parsing cost once (when the Pakyow application boots). # # All that to say, StringDoc is a tool that is very specialized to Pakyow's use-case. Use it # only when a longer parse time is acceptable and you only care about a handful of identifiable # nodes in a document. # class StringDoc require "string_doc/attributes" require "string_doc/node" require "string_doc/meta_node" class << self # Creates an empty doc. # def empty allocate.tap do |doc| doc.instance_variable_set(:@nodes, []) doc.instance_variable_set(:@collapsed, nil) end end # Registers a significant node with a name and an object to handle parsing. # def significant(name, object, descend: true) significant_types[name] = { object: object, descend: descend } end # Creates a +StringDoc+ from an array of +Node+ objects. # def from_nodes(nodes) allocate.tap do |instance| instance.instance_variable_set(:@nodes, nodes) instance.instance_variable_set(:@collapsed, nil) nodes.each do |node| node.parent = instance end end end # Yields nodes from an oga document, breadth-first. # def breadth_first(doc) queue = [doc] until queue.empty? element = queue.shift if element == doc queue.concat(element.children.to_a); next end yield element end end # Returns attributes for an oga element. # def attributes(element) if element.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element) element.attributes else [] end end # Builds a string-based representation of attributes for an oga element. # def attributes_string(element) attributes(element).each_with_object(String.new) do |attribute, string| string << " #{attribute.name}=\"#{attribute.value}\"" end end # Determines the significance of +element+. # def find_significance(element) significant_types.each_with_object([]) do |(key, info), significance| if info[:object].significant?(element) significance << key end end end # Returns true if the given Oga element contains a child node that is significant. # def contains_significant_child?(element) element.children.each do |child| return true if find_significance(child).any? return true if contains_significant_child?(child) end false end # @api private def significant_types @significant_types ||= {} end # @api private def nodes_from_doc_or_string(doc_node_or_string) case doc_node_or_string when StringDoc doc_node_or_string.nodes when Node, MetaNode [doc_node_or_string] else StringDoc.new(doc_node_or_string.to_s).nodes end end end include Pakyow::Support::Silenceable # Array of +Node+ objects. # attr_reader :nodes, :collapsed # Creates a +StringDoc+ from an html string. # def initialize(html) @nodes = parse(Oga.parse_html(html)) @collapsed = nil end # @api private def initialize_copy(_) super @nodes = @nodes.map { |node| node.dup.tap do |duped_node| duped_node.parent = self end } end # @api private def soft_copy instance = self.class.allocate instance.instance_variable_set(:@nodes, @nodes.map { |node| duped_node = node.soft_copy duped_node.parent = instance duped_node }) instance.instance_variable_set(:@collapsed, @collapsed) instance end include Enumerable def each(descend: false, &block) return enum_for(:each, descend: descend) unless block_given? @nodes.each do |node| yield node if descend || node.label(:descend) != false if node.children.is_a?(StringDoc) node.children.each(descend: descend, &block) else yield node.children end end end end # Yields each node matching the significant type. # def each_significant_node(type, descend: false) return enum_for(:each_significant_node, type, descend: descend) unless block_given? each(descend: descend) do |node| yield node if (node.is_a?(Node) || node.is_a?(MetaNode)) && node.significant?(type) end end # Yields each node matching the significant type, without descending into nodes that are of that type. # def each_significant_node_without_descending_into_type(type, descend: false, &block) return enum_for(:each_significant_node_without_descending_into_type, type, descend: descend) unless block_given? @nodes.each do |node| if node.is_a?(Node) || node.is_a?(MetaNode) if node.significant?(type) yield node else if descend || node.label(:descend) != false if node.children.is_a?(StringDoc) node.children.each_significant_node_without_descending_into_type(type, descend: descend, &block) else yield node.children end end end end end end # Yields each node matching the significant type and name. # # @see find_significant_nodes # def each_significant_node_with_name(type, name, descend: false) return enum_for(:each_significant_node_with_name, type, name, descend: descend) unless block_given? each_significant_node(type, descend: descend) do |node| yield node if node.label(type) == name end end # Returns the first node matching the significant type. # def find_first_significant_node(type, descend: false) each(descend: descend).find { |node| node.significant?(type) } end # Returns nodes matching the significant type. # def find_significant_nodes(type, descend: false) [].tap do |nodes| each_significant_node(type, descend: descend) do |node| nodes << node end end end # Returns nodes matching the significant type and name. # # @see find_significant_nodes # def find_significant_nodes_with_name(type, name, descend: false) [].tap do |nodes| each_significant_node_with_name(type, name, descend: descend) do |node| nodes << node end end end # Clears all nodes. # def clear tap do @nodes.clear end end alias remove clear # Replaces the current document. # # Accepts a +StringDoc+ or XML +String+. # def replace(doc_or_string) tap do nodes = self.class.nodes_from_doc_or_string(doc_or_string) nodes.each do |node| node.parent = self end @nodes = nodes end end # Appends to this document. # # Accepts a +StringDoc+ or XML +String+. # def append(doc_or_string) tap do nodes = self.class.nodes_from_doc_or_string(doc_or_string) nodes.each do |node| node.parent = self end @nodes.concat(nodes) end end # Appends raw html to this document, without parsing. # def append_html(html) tap do node = Node.new(html.to_s) node.parent = self @nodes << node end end # Prepends to this document. # # Accepts a +StringDoc+ or XML +String+. # def prepend(doc_or_string) tap do nodes = self.class.nodes_from_doc_or_string(doc_or_string) nodes.each do |node| node.parent = self end @nodes.unshift(*nodes) end end # Inserts a node after another node contained in this document. # def insert_after(node_to_insert, after_node) tap do if after_node_index = @nodes.index(after_node) nodes = self.class.nodes_from_doc_or_string(node_to_insert) nodes.each do |node| node.parent = self end @nodes.insert(after_node_index + 1, *nodes) end end end # Inserts a node before another node contained in this document. # def insert_before(node_to_insert, before_node) tap do if before_node_index = @nodes.index(before_node) nodes = self.class.nodes_from_doc_or_string(node_to_insert) nodes.each do |node| node.parent = self end @nodes.insert(before_node_index, *nodes) end end end # Removes a node from the document. # def remove_node(node_to_delete) tap do @nodes.delete_if { |node| node.object_id == node_to_delete.object_id } end end # Replaces a node from the document. # def replace_node(node_to_replace, replacement_node) tap do if replace_node_index = @nodes.index(node_to_replace) nodes_to_insert = self.class.nodes_from_doc_or_string(replacement_node) nodes_to_insert.each do |node| node.parent = self end @nodes.insert(replace_node_index + 1, *nodes_to_insert) @nodes.delete_at(replace_node_index) end end end def render(output = String.new, context: nil) if collapsed && empty? output << collapsed else nodes.each do |node| case node when MetaNode node.render(output, context: context) when Node node.render(output, context: context) else output << node.to_s end end output end end alias :to_html :render alias :to_xml :render # Returns the node as an xml string, without transforming. # def to_s @nodes.each_with_object(String.new) do |node, string| string << node.to_s end end def ==(other) other.is_a?(StringDoc) && @nodes == other.nodes end def collapse(*significance) if significance?(*significance) @nodes.each do |node| node.children.collapse(*significance) end else @collapsed = to_xml @nodes = [] end @collapsed end def significance?(*significance) @nodes.any? { |node| node.significance?(*significance) || node.children.significance?(*significance) } end def remove_empty_nodes @nodes.each do |node| node.children.remove_empty_nodes end unless empty? @nodes.delete_if(&:empty?) end end def empty? @nodes.empty? end def transforms? @nodes.any?(&:transforms?) end private # Parses an Oga document into an array of +Node+ objects. # def parse(doc) nodes = [] unless doc.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element) || !doc.respond_to?(:doctype) || doc.doctype.nil? nodes << Node.new("") end self.class.breadth_first(doc) do |element| significance = self.class.find_significance(element) unless significance.any? || self.class.contains_significant_child?(element) # Nothing inside of the node is significant, so collapse it to a single node. nodes << Node.new(element.to_xml); next end node = if significance.any? build_significant_node(element, significance) elsif element.is_a?(Oga::XML::Text) || element.is_a?(Oga::XML::Comment) Node.new(element.to_xml) else Node.new("<#{element.name}#{self.class.attributes_string(element)}") end if element.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element) node.close(element.name, parse(element)) end nodes << node end nodes end # Attributes that should be prefixed with +data-+ # DATA_ATTRS = %i(ui binding endpoint endpoint-action version).freeze # Attributes that will be turned into +StringDoc+ labels # LABEL_ATTRS = %i(ui mode version include exclude endpoint endpoint-action prototype binding dataset).freeze LABEL_MAPPING = {}.freeze # Attributes that should be deleted from the view # DELETED_ATTRS = %i(include exclude prototype mode dataset).freeze ATTR_MAPPING = { binding: :b, endpoint: :e, "endpoint-action": :"e-a", version: :v }.freeze def attributes_hash(element) StringDoc.attributes(element).each_with_object({}) { |attribute, elements| elements[attribute.name.to_sym] = CGI.escape_html(attribute.value.to_s) } end def labels_hash(element) StringDoc.attributes(element).dup.each_with_object({}) { |attribute, labels| attribute_name = attribute.name.to_sym if LABEL_ATTRS.include?(attribute_name) labels[LABEL_MAPPING.fetch(attribute_name, attribute_name)] = attribute.value.to_s.to_sym end } end def build_significant_node(element, significance) node = if element.is_a?(Oga::XML::Element) attributes = attributes_hash(element).each_with_object({}) { |(key, value), remapped_attributes| unless DELETED_ATTRS.include?(key) remapped_key = ATTR_MAPPING.fetch(key, key) if DATA_ATTRS.include?(key) remapped_key = :"data-#{remapped_key}" end remapped_attributes[remapped_key] = value || "" end } labels = labels_hash(element) if labels.include?(:binding) post_process_binding!(element, attributes, labels) end significance_options = significance.map { |significant_type| self.class.significant_types[significant_type] } labels[:descend] = significance_options.all? { |options| options[:descend] == true } Node.new("<#{element.name}", Attributes.new(attributes), significance: significance, labels: labels, parent: self) else name = element.text.strip.match(/@[^\s]*\s*([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*)/)[1] labels = significance.each_with_object({}) { |significant_type, labels_hash| # FIXME: remove this special case logic labels_hash[significant_type] = if name.empty? && significant_type == :container Pakyow::Presenter::Page::DEFAULT_CONTAINER else name.to_sym end } Node.new(element.to_xml, significance: significance, parent: self, labels: labels) end significance.each do |significant_type| object = StringDoc.significant_types.dig(significant_type, :object) if object && object.respond_to?(:decorate) object.decorate(node) end end node end def post_process_binding!(element, attributes, labels) channel = semantic_channel_for_element(element) binding = labels[:binding].to_s if binding.start_with?("@") plug, binding = binding.split(".", 2) plug_name, plug_instance = plug.split("(", 2) if plug_instance plug_instance = plug_instance[0..-2] else plug_instance = :default end labels[:plug] = { name: plug_name[1..-1].to_sym, instance: plug_instance.to_sym, } labels[:plug][:key] = if labels[:plug][:instance] == :default "@#{labels[:plug][:name]}" else "@#{labels[:plug][:name]}.#{labels[:plug][:instance]}" end end binding_parts = binding.split(":").map(&:to_sym) binding_name, binding_prop = binding_parts[0].to_s.split(".", 2).map(&:to_sym) plural_binding_name = Pakyow::Support.inflector.pluralize(binding_name).to_sym singular_binding_name = Pakyow::Support.inflector.singularize(binding_name).to_sym labels[:binding] = binding_name labels[:plural_binding] = plural_binding_name labels[:singular_binding] = singular_binding_name if binding_prop labels[:binding_prop] = binding_prop end channel.concat(binding_parts[1..-1]) labels[:channeled_binding] = [binding_name].concat(channel).join(":").to_sym labels[:plural_channeled_binding] = [plural_binding_name].concat(channel).join(":").to_sym labels[:singular_channeled_binding] = [singular_binding_name].concat(channel).join(":").to_sym attributes[:"data-b"] = [binding_parts[0]].concat(channel).join(":") end SEMANTIC_TAGS = %w( form ).freeze def semantic_channel_for_element(element, channel = []) if SEMANTIC_TAGS.include?(element.name) channel << element.name.to_sym end channel end end