# frozen_string_literal: true module MiniRacer class Context class ExternalFunction private def notify_v8 name = @name.encode(::Encoding::UTF_8) wrapped = lambda do |*args| converted = @parent.send(:convert_js_to_ruby, args) begin result = @callback.call(*converted) rescue Polyglot::ForeignException => e e = RuntimeError.new(e.message) e.set_backtrace(e.backtrace) @parent.instance_variable_set(:@current_exception, e) raise e rescue => e @parent.instance_variable_set(:@current_exception, e) raise e end @parent.send(:convert_ruby_to_js, result) end if @parent_object.nil? # set global name to proc result = @parent.eval_in_context('this') result[name] = wrapped else parent_object_eval = @parent_object_eval.encode(::Encoding::UTF_8) begin result = @parent.eval_in_context(parent_object_eval) rescue Polyglot::ForeignException, StandardError => e raise ParseError, "Was expecting #{@parent_object} to be an object", e.backtrace end result[name] = wrapped # set evaluated object results name to proc end end end def heap_stats { total_physical_size: 0, total_heap_size_executable: 0, total_heap_size: 0, used_heap_size: 0, heap_size_limit: 0, } end def stop if @entered @context.stop @stopped = true stop_attached end end private @context_initialized = false @use_strict = false def init_unsafe(isolate, snapshot) unless defined?(Polyglot::InnerContext) raise "TruffleRuby #{RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION} does not have support for inner contexts, use a more recent version" end unless Polyglot.languages.include? "js" raise "The language 'js' is not available, you likely need to `export TRUFFLERUBYOPT='--jvm --polyglot'`\n" \ "You also need to install the 'js' component with 'gu install js' on GraalVM 22.2+\n" \ "Note that you need TruffleRuby+GraalVM and not just the TruffleRuby standalone to use MiniRacer" end @context = Polyglot::InnerContext.new(on_cancelled: -> { raise ScriptTerminatedError, 'JavaScript was terminated (either by timeout or explicitly)' }) Context.instance_variable_set(:@context_initialized, true) @js_object = @context.eval('js', 'Object') @isolate_mutex = Mutex.new @stopped = false @entered = false @has_entered = false @current_exception = nil if isolate && snapshot isolate.instance_variable_set(:@snapshot, snapshot) end if snapshot @snapshot = snapshot elsif isolate @snapshot = isolate.instance_variable_get(:@snapshot) else @snapshot = nil end @is_object_or_array_func, @is_time_func, @js_date_to_time_func, @is_symbol_func, @js_symbol_to_symbol_func, @js_new_date_func, @js_new_array_func = eval_in_context <<-CODE [ (x) => { return (x instanceof Object || x instanceof Array) && !(x instanceof Date) && !(x instanceof Function) }, (x) => { return x instanceof Date }, (x) => { return x.getTime(x) }, (x) => { return typeof x === 'symbol' }, (x) => { var r = x.description; return r === undefined ? 'undefined' : r }, (x) => { return new Date(x) }, (x) => { return new Array(x) }, ] CODE end def dispose_unsafe @context.close end def eval_unsafe(str, filename) @entered = true if !@has_entered && @snapshot snapshot_src = encode(@snapshot.instance_variable_get(:@source)) begin eval_in_context(snapshot_src, filename) rescue Polyglot::ForeignException => e raise RuntimeError, e.message, e.backtrace end end @has_entered = true raise RuntimeError, "TruffleRuby does not support eval after stop" if @stopped raise TypeError, "wrong type argument #{str.class} (should be a string)" unless str.is_a?(String) raise TypeError, "wrong type argument #{filename.class} (should be a string)" unless filename.nil? || filename.is_a?(String) str = encode(str) begin translate do eval_in_context(str, filename) end rescue Polyglot::ForeignException => e raise RuntimeError, e.message, e.backtrace rescue ::RuntimeError => e if @current_exception e = @current_exception @current_exception = nil raise e else raise e, e.message end end ensure @entered = false end def call_unsafe(function_name, *arguments) @entered = true if !@has_entered && @snapshot src = encode(@snapshot.instance_variable_get(:source)) begin eval_in_context(src) rescue Polyglot::ForeignException => e raise RuntimeError, e.message, e.backtrace end end @has_entered = true raise RuntimeError, "TruffleRuby does not support call after stop" if @stopped begin translate do function = eval_in_context(function_name) function.call(*convert_ruby_to_js(arguments)) end rescue Polyglot::ForeignException => e raise RuntimeError, e.message, e.backtrace end ensure @entered = false end def create_isolate_value # Returning a dummy object since TruffleRuby does not have a 1-1 concept with isolate. # However, code and ASTs are shared between contexts. Isolate.new end def isolate_mutex @isolate_mutex end def translate convert_js_to_ruby yield rescue Object => e message = e.message if @current_exception raise @current_exception elsif e.message && e.message.start_with?('SyntaxError:') error_class = MiniRacer::ParseError elsif e.is_a?(MiniRacer::ScriptTerminatedError) error_class = MiniRacer::ScriptTerminatedError else error_class = MiniRacer::RuntimeError end if error_class == MiniRacer::RuntimeError bls = e.backtrace_locations&.select { |bl| bl&.source_location&.language == 'js' } if bls && !bls.empty? if '(eval)' != bls[0].path message = "#{e.message}\n at #{bls[0]}\n" + bls[1..].map(&:to_s).join("\n") else message = "#{e.message}\n" + bls.map(&:to_s).join("\n") end end raise error_class, message else raise error_class, message, e.backtrace end end def convert_js_to_ruby(value) case value when true, false, Integer, Float value else if value.nil? nil elsif value.respond_to?(:call) MiniRacer::JavaScriptFunction.new elsif value.respond_to?(:to_str) value.to_str.dup elsif value.respond_to?(:to_ary) value.to_ary.map do |e| if e.respond_to?(:call) nil else convert_js_to_ruby(e) end end elsif time?(value) js_date_to_time(value) elsif symbol?(value) js_symbol_to_symbol(value) else object = value h = {} object.instance_variables.each do |member| v = object[member] unless v.respond_to?(:call) h[member.to_s] = convert_js_to_ruby(v) end end h end end end def object_or_array?(val) @is_object_or_array_func.call(val) end def time?(value) @is_time_func.call(value) end def js_date_to_time(value) millis = @js_date_to_time_func.call(value) Time.at(Rational(millis, 1000)) end def symbol?(value) @is_symbol_func.call(value) end def js_symbol_to_symbol(value) @js_symbol_to_symbol_func.call(value).to_s.to_sym end def js_new_date(value) @js_new_date_func.call(value) end def js_new_array(size) @js_new_array_func.call(size) end def convert_ruby_to_js(value) case value when nil, true, false, Integer, Float value when Array ary = js_new_array(value.size) value.each_with_index do |v, i| ary[i] = convert_ruby_to_js(v) end ary when Hash h = @js_object.new value.each_pair do |k, v| h[convert_ruby_to_js(k.to_s)] = convert_ruby_to_js(v) end h when String, Symbol Truffle::Interop.as_truffle_string value when Time js_new_date(value.to_f * 1000) when DateTime js_new_date(value.to_time.to_f * 1000) else "Undefined Conversion" end end def encode(string) raise ArgumentError unless string string.encode(::Encoding::UTF_8) end class_eval <<-'RUBY', "(mini_racer)", 1 def eval_in_context(code, file = nil); code = ('"use strict";' + code) if Context.instance_variable_get(:@use_strict); @context.eval('js', code, file || '(mini_racer)'); end RUBY end class Isolate def init_with_snapshot(snapshot) # TruffleRuby does not have a 1-1 concept with isolate. # However, isolate can hold a snapshot, and code and ASTs are shared between contexts. @snapshot = snapshot end def low_memory_notification GC.start end def idle_notification(idle_time) true end end class Platform def self.set_flag_as_str!(flag) raise TypeError, "wrong type argument #{flag.class} (should be a string)" unless flag.is_a?(String) raise MiniRacer::PlatformAlreadyInitialized, "The platform is already initialized." if Context.instance_variable_get(:@context_initialized) Context.instance_variable_set(:@use_strict, true) if "--use_strict" == flag end end class Snapshot def load(str) raise TypeError, "wrong type argument #{str.class} (should be a string)" unless str.is_a?(String) # Intentionally noop since TruffleRuby mocks the snapshot API end def warmup_unsafe!(src) raise TypeError, "wrong type argument #{src.class} (should be a string)" unless src.is_a?(String) # Intentionally noop since TruffleRuby mocks the snapshot API # by replaying snapshot source before the first eval/call self end end end